People that don't get my culture piss me off!

Lethalfind said:
Its unfortunate that people who actually need psychotherapy and meds come here and waste time and space rather then seeing the doctor. Having said that, I'm not sure a psychiatric med has been made to combat the "asshole" complex this guy seems to have...

Nothing can combat my assholishness (is that a word?). You need to learn your place as a woman and assume the position baby.

If you apologize I will forgive you.
how about you take my glock full in your mouth and suck the bullet out the barrel that has your name on it...or maybe you would prefer my stainless steel 38?? Just let me know when and where...
Lethalfind said:
how about you take my glock full in your mouth and suck the bullet out the barrel that has your name on it...or maybe you would prefer my stainless steel 38?? Just let me know when and where...

I'm starting to think you don't like me.

All this because I think men look gay in kilts. Hmmmm.......???

Stainless steel huh.....Thats good....because that way it won't rust 'n' stuff ya know. Rust is bad.
since I'm just a stupid woman... the stainless is so pretty and shiney...
however I prefer my colt, its small and fits in my purse so well...I also have my initials engraved in the handle.
Guns as fashion accessories...
Lethalfind said:
since I'm just a stupid woman... the stainless is so pretty and shiney...
however I prefer my colt, its small and fits in my purse so well...I also have my initials engraved in the handle.
Guns as fashion accessories...

The more you talk the more I likey. Theres something about a woman with guns. My ex thought I was a freak for having a concealed carry permit. She threw a fit everytime I walked out the door with my gun. We got pulled over for speeding once when I had my glock 45 and damn near had a ****ing nervous break down. I swear. I put my hands on the steering wheel and calmly told the officer that I have a ccp and he asked where it was. After retreiving it all he had to say was "thats a damn nice piece fella". She didn't talk to me for like 2 days after that.
Jhony5 said:
The more you talk the more I likey. Theres something about a woman with guns. My ex thought I was a freak for having a concealed carry permit. She threw a fit everytime I walked out the door with my gun. We got pulled over for speeding once when I had my glock 45 and damn near had a ****ing nervous break down. I swear. I put my hands on the steering wheel and calmly told the officer that I have a ccp and he asked where it was. After retreiving it all he had to say was "thats a damn nice piece fella". She didn't talk to me for like 2 days after that.

Now thats funny. Woman can be so well weird. What would she have said if something had come up and you had not been able to defend her because you left your Glock at home?? I don't tell people in my daily life that I have a license to carry and if I have a gun on me. It makes people nervous so whatever.
I like the glock, it has a commanding presence however its hard to hide unless your wearing a jacket, which I don't often do here in Florida. I normally carry my Colt with me. I want to get one of those safes in my truck so I can carry a bigger one concealed and safe.
I grew up with my Father always having a 38 by his bed and a shotgun, rifle and pistol grip shotgun behind the door. Their not a big deal to me of course assuming you handle them correctly.
People that can't handle that make me nuts. I'm a single Mom, no man living at home, I need to be able to defend myself should the situation arise. I won't be the one crying that someone broke into my house and raped me or stole something or whatever, I can deal.

See, we have something in common after all.
Lethalfind said:
Now thats funny. Woman can be so well weird. What would she have said if something had come up and you had not been able to defend her because you left your Glock at home?? I don't tell people in my daily life that I have a license to carry and if I have a gun on me. It makes people nervous so whatever.

Come on people let's get with the program.
Lethalfind said:
Is he mad that we diverted from his thread or mad that we are talking about guns at all...?
On second thought, who cares...

Not sure....

A couple things make this board stand out from others. One of those is that derailing threads is not against the rules. The less intresting the original topic is the more likely it is to get diverted.

Another is that 2 members can disagree to the point of exchanging **** yous in one thread and then find common ground in another.

If you see that your thread has gotten off track then you can either bring it back to its original subject or eat a warm cup of my ****.
It's your choice.
You know...I have never understood why over-moderated boards get so upset about a thread getting "derailed" or going off-topic.
When you have a conversation with someone-does it stick to one, narrow topic? Or does it broaden? Same with a thread. Which is why I like it here so much-the forum I used to frequent, the psycho-mods used to pop in and go "This is getting off-topic. Let's bring it back to original topic". WTF?!?! :eek:
I have been given 'official admin warnings' just for this sort of thing on other boards. As well I have been banned from many boards just for the smallest of offences. Internet Infidels discussion board is by far the largest discussion board I have ever seen. They are an atheist based group and despite they're anti-censorship anti-government control stance, they are a text book example of censorship and control. They have somewhere in the neighborhood of 30-50 mods and admins who continuesly badger you if you have made undesirable comments. I made a comment about gay marraige and how I saw no purpose for it other then financial/insurance reasons. I didn't flame any members or say anything egrigious however the next time I tried to log in I discovered I had been banned. Many many atheist are gay as well as many of the mods/admins so when I spoke ill of gay marraige I was ostrasized quickly.

