Pluto Is Not A Planet

the new saying: credit to Mark from Atlanta (Hahninator).
it was My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas


My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Ninjas.

yes, that's how it goes, nigga.
Yea, we were talking about this in Civics. Its because there has never really been a REAL definition for planets.. and if they were to keep Pluto a planet, they woulda ended up having like 100 planets, but if they don't classify Pluto as a planet, we will only have 8 planets...
Yeah, heard about it. If they didn't make this new ruling though however, they would've had to add three new planets which where either bigger than pluto, or just a little smaller.

So now pluto and thos other bodies are known officially as drawrf planets.
I also read somewhere that they some scientists were going to be asked that Jupiter be re-classified from being a planet to a 'brown dwarf'. If Jupiter grew ten times bigger, it would become a star...because of this, astronomers debate weather its considered a planet or a 'wanna-be star'.
I think thats bogus...why can't we keep things simple anymore? *sigh*
I still consider Pluto the 9th planet... Xena the 11th planet... and technically after recent research on Pluto's moon, Charon, I consider that the 10th planet.

Hahninator said:
I consider Pluto 9th, Xena 10th and UB313 11th :)
A moon of a planet is a moon of a planet, not it's own planet.

Pluto and Charon orbit each other evenly, its a double planet if anything. Charon and Pluto behave like other double planets, as opposed to a planet and its moon. Not to mention Charon is bigger than Xena. :p
Yeah Mark... its crazy... here's the bit about it from the press release (err... also, Xena and UB313 are the same thing, Xena's its nickname :p):

"Pluto and its satellite Charon have often been considered a binary planet because they are more nearly equal in size than any other planet/moon combination in the Solar System, and because the two bodies orbit a point not within the surface of either."

And now scientists have discovered what they beleive to be either a moon of Xena's, or a binary planet like Pluto and Charon. Never the less... its been nicknamed: "Gabrielle"


lol, its not a surprise to me that something was gonna change... the IAU had to make an indefinate desician on what defines a planet. Pluto didn't meet the quota though, due to complications with Charon, Xena, and XR190...

Thats life I guess, lol.