PETA's latest idiotic demand!


New member
Yes but the name evokes grossness to people since most Western nations deem such animals disgusting and would persuade mindless morons not to eat them. But I see your point.
Well... what westerners find disgusting, easterners think of it as a delicacy.



New member
PETA is to animal rights like the Rosie O'Donnell is to gay rights....ruining it for everyone.

I like the WWF (World Wildlife Federation, not World Wrestling Federation) and often donate to them. I also like to donate to the humane society and a local organization that donates money to help shelter dogs become seeing eye dogs which I think is a wonderful cause for both man and beast alike.



New member
PETA is to animal rights like the Rosie O'Donnell is to gay rights....ruining it for everyone.
An ex-girlfriend made me watch Big Gay Rosie's Big Gay Boat Ride a while back. When I called it "Big Gay Rosie's Big Gay Boat Ride" (A nod to Big Gay Al from South Park), my girlfriend was mortified, however I was satisfied.

I'm a bigot, rascist, hate-monger who is hiding his true homosexual feelings behind a tough guy alpha male persona. At least, that is how she felt at the time.

She couldn't have pegged it more perfect, but I'm not gay. At least not in a viking sort of way, more like a prison way.



New member
An ex-girlfriend made me watch Big Gay Rosie's Big Gay Boat Ride a while back. When I called it "Big Gay Rosie's Big Gay Boat Ride" (A nod to Big Gay Al from South Park), my girlfriend was mortified, however I was satisfied.
I'm a bigot, rascist, hate-monger who is hiding his true homosexual feelings behind a tough guy alpha male persona. At least, that is how she felt at the time.

She couldn't have pegged it more perfect, but I'm not gay. At least not in a viking sort of way, more like a prison way.
Do you own a Madonna or Cher CD?

Do you insist on freshly cut flowers on your dinner table every day?

Do you spend hours daydreaming about draperies and decorative pillows?

Do you find Barry Mannilow unbelievably macho and sexy?

Have you sucked another man's cokk?

Are you willing to take it up the **** from a bearded, burly lumberjack named Smithy?

If you answered yes to any of these, you might be gay.



New member
Do you own a Madonna or Cher CD?

Do you insist on freshly cut flowers on your dinner table every day?
Vile weeds! No.

Do you spend hours daydreaming about draperies and decorative pillows?
Not yet.

Do you find Barry Mannilow unbelievably macho and sexy?
**** no!

Have you sucked another man's cokk?

Are you willing to take it up the **** from a bearded, burly lumberjack named Smithy?
That all depends on if I need to be his "*****" for protection in prison.

Nah... kill me.

If you answered yes to any of these, you might be gay.
What about a metrosexual?



New member
Do you dress like a fine **** when you go out on the town?

Do you have a standing eyebrow wax appointment?

Do you have more than the two standard body cleansing products in your shower - Prell shampoo and Irish Spring soap?

Have you ever put yourself on a diet because your jeans were a little snug?

If you had $500 to burn, would it go towards power tools or a killer pair of black leather shoes?

Do you spend more than 45 minutes in the bathroom per day grooming yourself?

Have you ever, for even one moment, considered wearing manscara or manliner?

If you answered yes to any of these, you are probably a metrosexual.



New member
Do you have more than the two standard body cleansing products in your shower - Prell shampoo and Irish Spring soap?
No, but all of my shampoo and soap are Aveeno products.

Have you ever put yourself on a diet because your jeans were a little snug?

If you had $500 to burn, would it go towards power tools or a killer pair of black leather shoes?
I spent $500 on an antique mahogany armoire just two days ago.

I'm a metro. sigh



New member
Metros can be pretty sexy, as long as they don't other do it. At least you know they are clean, smell good and take care of themselves.


New member
The only definitive criteria for the metro sexual man is pubic hair shaving or shaping in any way, shape or form....


New member
The only definitive criteria for the metro sexual man is pubic hair shaving or shaping in any way, shape or form....
So the criteria falls on if a guy "manscapes" or not?

I disagree. I occasionally trim up a bit for the sake of etiquite, but that's it. I think metrosexuals go beyond to the mani/pedi and beyond.



New member
So the criteria falls on if a guy "manscapes" or not?
I disagree. I occasionally trim up a bit for the sake of etiquite, but that's it. I think metrosexuals go beyond to the mani/pedi and beyond.
I agree . Most men and women shave/landscape down there now days.

Do you own a Madonna or Cher CD?
Do you insist on freshly cut flowers on your dinner table every day?

Do you spend hours daydreaming about draperies and decorative pillows?

Do you find Barry Mannilow unbelievably macho and sexy?

Have you sucked another man's cokk?

Are you willing to take it up the **** from a bearded, burly lumberjack named Smithy?

If you answered yes to any of these, you might be gay.

Ok, I'm not gay... I said no to all of these...

Do you dress like a fine **** when you go out on the town?
Do you have a standing eyebrow wax appointment?

Do you have more than the two standard body cleansing products in your shower - Prell shampoo and Irish Spring soap?

Have you ever put yourself on a diet because your jeans were a little snug?

If you had $500 to burn, would it go towards power tools or a killer pair of black leather shoes?

Do you spend more than 45 minutes in the bathroom per day grooming yourself?

Have you ever, for even one moment, considered wearing manscara or manliner?

If you answered yes to any of these, you are probably a metrosexual.

Err... I may be metro... shiit...

The only definitive criteria for the metro sexual man is pubic hair shaving or shaping in any way, shape or form....
If that's true em... I'm metro, but the ladies LOVE IT that way...



Seafood, seakittens, why the need for names? Let's just call it delicious.


New member
Ok, I'm not gay... I said no to all of these...

Err... I may be metro... shiit...

If that's true em... I'm metro, but the ladies LOVE IT that way...
I never said I don't like a metro sexual man lol.



New member
No one ever accused me of being a fact, no one ever accused me of wearing deodorant.
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