Playing World of Warcraft causes suicide.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2005;_ylu=X3oDMTA3cjE0b2MwBHNlYwM3Mzg-

In what is sure to cause Hillary Clinton even more cause for alarm, it seems that a kid in China commited suicide so that "...he can be with his fallen heroes in the game."

Well, atleast he wasn't playing GTA and went off stealing cars and having sex with whores only to turn around and steal their money, I suppose, but this is still stupid. Why not go after Blizzard, the actual makers of the game if you don't want to own up to being lousy parents?
Lethalfind said:
This is no ones fault but the parents...who would allow their child to play a video game for 36 hours straight...

Either lazy parents or parents who have more "important" things to take care of.
(Making lots of money aka.Greed, partying, sleeping, watching television, etc.)
Orientals and Video games...... They're the most respecetbly extreme combo out there. If I played the wiener game I would /salut him. :rolleyes:
I only play PS2 Games, and 1 PC Games. I only have 2 shooters, the rest are sports video games. I try not to play a lot, but sometimes I can play for 2 hours straight. I just think of homework, that gets me out of the game I am hooked on immediately.

GF is a sweet video game anyways. :D
I remember something about another video game called "Night Trap" causing a ruckus way back in the late '80s to the early '90s. Kind of like what's going on here these days.
Whatever my childs activity was, I would be concerned if he did it for 36 hours. The parents are responsible for this NOT the maker of the game. I have never known a game that FORCED its players to play it non stop for 36 hours. NO ONE had a gun to this kids head. They should have paid more attention to their childs activites.

Natures way of thinning the herd as far as I'm concerned.
Kids don't commit suicide because of games. There were deeper emotional issues in play there. When a game comes out that causes every one who plays it to attempt suicide, then I might put a little stock in that opinion. One kid out of thousands, or even millions, committing suicide and blaming it on a game does not make the game evil.

Parents should monitor what their kids watch, but they should also monitor how their kids react to the things they are exposed to. I have a hard time believing that there were no warning signs pointing to a mental disturbance.
ToriAllen said:
Kids don't commit suicide because of games. There were deeper emotional issues in play there. When a game comes out that causes every one who plays it to attempt suicide, then I might put a little stock in that opinion. One kid out of thousands, or even millions, committing suicide and blaming it on a game does not make the game evil.

Parents should monitor what their kids watch, but they should also monitor how their kids react to the things they are exposed to. I have a hard time believing that there were no warning signs pointing to a mental disturbance.

How could they have seen signs? The scars on his wrists? His anti-social behavior? His extreme and undying hatred toward his parents, even to the point of causing them physical harm? Anarexia(sp)? Bulemia? DARWIN FISH?!?!
jokersarewild said:
How could they have seen signs? The scars on his wrists? His anti-social behavior? His extreme and undying hatred toward his parents, even to the point of causing them physical harm? Anarexia(sp)? Bulemia? DARWIN FISH?!?!

Ummm DUH!!! Him glued to a TV for 36 hours would have been my first clue there was a problem...
Lethalfind said:
Ummm DUH!!! Him glued to a TV for 36 hours would have been my first clue there was a problem...

Sounds like the parents are better off without the stupid kid.
hugo said:
Sounds like the parents are better off without the stupid kid.

I don't know about the parents but you can bet the world is better off...Darwin was right, survival of the fittest, this kid wasn't fit to breed.
Kryptonite Man said:
I remember something about another video game called "Night Trap" causing a ruckus way back in the late '80s to the early '90s. Kind of like what's going on here these days.

I remeber my grandmother throwing away a D&D set, that was given to the kids in my family as a gift, aften a kid in a neighboring town who killed himself was said to have been playing D&D.

As to the parents of that kid in china, I believe the problem lies not in the child but rather with a total lack of supervision on the part of the parents. I would think his parents would've forced him to leave his computer long enough to cosume meals and such.


I remeber my grandmother throwing away a D&D set, that was given to the kids in my family as a gift, aften a kid in a neighboring town who killed himself was said to have been playing D&D.

As to the parents of that kid in china, I believe the problem lies not in the child but rather with a total lack of supervision on the part of the parents. I would think his parents would've forced him to leave his computer long enough to cosume meals and such.



ADD dumbasses are better off without video games.
hugo said:
ADD dumbasses are better off without video games.
I would say it depends on the game and the amount of time spent playing the game. I think video games are like any other game; they increase strategizing skills along with hand-eye coordination. My son plays his Spiderman game better at 5 than I can at 26. There is something to be said for the mental stimulation games provide. However, they must be monitored, and parents should make sure children are getting their fair share of regular exercise, as well. Let them play video games when it is rainy out, but when it is sunny, throw their butts outside for a game of tag.
jokersarewild said:
Damn. I forgot you couldn't understand sarcasm. I'll be sure to make the answer so easy that you can grasp the concept next time, dumbass bitch...:rolleyes:

This is what I think of you>>>

LOLOL, from you I take that as a compliment...

I can grasp sarcasm fine when I can hear the person's voice or KNOW the person is too smart to actually believe what they are saying, with you, I can't be sure.
Actually, it was kind of hard to miss the sarcasm. That's ok, though. You tend to talk about that which you have no understanding, so why should I expect you to understand something so simple as SARCASM!!!!
I've been playing video games since..forever and I was never influenced in any way, shape or form by a game that I played..This child was nothing but mentally weak a.k.a stupid.....and a victim of poor parenting - And at 13?! - um hello - he's not even a little kid or anything! And 36 hours!? .....did he not want to eat, sleep, shower, or actually have a life in all of that time - well if not than committing suicide made no difference.