ppl thinking all drug "users" are "Druggies"

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New member
mayhapz i kant spell like ure system makez YOU but i didnt think it woz about da spelling i thought it woz about da thought ure saying im nothing kuz i kant spell like you ure saying im not gonna b nothing kuz i do drugz well herez sum newz for ya all da world leaderz are drugged up koce tokin crakbagz all da starz you c on tv every fukin day kan all afford it so dey are all drugged up koce hedz but you ppl that no one cz hearz or ever realy listenz to are da worst of all u pompass little groupiez of demokracy


New member
Since he doesn't wanna make sense, and wants to act like he is ghetto to get attention, only one thing to do with this topic.



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