yep, it very well could be.
But, it's not. and how do you know? well, you don't. because you won't.
See, many of us have taking the time to know and trust each other over the years. Sure we disagree at times, but we know each other away from here- because we want to. You have never wanted to be anything more than a troll, so that is how you get treated- and yes, you started it. You have looked down your nose at every one of us, all the while claiming how great and awesome you are- while offering zero proof to anyone of who or what you really are.
Ali and I have had fights. ****, the epic site tri-site wars pitted Ali and I against each other. Chi and I have had some pretty epic disagreements in the past.
But yet we moved through it.
You, however, say you want to move through it, and then at first chance- there you are looking down your nose at us- again with no proof of who you really are. You are arrogant, stubborn, and frankly, a whiner. I won't come right out and call you a liar, but your off site actions are certainly suspect. You are involved in anything and everything, and are an expert on everything under the sun.
You claim to be above name calling, but you are among the first to delve into it.
You claim to speak for men everywhere, but get upset when others make generalizations that include you.
You pick at people for their weight, but by your own admission, you too are obese.
You post over and over when people dodge questions, yet you dodge them all the time yourself.
You detest when people put words in your mouth, but you are the king of knowing what everyone else means and thinks when they post.
You are concerned about your pic being used to make attacks personal, but that is all you have done to me personally today- attacking my life, my work, and my weight.
So put up or shut up. or if you must- continue hanging around a place that by your own definition is nothing but ugly and negative to you (and in your own mind is of no fault of your own, I'm sure.) Troll away. Do not be confused- you are a troll. You have no desire to be part of the community here. You just want to fight and bicker. But really, be my guest. Eventually people will tire of the fights and either quit coming around and posting or the mods will do something to rectify the situation.
Well this is filled with lies and not really worth the time to line by line it so let me keep this short and to the point.
Everything you say is negative so why ever trust you?
Let's look at this one line because it is the one requiring the shortest reply to disprove it:
You pick at people for their weight, but by your own admission, you too are obese.
I never said I was obese, you said based on some chart I was obese for my height but you did not account for body mass and how muscle weighs more than fat. With no fat on me, none, I weighed 230 pounds. You ignore the facts and make up your own reality that are in fact lies to justify your hate and bad behaviors eddo.
Am I over weight? Yes, but I am a far cry from obese.
All I have ever done is be as honest as I can be, I can never prove something is true that you have made up your mind is false no matter what I do so I will not even try.
If all you want to see is the negative, then you will find it even if it is not there.
So why am I here? I don't know, maybe I like a challenge? Maybe I love the chance to face adversity and fight through it? You said you and Ali were in very bad times before, did you just run away or stick to it even if you were facing a very negative situation? I don't think I am a member here or anywhere else for any one reason, but I am not here for a dating service, lol.
I don't see anyone here as purly bad except Wez, and I don't think his childish behaviors are 100% his fault, but like humpty dumpty, that egg is broken and there is no hope for ever fixing it so I just feel it is better to ignore his pure garbage.
When You speak about or to me, that is 100% ugly, I don't know why but anyone interested in the truth does not have to take my word for it can simply look for themselves. So the way you treat me is not in question, the only question to everyone on this board is 'why'? I am sure you feel justified but where does the drive to be ugly come from?
I am not Mangiafuoco eddo, you do what you want to do.
My offer was sincere, you seem to put extra work into holding onto grudges Ali, I will not give up though, because in my heart, there is no room for grudges or hate.
My hand is out to you if you ever want to take it.
But I think I know why you really don't want me at your party, your scared my dancing will show you up too much, I understand