For Tim, Dial #666, or say Enki (en-key) at the beep!
My name is Tim... I'm a 30 year old (31 on Jan 16) single father of 1 absolutely perfect baby boy!
I am a racist, ****, Satanist, who prays to aliens, and talks to Hitler on my Ouija board...
I own two homes... A single familly for living in, and a 4 unit apartment complex for investment... They are both mine... back off... I like living alone!
I still get carded at the bar, so I guess I'm in decent shape
I like black people but not ******s, Hispanics but not spics, white people but not hillbillies... etc... etc..
I was a Network Operator/administrator and made a VERY nice living... But now I am a self employed contractor, and make substantially less! However, I am quite a bit happier, and if you want a rich guy, don't call me!
I read at least an hour everynight, don't bust my *****!
I listen to a VERY eclectic mix of music... don't bust my *****!
My dog stinks, I know this... but you'll go before he does... just ask my EX!
I have been accused of being emotionless... I'm aware of it..
I drink TOO much, and when I do, i get very 'hands-on'... Your girlfriends could be subject to some unwanted advances...
I'm From RI... I tawk wicket ****** up! Deal with it! mention it more than twice and I'll stab you in the face with an ice pick...
My IQ teaters on the brink of insanity! Expect me to be insane every now and then
in 30 years, I've basically figured out that 99.36% of all humans are morally tapped, and basically have no problem killing the in droves!
Making a presidential bid for 2008! I got 57 votes already!
People suck... All praise be unto Enki! Heil Hitler! White Pride World Wide!
For Tim, Dial #666, or say Enki (en-key) at the beep!
I can't imagine why I'm still alone!