Pic of me.


Mar 30, 2005

Here is a picture of me and me mate Matt. He has this up on his website. Just thought I'd give you a good idea of how hot I am.
PinkinLark said:
Excuse me? Do you know who you are talking to? You are a ****ed up freak you needs a life, you are a ****ing pest.
why are you being mean to every 1 they're just trying to help.. you kinda seem like a bitch, calling misery a freak, and a pest for no reason.. you need to learn to be a lot nicer to people, or you will have a really hard time making friends.. and who is misery talking to.. a linkin park fan, we are all even here, no matter what age, sex or race..
Guys slow down plz!!!Now some advice for the new guy:
PinkinLark:U are so noob at this forum,so for more reference to know about this site I suggest u to read the guide that Atlien has posted on the New Introduction Member Thread,also your atittude is really rude with all these ppl so calm down and don´t be mad,if u need help or something just PM any mod or even the Admins,ok?
And as for ITOTF,I´m really sorry I don´t know when this happened and I wasn´t in here but now I do.
Oh and PinkinLark,this thread is the wrong place,moved:thumbsup:

PS:In the future be more gently with ppl in here:thumbsup: