People in this forum


New Member
Jan 26, 2006
the people in this forum piss me off cause they think there cool sitting on there computer all day waiting for some one to post a thread... you have no life and probly live with your parents ... funny thing isat school just trying to make you ppl mad you realy are serious about this stuff .... get out of front of the computer and do something with your life ..... FACE!!!!
LameFish said:
the people in this forum piss me off cause they think there cool sitting on there computer all day waiting for some one to post a thread... you have no life and probly live with your parents ... funny thing isat school just trying to make you ppl mad you realy are serious about this stuff .... get out of front of the computer and do something with your life ..... FACE!!!!
I wish I was still in high school and lived with my parents. A hell of a lot easier than being on maternity leave home alone (baby doesn't count, she doesn't talk back yet and just sleeps all day), sleepless nights, cleaning, and paying bills. I'm sure Mr. Lamedick is such a cool guy. Let me guess-you're a world famous neruosurgeon, right? Let me bow down and kiss your feet. I am not worthy to be in your presence.
Hey Cold Fish, I've been offline for two ****ing weeks. what slimey hole did you crawl out of? ;)
LameFish said:
the people in this forum piss me off cause they think there cool sitting on there computer all day waiting for some one to post a thread... you have no life and probly live with your parents ... funny thing isat school just trying to make you ppl mad you realy are serious about this stuff .... get out of front of the computer and do something with your life ..... FACE!!!!
How did you know? All I do is wait on the computer for a new thread to post itself (I would never start a topic on my own) I shudder and sweat if 3 to 4 hours go by after staring at the monitor the whole time and nothing new appears! Several times a week I just piss in my pants because I can't pull myself away from GF to go to the bathroom!
ez guys you cant be mad at neardy selfs this much its no good for health... so get off the internet porn.. go run a lap or two around the yard... go get a dog or something... i dont know just stop waiting around all day for ppl to post on this forum... its sad.. and yes you should be kissing my feet ... me being far superior than any of you make me better mainly cause your all morons... and internet=life... sucks knowning the truth
****, if I'm away from the screen for more then 5 minutes, my ****ing body starts to twitch from withdrawl.. So tell us something we don't know LameFish.
LameFish said:
ez guys you cant be mad at neardy selfs this much its no good for health... so get off the internet porn.. go run a lap or two around the yard... go get a dog or something... i dont know just stop waiting around all day for ppl to post on this forum... its sad.. and yes you should be kissing my feet ... me being far superior than any of you make me better mainly cause your all morons... and internet=life... sucks knowning the truth

Okay then, when we track your ip and find out you are the same suck you are describing, can we all bend you over your widescreen monitor and use your cordless mouse for your new butt-plug? :D
Personally, I just cannot have a successful jack-off session unless I'm wanking with my right hand, while my left hand is typing on the keyboard at GF.

Man, I wish I had a real life like I did back in high school, 30+ years ago.

Oh, I'm getting excited now just thinking of the image of LameFish gagging on my **** while I blow gobs of chunky spuge down his throat.


Um, thanks GF. :rolleyes:
builder said:
Okay then, when we track your ip and find out you are the same suck you are describing, can we all bend you over your widescreen monitor and use your cordless mouse for your new butt-plug? :D

The IP Address is:

The host name is:

Fox C-6 School District, 745 Jeffco Blvd., Arnold, MO 63010 (636) 296-8000 :eek:

I. C. U. asswipe! Give me a few more minutes and I figure out what building and terminal you are at so I can call the principal!

<Evil laugh> :eek:
I have a great idea !!!

How about we take away LameFish's ability to START a post, and take away his ability to respond to ONLY topics he started. and let him examine other posts first before continueing here, I would like to entertain him this fine morning, but I have a couple of errands to run before having to goto work...

So I''ll put up a poll

Lamer, if you wish to continue to participate on this board, I'd rather you give us your perspective in OTHER topics. You can't seem to start anything decent.
I'd love to see a fine young youth like Mr. LameFish here actually go make some intelligent posts.

