Poetry Tourney


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2005

2nd round starts on 5 August.

On 3rd august, all votings for this round will stop. :)


1) only poem or song format

2) original works

3) Submit before dateline (if not,the other person wins by default) If you need an extention, please PM me but, it must be a good reason to need the extension.

4) first person to get 5 votes wins. If not,the person with the most votes will move on.Votes must be explained.

5) Participants who are out of the tourney should not get angry.There's always another chance. :)

6)No arguements please :)

7) Minimum: 20 lines

8)Two participants will be competing against each other for each round.Winner moves on to next round. The topic chosen for each pair is random.

9) Each topic will be given an individual thread for posting and voting.

10) Each person will have 5 days to prepare and post it up.


1) Please explain your votes clearly,or it will not be counted.

2) Participants please be active in voting if possible. ;)

3) Voting for a certain topic will start ONLY when BOTH participants for the topic have posted their writings.



4) Shadowed Heart
5) Hyper
6) Dark Angel
7) immortal89
8) XERO-Limit
9) Clogz

uwantme2b said:
Sounds fun. I might have a go.

Bear in mind however that some people might feel hurt if they don't get any votes or anything.

yeah,i know that,but this is a tourney,so there will certainly be people who will lose.. ;)

so the two of u are in?
yeah, i'm in and what twilight said :)...how long do we have to prepare? you should say it before we start, 'cause not everyone can check here every day, so we have to know the exact date
i'm glad to receive all these response..

Firstly, the topic will be given on 23 july. It is shared by two participants(who are competing against each other) The topic is random. Chosen by me.:p

Each person will have 5 days to prepare and post it up before dateline.

Then,when the works are posted up,the voting will start. We will then vote for the person who is better,but no hard feelings pls. i'll post some more rules about it soon.
Chaser said:
**** u mother****er u aint disrespectin me like that

What are you talking about?
The only person being disrespectful here is you.
From looking at your other posts, I would say that you are only here to cause trouble. Do yourself a favour, and find something better to do with your time.
Mariza: Most likely this will go on till about the first or second week of august, are u able to make it?

Chaser,please get a life! stop bitching around in the boards or disrespecting people.