Person's Journal


New member
lol it's always warm over even.

it had been like 80 degrees during the was that crazy. Michigan is up the upness of up XD and I understand why it's cold. Gah! It shouldn't be this cold over here =( lol



New member
HA! I'm so LPU 6 package just came >.> the shirt looks awesome =) om gonna wear it all the time lol


New member
hahaha thanx guys

Today I saw my ex in school. She was looking really beautiful today. Anyways, normally she would eat outside with the rest of her friends, but seeing as it was both raining and cold, she came inside to eat. Her friends sit in the table next to ours during I saw her there. I went to go get food with that ***** (Cristal) even though I said that I wouldn't talk to her anymore. When we came back with our food, I saw Veronica sitting at the other table. She looked up at me and she smiled. That was enough to make my day. Uhhh as I was saying, I sat down in my table and ate. Me and Cristal were fighting for was funny (I guess I'm not going to be able to stop talking to her =/).

As I already said, it was cold and rainy...and I thought it was a wonderful day :D With my newly aqcuired LP t-shirt, I strolled into school...and everyone seemed to like it. Overall, it was an awesome day....just a little boring.



New member
I hadn't updated in a while...and it's because a whole bunch of things have been happening recently. Here's the '411' on the situation.

So last week me and my ex decided not to communicate in any way anymore. Well...she decided, not me. Here's the e-mail that ended it all:

Actually, you know what? I'm going to tell you this in a way that I mean it, but it's going to be far more harsh than I would ever think. Writing to you changes you and I've noticed, but you know what, it's kind of getting annoying. The fact that you can't forget about me. I'll tell you this for the first and last time...there is NO hope between us. NONE.


This is the only way I could think of telling you and convincing you that I've stopped liking you and it will never happen again. I'd say I'm sorry, but wouldn't that just make you feel as if I pittied you? Thanks for you feelings and I mean it, but it can't happen. I know it may be hard to forget, but the only way that can happen is if there is NO CONNECTION between us WHATSOEVER. I've decided I'm not writing to you again.


The chapters may have given you hope...I didn't think about that (yet another one of my unintentional harsh things I could've done). Delete everything...don't mentions me intentionally in any of your conversations. TRY your hardest to forget everything no matter how hard it may be.


I know this may give you a big shock, but you need to know what I feel...didn't you tell me that before? I don't know what else to say, though, I know you understand. You may not want to acknowledge it, and eventually, you'll have to. This will break you again, won't it? People will see through you...seems I just continued what I didn't want to even start last year...


This is hard for me to do, but I had to do it. You need to move on. Take care, Person...


P.S. And like I said don't mention anything that can possible mess up my relationship with my friends...especially to Juan. He talks too much and says things he shouldn't to others. Don't even bother getting mad at him either. You should start thinking more about your friends too instead of wasting your thoughts on me.

I'm guessing she ditched me once again for her friends. She also advised me to care more for my friends...and I do...but they're only friends. There's only so much I would do for them but anyways...I'm over her. She means nothing to me...and it feels great :D I feel like a heave burden has been lifted from me (for some reason).

On Thursday, I left to this competition for DECA in our school. It was some business **** where we had to dress in suits and stuffs. We slept over because there were two parts of the whole competition (a test and an interview sorta thing). I ate A LOT during those two days. The first day we went to eat at a mexican restaurant, then outback steakhouse, some haggen dazs ice cream, and finally, some pizza towards the end of the day (that got delivered to our hotel rooms :D ). The next day was a macdonalds breakfast, some more ice cream, chili's, and I ended the day going to Fuddrucker's (awesome hamburger place) with my friends after I returned home. We then watched the movie 'Unleashed', and my best friend broke up with his girlfriend (another girl...same guy =.=). The day ended with us chasing him by car because the dude took off in his own. Luckily we calmed him down and I drove him back to his house...where it had all started.

I hate the drama these days...I liked life better when guys and girls had cooties =.=



New member
yea...her tone was the main factor in me being able to move on. If she hadn't sounded so mean, then maybe I wouldn't have gotten over her...meh...thanx for reading =D at least I know some people care lol.


New member
dude that e-mail is weak! there was no need for her to act like that. even though you dont think you'd get over her if she was nicer, you don't deserve to be just shut out in that way.

but if your over it and its not bothering you, then great! :D Go hunt some aliens!

If I ever come to texas ill kick her ***! geez i hate girls acting like idk... btw i dont want to sound rude but its not her problem if you cant get over her... and why cant she tell you that right into your face...? no she has to write a mail... thats so bah....


New member
lol *shrugs* it's just she's too shy about it...she's always been like that but bah! whatever hehehe I'm over her :D so she doesn't really matter anymore.

lets see...well today I purchased Area 51 for glad he'll be happy hehehe

OH! and they said my name on the intercom today during school >.< why does everyone have to cheer? lol I scored a goal for my soccer team in today's 2 - 0 win over the 'best team' in our district =.= we showed them :D I also went back to my rap/hip-hop roots (making fun of mike hehehe) and placed my old music onto my iPod...I still can rap the verses hehehe. Over all, it was a great day. can't wait for tomorrow for some reason o_O



New member
hehe it's been a while...but I'm back.