Afterall, somebody once told me that today's youth are really smart. Just ask them and they'll tell you all about it. :rolleyes:
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
The IP Address is:

The host name is:

Fox C-6 School District, 745 Jeffco Blvd., Arnold, MO 63010 (636) 296-8000 :eek:

I. C. U. asswipe! Give me a few more minutes and I figure out what building and terminal you are at so I can call the principal!

<Evil laugh> :eek:

>> 10 !! <<
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Personally, I just cannot have a successful jack-off session unless I'm wanking with my right hand, while my left hand is typing on the keyboard at GF.

Man, I wish I had a real life like I did back in high school, 30+ years ago.

Oh, I'm getting excited now just thinking of the image of LameFish gagging on my **** while I blow gobs of chunky spuge down his throat.


Um, thanks GF. :rolleyes:
CES, you are sick and twisted! Here have some rep!
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
The IP Address is:

The host name is:

Fox C-6 School District, 745 Jeffco Blvd., Arnold, MO 63010 (636) 296-8000 :eek:

I. C. U. asswipe! Give me a few more minutes and I figure out what building and terminal you are at so I can call the principal!

<Evil laugh> :eek:

Is this guy a teacher or maybe the janitor that learned to hunt and peck?
phreakwars said:
I have a great idea !!!

How about we take away LameFish's ability to START a post, and take away his ability to respond to ONLY topics he started. and let him examine other posts first before continueing here, I would like to entertain him this fine morning, but I have a couple of errands to run before having to goto work...

So I''ll put up a poll

Lamer, if you wish to continue to participate on this board, I'd rather you give us your perspective in OTHER topics. You can't seem to start anything decent.
How about making him post with a really stupid nickname that fits his personality like ... "LameFish" ... that should be sufficient punishment.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
I'd love to see a fine young youth like Mr. LameFish here actually go make some intelligent posts.

Afterall, somebody once told me that today's youth are really smart. Just ask them and they'll tell you all about it. :rolleyes:

Yep they're really smart...This guy is living proof...
Jhony5 said:
Me thinks you scared the little ***** off, CES.

CES didn't scare him off, he just had to get to class, he logged back on about the time he would have if he were running home from school.
Too bad more parents don't watch what their kids are doing on the internet.
LameFish said:
the people in this forum piss me off cause they think there cool sitting on there computer all day waiting for some one to post a thread... you have no life and probly live with your parents ... funny thing isat school just trying to make you ppl mad you realy are serious about this stuff .... get out of front of the computer and do something with your life ..... FACE!!!!
Before you decide to go on the Net and start insulting others, you might want to learn a few things…Such as spelling, sentence structure, and coherent thought processing. Below is the corrected version of your lame attempt at a paragraph:

First we will deal with spelling…

The people in this forum piss me off because they think they’re cool sitting on their computer all day waiting for someone to post a thread... You have no life and probably live with your parents ... Funny thing is at school just trying to make you people mad you really are serious about this stuff ... Get out of front of the computer and do something with your life ..... FACE!!!

Now let us try sentence structure…

The people in this forum piss me off. They think they’re so cool, sitting on their computer all day waiting for someone to post a thread. You have no life, and probably live with your parents! The funny thing is I sit at school just trying to make you people mad. You really are serious about this stuff. Get out of the front of the computer and do something with your life. FACE!!!

Now to turn it into a coherent thought process…

The people on this forum piss me off. They think they’re so cool, sitting on their computer all day waiting for someone to make a post. I’m afraid that will be me in ten years, with no life and still living with my parents. The funny thing is, I’m sitting at school trying to make you people mad instead of learning basic English. You really are serious about this stuff. You should be more like me. I’m not serious about anything, including my education. You need to get away from the computer and do something with your life. You should take my advice, and ignore the fact that I, myself, am on the computer wasting my own life. FACE!!! That is my lame attempt at an insult that no one understands.