People who STEAL tips piss me off


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
At the club that I work, I am ALWAYS hearing the bar help bitch about the MANAGEMENT stealing there tips. We serve dinner 3 nights a week, and Wednesday is our biggest days. On this day we are always packed to the brim and the bar staff waitresses are running there butts off waiting on everybody and serving drinks. And one of the managers walks around cleaning up tables, and takes the tips that people leave for the waitresses, and pockets them herself.

Now I ask you, what kind of bullshit is this ?? Who are there girls gonna complain to, the bitch is there boss.
I'd be organising a go-slow. Do you have unfair dismissal laws, phreak?

Are the staff on casual rates and easily dismissed?

Tough call. Do the staff sometimes pick up the tips?

In the two bars that I've worked in, all the tips go into a jar, and are divided equally between all the staff. The table staff are the visible workforce. The chefs, choppers, dish-pigs, and even the cleaners got a cut. I consider this to be fair.

Has anyone spoken to the manager about the downgrading of morale, due to this scam?
i've never heard of this, but I suspect it.

I always wonder if the bus boy gets there first before the waitress, they mind as well take the tip and make us look bad, like if we didn't leave a tip.

that pisses me off. Because I leave a good tip, 25% all the time.
Is the manager the bar owner? Is there like a.... higher manager (wow that is a stupid question)? If so you can complain to him/her. I'd stomp a bitches face in if she went for my tips (back when I was a waiter). She would have reached out a hand, and drew back a nub... I didn't play as a server. And I'd tell a deadbeat, non-tipping customer off too. I would ask them first how the service was, to which I usually recieved rave reviews. Next I would thank them for being so nice, and check to see if they needed anything else. If they didnt leave a tip, I'd go outside and tell them to kiss my ass and not come back. If they left some minescule amount and were shitty, I would follow them to the door, and hand them their money back. Stating simply that they apparently need it more than I do. Something like "if that is all that you can afford, You keep it!" :eek:

that pissed em off pretty good and made them feel like ****!! :D
phreakwars said:
The bitch that is stealing the tips, IS the manager.

Like you said prior, but is she aware of the angst her actions have created in her crew? A happy crew is a productive crew. Let her know how ****ing pissed off her actions are making the crew feel.
Kinda sucks cuz shes MY boss too. I only supervise the kitchen staff and I'm the chief cook. But I still think its bullshit what she does. Those girls are out there running there ass off to make the customers happy, and that bitch takes there ****ing money for herself.

What they do, is they assign different sections for each girl, well what happens is, after the customers are done and leave, she goes over and clears the tables (her section and theres) and picks up the tips and pockets them, the girls can't get over to pick up the tips first, because there still running there asses off.. HELL thats ALL she does, the other manager is worse, she just sits on her ass and blabs with patrons, doesn't do jack ****.
Phreak, I don't know if this is any consolation ... but, this behavior is eventually going to bite her in the ass.

1) If she is NOT the owner she will eventually get caught and fired.
2) If she is the owner then she's eventually going to run off all of the good employees, and she'll be stuck with secondary culunary skills that will spill over into her clientel and she will loose business if not her whole restaurant.
3) someone might get really pissed and meet her in the parking lot all by her onezeez if you know what I mean.
phreakwars said:
Kinda sucks cuz shes MY boss too. I only supervise the kitchen staff and I'm the chief cook. But I still think its bullshit what she does. Those girls are out there running there ass off to make the customers happy, and that bitch takes there ****ing money for herself.

What they do, is they assign different sections for each girl, well what happens is, after the customers are done and leave, she goes over and clears the tables (her section and theres) and picks up the tips and pockets them, the girls can't get over to pick up the tips first, because there still running there asses off.. HELL thats ALL she does, the other manager is worse, she just sits on her ass and blabs with patrons, doesn't do jack ****.

Christ I hate this crap!! Please tell me, someday, please tell me that she has been confronted and handled. Stuff like this makes my OutHouse Lawyer blood boil. Makes me want to don a cape and fly in there and handle the thieving witch.