GF is by far the best example of a free-speech discussion board. Say what you want when you want, as long as your saying something of substance. Gotta love that ****. I was a natural fit and I have a hard time participating in other boards now because I have been spoiled by the freedoms allowed me here.
I wouldn't last long on a site like that, I'm not much into being supervised. And while I find this activity interesting, it wouldn't cause me worry if someone gave me an "admin warning" or put me in the idiot box. I have to chuckle just writing that.
Lethalfind said:
I wouldn't last long on a site like that, I'm not much into being supervised. And while I find this activity interesting, it wouldn't cause me worry if someone gave me an "admin warning" or put me in the idiot box. I have to chuckle just writing that.

My problem exactly. I have a long running issue with authority figures whom have no power outside the confines of their little world. Security guards, BBS moderators, and the like. I have been asked to apologise and reconfirm the rules by some admins . Which is just an invitation to my doom on that board. Just the thought of some goofy bitch trying to control my rage with his keyboard makes me want to stick a flatblade screwdriver in his neck. Does that make me crazy? I'm not crazy am I? If I was crazy it would drive me nuts until I went crazy then everyone would know it and then I would be called crazy which makes me so mad I would go all crazy and hurt people who aren't crazy and they dont deserve to be hurt by a crazy guy that doesn't know he's crazy because that just ain't normal.
Jhony5 said:
My problem exactly. I have a long running issue with authority figures whom have no power outside the confines of their little world. Security guards, BBS moderators, and the like. I have been asked to apologise and reconfirm the rules by some admins . Which is just an invitation to my doom on that board. Just the thought of some goofy bitch trying to control my rage with his keyboard makes me want to stick a flatblade screwdriver in his neck. Does that make me crazy? I'm not crazy am I? If I was crazy it would drive me nuts until I went crazy then everyone would know it and then I would be called crazy which makes me so mad I would go all crazy and hurt people who aren't crazy and they dont deserve to be hurt by a crazy guy that doesn't know he's crazy because that just ain't normal.

LOL, I like it...
I'm the same way, asking me to apologize is a gaurantee thats the last damn thing I would do. As for apologizing to someone online...not ****in likely. If you don't like what I write then block me out. Don't cry like a little baby because I offended you. If I can offend you then you don't need to be online.
Lethalfind said:
LOL, I like it...
I'm the same way, asking me to apologize is a gaurantee thats the last damn thing I would do. As for apologizing to someone online...not ****in likely. If you don't like what I write then block me out. Don't cry like a little baby because I offended you. If I can offend you then you don't need to be online.

Personally, I think that when you offend somebody on the internet, you should have to apologize by sending them a nude picture of yourself as a sign of humility and sincere desire for forgiveness.

Did I mention that you have offended me MANY times. Better start sending girl! :p
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Personally, I think that when you offend somebody on the internet, you should have to apologize by sending them a nude picture of yourself as a sign of humility and sincere desire for forgiveness.

Did I mention that you have offended me MANY times. Better start sending girl! :p

Good try CES!

Hmm..Bye the way if that works for some reason can you let me know ;)
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Personally, I think that when you offend somebody on the internet, you should have to apologize by sending them a nude picture of yourself as a sign of humility and sincere desire for forgiveness.

I've seen your pic, with the clothes on. What makes you think that your image unclothed would make me think better of you? :D
builder said:
I've seen your pic, with the clothes on. What makes you think that your image unclothed would make me think better of you? :D

Ditto. :eek:

It was for the ladies you dolt! I knew, you wouldn't understand! :p

Tell us though, now that you won't be able to make internet sloppy sex with AIG, who's going to be your next dellusional partner? Perhaps the no longer enigmatic Anna Perenna? LOL. Afterall, if you Aussies don't stick up for each other, then you'll be alone, because nobody else in the whole world gives a **** about you! :D