Pretty on the dot quote...

The Ideologue

by Patrick J. Buchanan
Churchillian it was not. Yet the State of the Union seemed a success if Bush's purpose was to buy time from Congress to wait and see if his surge of US forces into Iraq might yet succeed.

But when Bush started to describe the ideological war we are in, one began to understand why we are in the mess we are in.

"This war," said Bush, "is an ideological struggle. ... To prevail, we must remove the conditions that inspire blind hatred and drove 19 men to get onto airplanes and to come to kill us."

But the "conditions" that drove those 19 men "to come to kill us" is our dominance of their world, our authoritarian allies, and Israel.

They were over here because we are over there.

If Bush is going to remove those "conditions," he is going to have to get us out of the Middle East. Is he prepared to do that? Of course not. Because Bush, believing the problem is not our pervasive presence but the lack of freedom in the Middle East, is waging his own ideological war to bring freedom in by force of arms, if necessary.

"What every terrorist fears most is human freedom – societies where men and women make their own choices."

Very American. But the truth is terrorists do not fear free societies, they flourish in them. The suicide bombers of 9/11, Madrid, and London all plotted their atrocities in free societies. From the Red Brigades, who murdered Italy's Aldo Mori, to the Baader-Meinhoff Gang, who tried to kill Al Haig, to the Basque ETA, the IRA and the Puerto Rican terrorists who tried to assassinate Harry Truman, free societies are where they do their most effective work.

Stalin's Russia and Nazi Germany had no trouble with terrorists.

"Free people are not drawn to violent and malignant ideologies," declared Bush. Oh? Explain, then, why 70 million Germans, under the most democratic government in their history, gave more than half their votes to Nazis and Communists in 1933? In every plebiscite he held, Hitler won a landslide. In the year of Anschluss and Munich, 1938, Hitler was Time's Man of the Year and far more popular than FDR, who lost 71 seats in the House.

During 2006, free Latin peoples brought to power anti-American Leftists Hugo Ch
"Down on the corner.... Out in the street...." happy music dance

you know... dancing in an office chair is an acquired skill :D it's mostly in the feet and shoulders

Right! on to the reply!

Anna Perenna said:
Imagine wanting peace! They must be evil. And it goes without saying that they must hate the military.

wanting peace and sacrificing anything for it is different, SGT. Crabtree was not referring to people that simply wish for peace, he was talking about the ones who will do ANYTHING including allowing hundreds of our men to die to avoid actually fighting the war.

Anna Perenna said:
Believe it or not, there are normal sane people in the world who believe that war should be the very last resort. These people don't hate the military. They just don't think killing people is the best way to resolve conflict.

yep, i agree with them, and I'm sure SGT. Crabtree does too, but you're not realizing that war was the last resort. oil for food, sanctions, U.N. inspections, they all failed, so we got out the gun and did what 'diplomacy' couldn't

Anna Perenna said:
I despise Bush. And while I don't think Chavez is a Marxist thug (he's NOT) I don't agree with the way Kim Jong does things. Why is it that Republican pundits et al often try to spread the mentality of "you're either with us, or you're a terrorist and/or you support all the 'bad guys'"

It's so babyish to think like that. Grow up!

I love Bush, he gave me a war to go to, and a war that can make a difference, i think hes a cool mother ****er.

Chavez needs to be assassinated. and Kim 'mini-me' Jong is very much against us. The swiss on the other hand, are neutral. everyone else is just saying 'we are neutral!' while they screw us over behind the doors. kinda like france.

Anna Perenna said:
I love it how "Doc" Crabtree doesn't even bother to back this bullshit up. He knows it's bullshit. But he also knows that most right wing supporters will be happy to go along with anything that makes Democrats/Liberals look bad.

It's his opinion, you agree or disagree, he is pointing out what he sees as the groups of people opposed to the war, what is there to back up?

and the lib's will go along with anything that makes bush or the right wing look bad just the same.

Anna Perenna said:
As for people thinking that parents aren't allowed to be upset about their kids fighting in wars - how ridiculous.

no, they can be upset, but who the hell cares, the **** they are doing to stop the war they are so opposed to is getting their children killed, so **** them. they are NOT loving folks just looking out for their kids, they are controlling insecure assholes supporting sanctions that will get their kids killed.

