Polygamy laws

I couldn't be mormon either... But I could deal with the whole two wife thing... I'm a freakin horndog... You're almost guaranteed to have at least one ***** woman in the house each night... If two doesn't cut it, pick up a couple of more... Who wouldn't be better off in a three or four income household?


New member
I couldn't be mormon either... But I could deal with the whole two wife thing... I'm a freakin horndog... You're almost guaranteed to have at least one ***** woman in the house each night... If two doesn't cut it, pick up a couple of more... Who wouldn't be better off in a three or four income household?
Who is going to have to deal with the women when jealousy sets in? You. And one unhappy, jealous woman isn't going to be in the mood to put out let alone 3 or 4 of them.

My guess is each of them is going to want children of their own. One child can be enough to kill spontaneous, *** me on the kitchen counter ***. Now add in 10-12 more...

What if one of your wives becomes terminally ill and you need to care for her? How will the rest of your family respond to that? Will they be willing to pitch in and help or will they be resentful of the extra time she requires of you?

You would either have to be a genius, a greasy politician, or a Morman who can put the fear of ***'s wrath into his women to force them to obey this lifestyle to pull it off.

Sorry to burst your male fantasy bubble, RaE. I just don't think the polygamy reality is quite the same as the "*** farm" scene you're hoping for. ;)



New member
Well if your gonna have more than one wife you need to set some rules. First off no TV, newspapers or any contact with the outside world. Next you will need seven of them, one for each day of the week. If one is on the rag you can use Monday's for Tuesday and so on. Then you will need to set up a cleaning chore chart as to who takes care of what.

Yeah I think that will work.



New member
No frackin' way would I have more than one wife.

Imagine if their menstrual cycles would sync up and you had to deal with two women with PMS.

Or worse. What if they didn't and you had to deal with it more often. <shudders>

No thank you.

Side note. You know why they call it PMS don't you? Because mad cow disease was already taken.



New member
Well if your gonna have more than one wife you need to set some rules. First off no TV, newspapers or any contact with the outside world. Next you will need seven of them, one for each day of the week. If one is on the rag you can use Monday's for Tuesday and so on. Then you will need to set up a cleaning chore chart as to who takes care of what.
Yeah I think that will work.

snaf, do you enforce those rules with the wife you have now?

I didn't think so. :p

Now imagine the **** you're going to catch trying to enforce them on SEVEN!

No frackin' way would I have more than one wife.
Imagine if their menstrual cycles would sync up and you had to deal with two women with PMS.

They would. Whenever women live in that close of proximity with one another, they tend to sync up their cycles with the most dominant female of the group.

Or worse. What if they didn't and you had to deal with it more often. <shudders>
No thank you.
LOL! Imagine your floral bill when you *** up and get your *** chewed by all of them.

Big $$$$$$!

Side note. You know why they call it PMS don't you? Because mad cow disease was already taken.
I should so bad rep you for that. :D

Who is going to have to deal with the women when jealousy sets in? You. And one unhappy, jealous woman isn't going to be in the mood to put out let alone 3 or 4 of them.
My guess is each of them is going to want children of their own. One child can be enough to kill spontaneous, *** me on the kitchen counter ***. Now add in 10-12 more...

What if one of your wives becomes terminally ill and you need to care for her? How will the rest of your family respond to that? Will they be willing to pitch in and help or will they be resentful of the extra time she requires of you?

You would either have to be a genius, a greasy politician, or a Morman who can put the fear of ***'s wrath into his women to force them to obey this lifestyle to pull it off.

Sorry to burst your male fantasy bubble, RaE. I just don't think the polygamy reality is quite the same as the "*** farm" scene you're hoping for. ;)

Oh, I know it wouldn't be all *** and *******... I was really kind of joking on that part.

This could really only work with people who were willing to live a life where they shared everything. And they would all have to be a close nit group and love each member of it.

And an added bonus, if 2 or 3 of the household members were working, added income! lol. If a man has 2 wives, one that works in the world, and one that works in the home, and he has a good job himself... That family would be able to function and prosper much more easily than a family with 2 adults working and trying to take care of the home as well.

Meh... just a thought.



New member
Oh, I know it wouldn't be all *** and *******... I was really kind of joking on that part.
This could really only work with people who were willing to live a life where they shared everything. And they would all have to be a close nit group and love each member of it.

And an added bonus, if 2 or 3 of the household members were working, added income! lol. If a man has 2 wives, one that works in the world, and one that works in the home, and he has a good job himself... That family would be able to function and prosper much more easily than a family with 2 adults working and trying to take care of the home as well.

Meh... just a thought.
Oh, I don't doubt it would be ideal if you found a group willing enough to make it work. It's a great concept in theory, but most likely pettiness and jealousy will set in quickly ruining it for everyone involved.

It's fun to intellectualize perfect relationship scenarios. I've done it here myself! But what works beautifully in someone's brain doesn't always translate so nicely to real world settings. That much I know. ;)

I own two pistols. One for each of them.



New member
RaE... if you have HBO try to catch a couple episodes of Big Love... maybe you could pick up some pointers for achieving that dream ;)

I caught an episode of it last weekend and ended up on demanding about a dozen more. I think I'm addicted.... and almost caught up on this season. Kind of hoping I can find the first 3 seasons online somewhere.

It's pretty bizarre... they have the "compound" people, who happen to be really freaky, and more than a little violent. Then there's the somewhat "normal" set consisting of the compound founder's banished son and his 3 wives (one of which happens to be the daughter of the current compound leader) who are attempting to live their lifestyle in mainstream America with all their children, while keeping it all as secret as possible.

RaE... if you have HBO try to catch a couple episodes of Big Love... maybe you could pick up some pointers for achieving that dream ;)
I caught an episode of it last weekend and ended up on demanding about a dozen more. I think I'm addicted.... and almost caught up on this season. Kind of hoping I can find the first 3 seasons online somewhere.

It's pretty bizarre... they have the "compound" people, who happen to be really freaky, and more than a little violent. Then there's the somewhat "normal" set consisting of the compound founder's banished son and his 3 wives (one of which happens to be the daughter of the current compound leader) who are attempting to live their lifestyle in mainstream America with all their children, while keeping it all as secret as possible.
Hmm. I've never seen it. I've heard things, I don't have HBO, but I will have to check it out.

off subject, Dexter is still the best show ever.



Active Members
For the same reason I believe there should be legal civil unions for gay couples I also believe several adults who choose to be in a committed relationship should also be legal, why would the Government be involved in restricting how people can live together?

I reserve the term "marriage" because that term was in existence as a way to describe a religious bond long before the American constitution was even thought of but I think in a Nation that is supposed to be governed by individual freedoms.......how can we say any relationship between consenting adults is wrong?

Basically the only real Government involvement should be setting up death benefits and such, if people had more then one "mate" then you simply divide equally those denefits and such, I don't see the problem.

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