
Anna Perenna said:
But a woman with a really bad case (and I mean, a severe rise in testosterone levels) of PMS is honestly out of her mind.

So how is PMS any different than the rest of the time? Every woman I know is "out of her mind" all the freaking time!
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
I say anyone who has ANY kind of PMS should be dragged behind an ATV through town and beaten half to death then shot in the ****ing head in front of a bloodthirsty crowd. This will teach womankind to stop using **** bleeding as an excuse for being an obnoxious loudmouthed bitch.

The cramps are real. The headaches are real. The bloating is real. The bleeding is real. Do YOU want to feel like this for a guaranteed five days every month? Yeah so we get a little agitated at times. It's not exactly fun. Not an excuse to be a megabitch, but a little cranky.
angie said:
The cramps are real. The headaches are real. The bloating is real. The bleeding is real. Do YOU want to feel like this for a guaranteed five days every month? Yeah so we get a little agitated at times. It's not exactly fun. Not an excuse to be a megabitch, but a little cranky.

So then maybe it's a sign that they need to be put out of their misery?
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
So then maybe it's a sign that they need to be put out of their misery?

Riiight, kill all the women in the world except the very lucky few who don't expirience discomfort with menstruation.
Not all the women. Just the ones that suffer too much and can't control their bitchiness. I think all the macho shitheads should take some lead, so why not all the bitchy PMSlags
Yes, everyone is responsible for their own actions.
I happen to be one of those people that not only am I an untreated bipolar, but I have the worst cycle of anyone I know. I throw up, I feel sick, etc., and that's gotta make me look like a wet cat. I know it because at the moment, I am just that.
Asmodai will attest to this: I was the most depressed person in the world today and I jumped down someone's throat just because they told me I was in a mood swing. The poor kid didn't know what hit 'em. Lucky he was on the phone. I am like the weather that makes the Weather Man on 7R look like a damn idiot. I have been known to do the most irrational things, BUT....
PMS is used as a blanket phrase, these days. "Oh, my girlfriend is mad, she's PMSing..."

Girls are NOT always mad, irritated, or depressed on their period. Sometimes, MOST times, you can't even tell the difference.
What a dumb thing to say, that someone is "PMSing"....
Ruse said:
Yes, everyone is responsible for their own actions.
I happen to be one of those people that not only am I an untreated bipolar, but I have the worst cycle of anyone I know. I throw up, I feel sick, etc., and that's gotta make me look like a wet cat. I know it because at the moment, I am just that.
Asmodai will attest to this: I was the most depressed person in the world today and I jumped down someone's throat just because they told me I was in a mood swing. The poor kid didn't know what hit 'em. Lucky he was on the phone. I am like the weather that makes the Weather Man on 7R look like a damn idiot. I have been known to do the most irrational things, BUT....
PMS is used as a blanket phrase, these days. "Oh, my girlfriend is mad, she's PMSing..."

Girls are NOT always mad, irritated, or depressed on their period. Sometimes, MOST times, you can't even tell the difference.
What a dumb thing to say, that someone is "PMSing"....

Well why are you untreated? Sounds relatively irresponsible to me.
My parents are very conservative and refuse to belive that "Oh, God, there's something wrong with her". Plus, I'm not around them enough for it to click with them. They are way too preoccupied.
They don't believe there's ADD, OCD, ADHD, etc. Any mental disorder.
Ruse said:
My parents are very conservative and refuse to belive that "Oh, God, there's something wrong with her". Plus, I'm not around them enough for it to click with them. They are way too preoccupied.
They don't believe there's ADD, OCD, ADHD, etc. Any mental disorder.
So you've been diagnosed and your parents refuse to let you be treated? Is that what's happening here?
Heh. Yep. Pretty much. They hate phsychiatric doctors. And liberals. They think they're the same thing.
A friend of mine had various diagnosed disorders and because of her reactions to ALL the drugs she had been given she decided to take herseof off of them and used various techniques to get over them. I also know someone who experience ill effects of bipolar and Manic0Depressive treatments and found that a very strict change in diet to certain things seemed to control his levels (AND he was able to keep the manic parts that he liked without ill efect) If you are seriously interested, if you give me a little more info I can contact him to find out the treatments and diests he used. He lieves with a doctor of natural medicine who also happens to have a degree in child psychology and natural and organinc nutrition (ya he is a proffessional student I know, there are a few more degrees I can't even remember) so everything he did was under supervision, but it worked.

So if oyu are interested contact me.
I have read about that. I did tons of studies on this, when I actually heard this. I thought about going natural, and that way my parents wouldn't flip out, but really, I think it adds character.
Actually, being manic depressive keeps my muse alive, so I sort of appreciate it. Manic Depressive people have survived quite well independently from drugs before; I never complained about it, really. I myself have always hated substances that alter from who one truly is.
I just mentioned it because perhaps it skews my input a bit, because of the added hormones during each swing and cycle.
The diet is loosely based on teh ketogenic diet for epileptics. It still allows for the highs of the manic stages (without the uncontroled insanity and insomnia) while stifling the depressive end. Basically it keeps you level without keeping you boring. It uses various protiens and metals found in various foods but it is VERY strict!
Bullshit. Pure bullshit. Don't make me ****ing start on Ruse. I'll tell you all about ****ing manic depression little girl.

Don't listen to tizz and her ****ing retarded rant on bullshit voodoo ****ing therapy for those who allegedly need it either, I have never seen her more ****ed in the head then in any other post.

Pure ****ing bullshit idiocy.

problem: PMS

solution: take a pill, or shut the **** up

think its some huge disease? think the mental disorders should make you any less of a criminal? think again, its YOUR disease, and YOUR problem, if you kill someone because of hormones, than you need to be put away, not let loose to let your ab-normal body to **** someone else's life up.
Then let me throw a gay spin on this.....cuz its just what i do

Im gay......its not my fault i wasnt forced into it

if i murder someone for calling me a fag..........

can i plead the gay insanity cuz its not my fault?

Where exactly are the lines being drawn here???!?!?!?!?!?

man straight people are ****ed up!
angie said:
The cramps are real. The headaches are real. The bloating is real. The bleeding is real. Do YOU want to feel like this for a guaranteed five days every month? Yeah so we get a little agitated at times. It's not exactly fun. Not an excuse to be a megabitch, but a little cranky.
That is not PMS. That is normal. PMS is not a normal disorder, hense the term disorder. AHHHHH!!!!
I give up on you people. Your little brains keep bringing this around to the slang definition of PMS, which is not used in the Medical or Legal world. PMS has nothing to do with cramps or headaches.
Vortex said:
Then let me throw a gay spin on this.....cuz its just what i do

Im gay......its not my fault i wasnt forced into it

if i murder someone for calling me a fag..........

can i plead the gay insanity cuz its not my fault?

Where exactly are the lines being drawn here???!?!?!?!?!?

man straight people are ****ed up!
Just out of curiosity, do you consider it a mental disorder like PMS?
Of course it (homosexuality) is a disease, just like schizophrenia or cancer.

You could also label Acoholism as an "Alternate Lifestyle" and have drunk parades and pass laws to allow the sots to marry their whiskey, but it's still a disease.

I think it is (well was now) stupid to impose sodomy laws against them. To criminalize a disease is insane. And as long as their disease doesn't effect anyone, who cares? Let'em **** each other in the ass... Let'em get married, too!

My sister is a lesbian (yes, I think she's diseased, but it is her disease not mine. If she wants treatment, good... If not, well that's her damn buisness). She and my mother don't get along, If something happened to her (God forbid) like an incapicating infermity, her care would legally fall on her mother (which she doesn't trust). However, if she were married to her girlfriend of over 20 years, that burden would legally fall onto her spouse, whom she does trust.

So I say:
Homosexuality is a disease.
Gay marriage should be legal.

... and I see no conflict in these two statements.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
My sister is a lesbian (yes, I think she's diseased, but it is her disease not mine. If she wants treatment, good... If not, well that's her damn buisness). She and my mother don't get along, If something happened to her (God forbid) like an incapicating infermity, her care would legally fall on her mother (which she doesn't trust). However, if she were married to her girlfriend of over 20 years, that burden would legally fall onto her spouse, whom she does trust.
Do they not have a civil union? Civil Unions should come with all of the legal rights and responsibilities as marriage.