Poll: Favorite Instrument

Whats Your Favorite Instrument

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I love the keyboard and guitar. I've been playing the keyboard for about 5 years and the guitar for less than a year; but I prefer guitar over keyboard since I'm improving fast on the guitar :p
^ Agreed with that =] I love songs that can combine piano into it and make it fit and sound pretty at the same time!

For me, I'll have to say guitar. I don't think I've appreciated it too much, but I've been studying loads of guitar solos on Youtube (haha) and I'm simple amazed by peoples skills on that thing. For that said, I mean both the electric guitar which makes the most AMAZING sounds ever (Avenged Sevenfolds solos <333 And Rock Canon!!!) and also acoustic guitar for slow and pretty songs. Love em both and I wish I could play one day. I need faster fingers.
o0SugaxNxSpice0o said:
^ Agreed with that =] I love songs that can combine piano into it and make it fit and sound pretty at the same time!

For me, I'll have to say guitar. I don't think I've appreciated it too much, but I've been studying loads of guitar solos on Youtube (haha) and I'm simple amazed by peoples skills on that thing. For that said, I mean both the electric guitar which makes the most AMAZING sounds ever (Avenged Sevenfolds solos <333 And Rock Canon!!!) and also acoustic guitar for slow and pretty songs. Love em both and I wish I could play one day. I need faster fingers.

you took the words out of my mouth. :D

I used to think they were really easy; just sit down and beat the crap out the things with two sticks. But after watching, listening and actually taking some lessons myself, I found out how difficult it is to play them. They need time, skill and a lot of dedication to play them well.
I realize it takes hard work and complexity to play good drums, but there's just something about banging the **** out of a drum set :p

Other than that it's really the only instrument I can play.
Violin <3
I just love violin and whenever I listen to a song with alot of violin in it, I just get this undescribable feeling and just get lost in the music.
Unfortunately, I cant play it.
From the instruments I can play i.e. keyboard, piano, drums and guitar; I would choose guitar but only acoustic guitar. It's so soothing.
edit: if mic means singing then that would be after violin.<3
Hard choice between piano and guitar. But I picked guitar because if played correctly it can have such a beautiful sound. Also because its so versatile(sp?) and can be played in so many different styles of music. But I really love piano to.
I love drums and people who play drums cause they look so powerful! A good drummer leads the rest of the band (I'm not saying this just because I have a crush on Rob I trully believe it) No good drummer means a band cannot function properly. Just my opinion...
My favorite instrument is the cello. It is such a classical instrument but if you find out what else you can do with it you would be surprised. Just listen to some music of Apocalyptica. These guys are ****ing brilliant with what they can do with their cello's. Just listen to their version of Refuse/Resist by Sepultura, it blows you away.

xxxxxxxxx Anja
Well my favourite is the guitar, because I can play on it :) It doesn't matter if the guitar is classical or not - it has very good sound!!
*tries to ignore the Big Pink Apocalyptica thing*

I dunno I don't really play any instrument but I can read music a lil >.<

but on dudes or so I like Guitars, Basses, Drums and Pionos.. but I'm going with guitars cause the sound is so great in your ears ^^
Phranka said:
It does.. and I asked you nicely to stop it

So I can't show my love for my favorite band by giving their name a different colour?? Kinda sad I must say. Things like these turn me of big time on this site. Guess you won't be seeing me in for a while then.

Dark Greetings,


And to go out with a big bang

