Phreak's letter to Britney Spears a.k.a. **** BRITNEY SPEARS

angie said:
You're not entirely right. The sudden impact of the airbag can cause fatal injuries to a child that young, especially since he wasn't properly strapped in.

Oh ****ing spare me the agony, please. :rolleyes:

The spotty chick was driving around the block, for ****'s sake. Avoiding papparazi for another.

How many times in your driving career would the airbags inflate?

I have more chances of being struck by lightning than being killed by an inflating ****ing airbag. :rolleyes:
she should die along with kevin her husband. they probably wont even last a year. i feel bad for the baby. she is going to get screwed up just like her mom and dad.

yeah and she thought she was being safe with having the kid in the front while she was driving she is on something. she needs help.
****ing pathetic. I ride the beach on my four wheeler honda with my neices front and rear. I'm a criminal. Lock my arse up. :rolleyes:
builder said:
How many crocks of **** do I have to deal with here?
In your mind all buy you?
A ****ing airbag is gonna rip a kid's head off? WTF???>?
Ok maybe a little shock value there, just break the neck.

Have you seen an airbag go off? It would simply push the kid's head into the chest of the adult. Suffocation might be a problem, agreed.
Yes i have and yes it would push the kid into the the adult. And ya suffocation might be a problem, that is if the broke neck doesnt kill it first. if she had side air bags they come out even faster. I've seen what a air bag does to a adult being higher than the bag at 18" away. I don't want to be first on the seen at a child, face level 8" away.

More emotive ****ing crapola. Get a grip. :rolleyes:
I'm not preaching again i don't agree with seat belts all the time, or the helmet law. But to have your kid on your lap between you and the wheel is just ****ing stupid. celebrity or not.
builder said:
****ing pathetic. I ride the beach on my four wheeler honda with my neices front and rear. I'm a criminal. Lock my arse up. :rolleyes:

They put air bags on 4 wheelers over there? No need to reply
It's all apologist bullshit.

The kids of yesteryear rode four abreast on a horse to go to school. They rode bikes with one forward gear and foot brakes. No ****ing helmets. They went barefoot until high school. They ate what ever they wanted to eat, and shat bare arse in the woods like the bears. They boofed the **** out of eachother, and learned how to deal with bullies and misfits off thier own bat.

Now you wanna tell me that this skank can't drive around the block with her own ****ing kid in her own ****ing lap in the car doing less than 25 mph?

Just hold your current position, because I'm coming over to shove my fist down your throat. You can't move, by the way, because I know what is safe for you, and what is safe for me. Retard./ :rolleyes:
lilcutie8900 said:
your the skank. and dont call me a retard.

Seems you got stuck between a rock and a hard place.

My post was directed at the previous poster, lilcutie.

At sixty miles per hour, my fist is gonna make a mess of your face, retard.

Oh, I'm not being politically correct. so ****ing sorry. NOT.

Did the kid die? No. So **** off, idiot. :p

You wanna focus on an American who is threatening lives, start on your prez and his bum chums.
builder said:
At sixty miles per hour, my fist is gonna make a mess of your face, retard.

Oh, I'm not being politically correct. so ****ing sorry. NOT.

Did the kid die? No. So **** off, idiot. :p

You wanna focus on an American who is threatening lives, start on your prez and his bum chums.

It's pretty damn amazing how you can go from "Oh, Debate you say? I might give it a try" to "Well, you just proved me wrong, so I am going to cause you physical pain because I feel dumb!" I mean, seriously. I just proved you wrong and so you threaten to punch me in the face and call me a "retard". Wow, your skills amaze me. But, remember kids, "Jesus hated tax collectors". Give me a ****ing break.
I have to agree with builder on this one. It is pathetic the way society/government etc. has made us "safe". Your making pansy asses out of the kids and nail biting paranoid parents. Save it for the real dangers in life. Go out and enjoy the moment. Jump in the river because it's there. Swing from the highest branch because it's there. Get on your bike and feel the breeze in your face. If you skin your knee, clean it up and get on with the rest of your day. My folks sent me up on the roof to scoop snow, when I fell off the house Dad said, I thought I saw something go by the window, did you finish? My thought then was, well I guess that wasn't such a big deal and went back outside. Get my point?
Yes, the baby should be in the proper gear if they were going any distance any faster. But give it a rest with the what ifs after the fact! It's senseless not to mention mute.
Ok, the child can't even fend for itself! When the child can do those things, let him do them...although I am not so sure about the roof thing. I agree with you wholeheartedly! But when someone can't protect themselves from those who would (obviously wish to) hurt them, then you can't actually say that that is a "paranoid, pansy ass" situation.
jokersarewild said:
Ok, the child can't even fend for itself! When the child can do those things, let him do them...although I am not so sure about the roof thing. I agree with you wholeheartedly! But when someone can't protect themselves from those who would (obviously wish to) hurt them, then you can't actually say that that is a "paranoid, pansy ass" situation.

It's just more pussification of the west. I don't accept it.

Oh, and if it was Myrtle from Idaho doing it, do you really think it would make the tabloids? Huh?

Not a ****ing chance. :rolleyes: