Poor English to introduce myself...

May 25, 2006
Hi,first,i am a chinese ,so i have poor english sometimes cant express me.Understand?I cant express myself clearly,but actually i am a LP fan!!
when you know that i am a chinese,tell me what you think,because in my opinion, people in US know a little about china.Now,to the topic,i am 18 years old and studying in college,first listened to LP in high school in my hometown where people are all poor.its very hard for anyone to buy CDs in my hometown,let alone Lp's,but i found them on internet.first song i listened to was somewhere belong,i felt good,very good,i cant express myself now,****ing poor english,i should study english hard later.there are many fans of LP in china mainland,we are hoping that LP can perform here,Beijing,shanghai or anywhere else.very happy for me to know so much people here.Last,could you do me a favour about downloading music(mp3,wma) on internet???because i am a chinese,i dont know web sites about download free music,so could you tell me???thanks very much!
Hey & welcome!
Well, I don't know much about China but...I don't mind that you're a Chinese... ;)
About downloading music...I'm usind this program called e-mule...it's completely free and you can download it... But there are lots of others similar ones too... :thumbsup:
Have fun!
Hello and welcome to the crazy family here at LPF. I know u think that people from the US dont know anything about China, but i am in love with China and places over there...so yeah, i know some about china, so YEAH!

Wonderful,I'm a chinese,too.Glad to see you here.Maybe we can communicate each other more.I'm new here ,too.Let's help each other.