Polygamy laws

nuhh-uuh. Weeds is.
I'm trying to catch up on season 5 right now :)

Oh no, Dexter definitely is! :p

For the same reason I believe there should be legal civil unions for gay couples I also believe several adults who choose to be in a committed relationship should also be legal, why would the Government be involved in restricting how people can live together?

I reserve the term "marriage" because that term was in existence as a way to describe a religious bond long before the American constitution was even thought of but I think in a Nation that is supposed to be governed by individual freedoms.......how can we say any relationship between consenting adults is wrong?

Basically the only real Government involvement should be setting up death benefits and such, if people had more then one "mate" then you simply divide equally those denefits and such, I don't see the problem.
Yeah, that's pretty much my thoughts on it. I'm not sure that the govm't should have anything to do with death benefits, but the rest I pretty much agree with.



Active Members
Yeah, that's pretty much my thoughts on it. I'm not sure that the govm't should have anything to do with death benefits, but the rest I pretty much agree with.
Well the Government has things like survivor benefits they pay to people as well as set up the laws for how property rights are set up for the family of someone who dies without a will or to even deal with challenges to a will.

Many reasons gay couples complain about wanting to be "married" is how insurance companies pay out benefits to the "next of kin" or offer medical care under 'family' plans. The Government making allowances for things like civil unions would also force insurance companies to do the same.

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