Porn laws


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2006
it is ****ing pathetic how you cannot buy a porno mag until you are 18 but you can have physical sex at 16. what the **** is that all about?
well ****ed up
it is ****ing pathetic how you cannot buy a porno mag until you are 18 but you can have physical sex at 16. what the **** is that all about?
well ****ed up

Ok your an idiot...that being said mr in the closet. You can have physical sex before 16, and by yourself i'm sure you did. But i really don't think it's right for a bunch of 12 year old using there allowance on porn. On the Internet you can lie say your 18 and watch all the porn you want (i'm sure you know this). Whats ****ed up is that age to buy porn is your biggest worry.

How about you can go DIE for you country, but can't drink, oh ya but you could buy porn.:mad:

You can go DIE for your country before you even have a chance to go to collage, but you can buy porn.:mad:

You can go DIE for your country while people in the USA from other countries, bitch and say the U.S. is wrong, and they'll stay here anyway humm maybe because they can buy porn.:mad:

I'd say if your not old enough to buy porn, sit back look around and enjoy your life. Because when your old enough to buy porn, the party's over and real life begins. ;)
It's actually a valid arguement. But if anything it is only an arguement that sex under the age of 18 with someone is/should be OK.

phreakwars said:
It's actually a valid arguement. But if anything it is only an arguement that sex under the age of 18 with someone is/should be OK.


Judging by the slutiness of your average under-ager, any attempts to "protect our youth" are effectively destroyed. So does it really make a difference?

Now back to the porn

Like it's been mentioned in the previous arguements, over the counter pornography is on it's way out and any horny teenager can go onto the internet, lie about their age, or better yet download it off of a p2p filesharing program without big brother knowing a damn thing. So there goes the age restrictions out the window
it is ****ing pathetic how you cannot buy a porno mag until you are 18 but you can have physical sex at 16. what the **** is that all about?
well ****ed up

yeah, it should be consistent.
as a 17 year old i agree, with it not being a big ****ing issue that is.

not even mentoning the fact that i can go join the natonal guard and bring home a machine gun on the weekends, but i'm too young to own a rifle. (not that it stops me)

i can't wait to play with an M240G :D
porn is nice, but I'm looking for local sluts that want to ****. problem is that all of those sites want your credit card. bastards!