Can you casually mention sometime, "by the way, why do you take all the tip when you clear a table?" ... can you do this privately? can you do this whilst 2 or three of the wronged servers are around? Can you casually say, "oh, I saw you take all the tip from table 3, I'm sure Wendy the server would like to have her portion" front of witnesses!!! ... Can a discussion be created...wherein the topic is broached.... and everyone can chime in...and and...!!! we march en masse over to her...and in UNISON chant, "stop stealing our tips please!" ... (so she can't single any one person out) ...Can we draft a letter to the owners? Can we post a sheet giving time place form and event...?...put this on the staff notice board....
"Table 5, 6:00 Pm, Server Wendy, table cleared by Light Fingers Lefty NO TIP
Table 9 8:20 PM, Server Jake, table cleared by Light Fingers Lefty - NO TIP

can we slash her tires...crazy glue her door locks...crap in her street shoes?????? ...

Oh dear. Must think pleasant thoughts. I'll be headed for jail myself.

If it's put in writing to her and if the drafter of the letter gets **** canned shortly after, you have a wonderful wrongful dismissal case and can get free money. (in my other line of work I've worked with many claimant attnys) :)
What a Bitch!!! If I was one of the waitresses,I'd bang a tray on her head.
I think you should all stand together against her.I doubt she'll fire everyone.
It's hard to believe none of the waitresses has said anything, has she fired any waitresses for "unknown" reasons?
That is a pretty shitty situation because a-lot of the waitresses probably can't afford to lose their jobs so I see why many of them wont do anything about it, I also understand why you wouldn't say anything but maybe advice the girls that if they go to the owner you'll say what you have seen. You won't take sides just be honest about the situation. If no one says anything the bitch is gonna keep stealing.
about the busboys taking hasn't happened to me, usually if you(the waiter) dont give the busboy a good tip they won't clean your tables as fast and so you have less customers, thats their way to get back at you. Oh yea and throw your pens away. lol that gets to be a pain in the ass.
ahh the restaurant jobs...they all suck and are usually unfair. when you have managers who **** you over constantly you have to do the same. if the waitresses don't have to guts to all at once confront her then you have to do what i did and get as many people to quit at one time. it will really **** things up. my manager is going to lose his job cuz of the 7 other veterans i got to quit along with me.
I like the hidden camera option, but don't tip your hand too quick. After collecting the needed evidence, confront the thievin whore and give her a chance to come clean. If she denies it then you show her the video proof.(make damn sure it's faultless and not open to interpretation) Let her know that you are prepared to make a legal matter of the situation if thats what it's gonna take. Chances are you will be seeing another manager come around to replace the sticky fingered little snatch ho. And then again, if all else fails, quit that piece of **** job. Walk out in the middle of the busiest shift and do not look back. This has the potential for being a real death blow if you can organise a "full on group walk out". There are plenty of other places that will at least be discreet when they steal from you.
I actually saw someone steal a tip once. We were leaving a restuarant and this woman walked by the table we were sitting at at took the tip. One of the men that worked there saw her too and said something to her that made her leave. It was funny. :D
ive been in the "biz" since 93 and i have only seen this once, and they were fired instantly for it.

Sounds like a shady place to work and i wouldnt put up for it not even for a second. In the serving area tips are the life blood


"....Thou shalt not **** with the tip" is the motto

Granted i work in corporate whore of a restaurant.....but i dont have to deal with that crap........

Id throw a stink phreak..loudly and in front of everyone, cuz its the only way something will get done about it

pretty much that (^) is the only way anything gets dont in a restaurant really!
Any of the larger organisations like restaurants are like an organism. If one aspect of the organism slows down, the chain reaction goes right through the troops.

I like the camera idea too, but it may not be an option if that bitch is in control.

A "go-slow" is a common way of drawing attention to a shithouse situation like this one.

Short of that, call a staff meeting of your own, at a venue away from work, and plan your mission statement. Everyone needs to know what is happening, so that when the proverbial **** hits the fan, they know what is what.