Picking your nose... and other things annoying us inside


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
Yeah, I know, some of you probably won't admit you do it, so maybe it's just me.:D

Or how about farting in the store and blaming the kid. Sometimes you can only squeeze the buttcheecks so tight to hold it in , so I guess it really is true. The reason women don't fart as much as men, is because they are tight ass bitches.

Well what about burping ?? I'm sure everyone has done that, right ??

I mean, in every diner, in probably every town in the world not only can you find chewing gum, you can find buggers planted under the tables. Most restroom stalls have them as well. As do phone booths, A.T.M.'S

If it itches...I'm going to scratch it

If something feels like it shouldn't be there, I'm going to pick at it

If it feels it should pass, it's going to pass
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:

If it itches...I'm going to scratch it

If something feels like it shouldn't be there, I'm going to pick at it

If it feels it should pass, it's going to pass

Ok I think Komarde coverd all the bases. here! Here! :)
I grow the nail on my little fingers long so it can do the pick right up high in the nostril. Most convenient.

Question: Why do gorillas have big nostrils? Because they have big fingers.
Picking your nose is alright, if nobodys around. I hate it when your talking to someone and they start picking the **** out of there nose right in front of you, like its socialy acceptable. It makes me feel like they're checking me out to see if i'm down with the boogers. Like i'm gonna get invited into the seedy underbelly of the booger eaters underground movement.
Pick it and stick it, just don't show your nose pickin pride to me.
Picking your nose is GROSS! Thats why there is toilet paper, tissue, napkins!
Thats like saying yeah i pick the **** LITERALLY outta my ass!
DISGUSTING! Who wants to watch or hear about someone with their damn finger pointing to their brain or lack of and grabbing a big nasty booger
When people fart, it's just the matter of how long the gas carries itself around the air... And whether or not they had some foreign foods for lunch!

I don't really care what you do to your nose privatley, as long as you're a good fella', you're alright with me. JUST DON'T PICK ANY ****, BOOGERS, LOOGIES, BALLS, OR adjusting the package, infront of me.
Hamza123 said:
When people fart, it's just the matter of how long the gas carries itself around the air... And whether or not they had some foreign foods for lunch!

I don't really care what you do to your nose privatley, as long as you're a good fella', you're alright with me. JUST DON'T PICK ANY ****, BOOGERS, LOOGIES, BALLS, OR adjusting the package, infront of me.

I LOVE It when men adjust their package, especially good looking ones, I am tempted to ask if I can help them with that...