Pin that badge on her

Feckless Wench said:
Huh? Who is the 'you' to whom you refer?

She isnt allowed to argue with her husband so she comes here and says the things she wants to say to him to other people, it doesnt always make alot of sense, its hard to type with a burkha on aswell.
Some Guy, for the last time...Burkas are worn in Afghanistan.
If you want to insult someone, make sure you get the right person, and above all else, try to grow up..

Feckless wench, it was for that cretin, lethalfind...Who likes to find fault with all but her redneck self...
Mariama said:
Some Guy, for the last time...Burkas are worn in Afghanistan.
If you want to insult someone, make sure you get the right person, and above all else, try to grow up..

Feckless wench, it was for that cretin, lethalfind...Who likes to find fault with all but her redneck self...

LOLOL, maybe if you were able to comprehend English better you would see that I believe people should responsible for their own actions...I take responsibility for my behaviors and think others should as well...Maybe your head scarf got in the way and you couldn't read so well...

I think Some_Guy is on to something here...Mariama, you come on here to bang on because you can't have a real conversation with your husband...lolol. Even if he allowed you to speak you couldn't because he like most of his people are not as intelligent as the average non muslim.