Plz help me

I'm makin a presentation about LP in school... and it should be like 5-10 minutes... now I wanted to ask you guys if you could help me about it... like what are the most important things to say etc... and which songs I should play (as example) or maybe even do a mix with some songs... idk...

I'd appreciate your help... Thanx... :)



New member
Start with telling them who they are,how they became a band,what kind of music they play....u should play one step closer (cause it's their first singl),in the end (everybody know's that song)....breaking the habit from meteora (it's different from other song's ,so u could show them that they don't scream all the time :) ...)

And one ur favourite lp song (It's ur presentation ,show them what u like)...or make a mix of this songs

Say something about lp's the end of presentation play them my december...It's a great song,no screaming (if someone don't like that kind of music) and that song will stay in theirs head all day....

Good luck and have funn ......



Active Members
I could make a song mix for you....just need to know which songs I should use and how long it should be


Active Members
thanx linky!
yeah that would be cool Jeezy if u want to do it... uhmm... one step closer, in the end and numb... like 2-3 minutes...

alright....but I still have some time to do it,right?


Scotty B

New member
if you want to make ur presentation a bit longer and to make up time explain who each person it and what they do in the band this will add at least 2 mins on to it and make it longer, i used to do it all the time when i needed to make a presentation w00t!
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