The whole layout change has curved me off this website for a while, and I haven't posted as much as I used to. I'm just glad that the yellow is gone :D Anyways, let me get to the point.

Yesterday was the suckiest day that I've had in a while. I had a class with my ex...and I had to suffer through it. Here at my school, Wednesdays are the "long days" because our classes last about an hour and thirty minutes rather than the usual fifty-five minutes. Well, she gave out candy or whatever to EVERYONE in the classroom...except me. What kind of **** is that? Bah! It tore me up inside...we had one of those moments where we stared at each other in the eye for like 5 seconds. It was magical...but then we like turned away. It hurts a lot.

Then the day ended and I went to this park with my friend. We were going through all the trees or whatever and like as soon as we got to the deepest part of it, we found this huge lake/pond thing. I was consumed by my thoughts as soon as I peered straight out. I was completely taken over by the waters' movement and whatnot. My friend throughout the whole time was trying to snap me out of it...because he was here for the same reason, and if we were both acting "emo", then we'd be stuck here forever lol.

Well, he finally managed to snap me out of it and so I headed off home. We crossed over the bridge and were back. That was almost the end of my miserable day...I just had to deal with my parents, sisters, etc. It took me a while until I finally decided that sleeping was the best cure for it all. A couple of hours of dreaming and it was finally over.

I don't want to go through all the stuff again. WHat do I need to do people? Why am I still stuck in my past after I know what she has done to me? Bah!



New member
hehe it's been a while...but I'm back.
The whole layout change has curved me off this website for a while, and I haven't posted as much as I used to. I'm just glad that the yellow is gone :D Anyways, let me get to the point.

Yesterday was the suckiest day that I've had in a while. I had a class with my ex...and I had to suffer through it. Here at my school, Wednesdays are the "long days" because our classes last about an hour and thirty minutes rather than the usual fifty-five minutes. Well, she gave out candy or whatever to EVERYONE in the classroom...except me. What kind of **** is that? Bah! It tore me up inside...we had one of those moments where we stared at each other in the eye for like 5 seconds. It was magical...but then we like turned away. It hurts a lot.

Then the day ended and I went to this park with my friend. We were going through all the trees or whatever and like as soon as we got to the deepest part of it, we found this huge lake/pond thing. I was consumed by my thoughts as soon as I peered straight out. I was completely taken over by the waters' movement and whatnot. My friend throughout the whole time was trying to snap me out of it...because he was here for the same reason, and if we were both acting "emo", then we'd be stuck here forever lol.

Well, he finally managed to snap me out of it and so I headed off home. We crossed over the bridge and were back. That was almost the end of my miserable day...I just had to deal with my parents, sisters, etc. It took me a while until I finally decided that sleeping was the best cure for it all. A couple of hours of dreaming and it was finally over.

I don't want to go through all the stuff again. WHat do I need to do people? Why am I still stuck in my past after I know what she has done to me? Bah!
i know the feeling bro, i just slept it off when i got it. but dont do what i do now (which is block it all out)... that is a bad thing to do!



New member
Obviously, trying to deal with it didn't help either as she just doesn't want to talk to me for some reason. I never did anything bad to her, yet, she treats me as if I did. I dunno what to do >.<


New member
February 16, 2007

Hehehe I think my dog is dying for some reason. I got up this morning and went to feed it (normally it attacks me for the food) but it didn't even touch it. It looked depressed, and I even saw it scratch his paw on the bouganvillea tree in our backyard. I'm guessing he's emo or something *shrugs*.

Today, I was walking to class for my first period (extremely cold =x). Along the way, I saw my best friend walking with my ex. I didn't pay any attention because they were good friends before we went out or whatever. ANyways, I got the dude for 1st period and he came in all weird. He tells me, "I can't believe that almost happened." I, of course, knew something happened between the two, so I kept pressing at him until he finally collapsed and told me that they almost kissed. He said it as if I would care (which is really stupid because I don't mind them being together). I have no authority over what they do or whatever, and well, as long as she's happy, I don't care. He then tells me that he didn't want to. That he still hasn't gotten over his ex, and that being with her wouldn't even work out (because he learned from what happened between me and her). All I said was, "If you really don't want anything to happen, go ahead and tell her straight up; but don't expect you two to be so close from now on because that chick is weird and she'll take it as an offense against her. She'll most likely ignore you from then on out and you're gonna regret anything." After saying that, I also told him, "Anyways, I don't know why you come to me to tell me all this. I know I'm your best friend or whatever but we went out and stuff. I can truly say though, that out of all the people out there, you're the only one I accept her to be with. I can trust you and that's good enough for me."

The bell rings in about 15 minutes and I'm gonna meet up with him to see what happened (I'm assuming he told her already). If she ends up ignoring him too, I swear something is going to happen. I wouldn't be able to believe that someone so sweet as her can be so heartless/cruel to do it not one, not twice, but three times. So far, the "List of Ignorance" includes me and my friend Timothy. Hopefully, WILLIAM isn't the next on there.

Later mah peeps!

*chunks the duece*


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