Anna Perenna said:
Imagine that your son signed up for the military. He is basically signing his life away, and pledging blind allegiance to whatever choices the President makes.

and that's his/her choice. as for me, it's my personal choice.

Anna Perenna said:
I think it's reasonable for parents to expect that their President will at the very least err on the side of caution when taking their son's life into his own hands. In fact, they should expect him to have a very ****ing good reason for sending their son to war.

he did have a good reason, the parents just don't want the kids to go to war, the reason does not matter, it's the instinctive 'protect the next generation' parenting mind kicking in, the same people would be pissed even if the war was perfect.

Anna Perenna said:
The fact that Saddam didn't like his Daddy is not a legitimate reason.

how about the FACT that Saddam tried to kill his dad? or the FACT that Saddam murdered hundreds of thousands of people, or the FACT that he was using WMD's, and the FACT that he was one of the most powerful military powers in the area.

Anna Perenna said:
And what about all the innocent children in Iraq who have been killed? Don't they matter?

yep, but apparently more than the ones SLAUGHTERED by Saddam. goes both ways bitch :)

Anna Perenna said:
Why is smearing the Democrats/Liberals more important to Republicans than actually, say, saving lives?

"OH! we're never gonna quit, just acting like we're animals!" more chair dance :cool: DA! Dana! da-dana-da-da-da-da-da-da!!!!!!! half-hearted head bang

anyway, the lib's pull **** just as bad and get more innocent lives killed, fact is, both wings are full of dip **** people that care more about money and themselves than others lives, deal with it, both sides have the good and the bad, i just happen to be of the opinion that the current administration cares more for our lives than the current left, and you are of the other opinion.

25 or 6 To 4 duna na na na, duna na na na, duna na na na.... trombone <--- i think it's a trombone anyway.
OK, i validated your existence by replying to you, so yes, you are alive.

NOW... will you respond to my question? i am asking politely :D see? I'm even smiling, i just want a serious answer, that's all.
Anna Perenna said:
Imagine wanting peace! They must be evil. And it goes without saying that they must hate the military.

Believe it or not, there are normal sane people in the world who believe that war should be the very last resort. These people don't hate the military. They just don't think killing people is the best way to resolve conflict.

Seriously Anna? YOU are the one who sounds like a spin doctor... All this Jargon, spinning it so that it appears to everyone that people who actually agree with the war and support MY president are insane or blood thirsty. Wanting peace has NOTHING to do with hate for the military. People do make a generalization about anti-war Americans. It is mostly because of the example that we've seen plastered on the televisions; the propaganda that the biased media drills into the heads of people who can't think for themselves. It appears that the majority of anti-war Americans are normal, people who had little or no opinion about the war at all, until they turned on CNN or NBC to watch the **** that's being fed to the masses. It's these same things that changed the mob's ideas about the war, that cause the people that think for themselves to over-generalize the people that are against the war. Savvy?

Anna Perenna said:
I despise Bush. And while I don't think Chavez is a Marxist thug (he's NOT) I don't agree with the way Kim Jong does things. Why is it that Republican pundits et al often try to spread the mentality of "you're either with us, or you're a terrorist and/or you support all the 'bad guys'"

It's so babyish to think like that. Grow up!

I happen to adore Bush. I appreciate him. He's a ****-ton better than that tard clinton was, or that **** kerry would have been.
Chaves is ABSOLUTELY an Marxist thug... do you not follow him at all? Be reasonable...
It does tend to be kind of an all or nothing situation sometimes... Either you agree with what's going on, or you disagree... If you don
Hanoi Jane said:
Why thank you for thinking of little old me.

Good point. Our enemies have help from within. Just like Vietnam.

Americans must realize that there are agents operating in this Country attempting to undermine our Country and it's leadership through our democratic principles in an effort to achieve a foreign country's goal. A prime example of such a person during the Vietnam War was Jane Fonda, an admitted Socialist, who blatantly supported North Vietnam. Agent - Any person who works to obtain the goals of another nation either for money or for their own political beliefs.

A valuable lesson was taught by North Vietnam to other nations on how the United States may be defeated by fighting a two front war - the battlefield and the American home front. We must be aware of this vulnerability.
It was true then and it's true now.

Wake up!
May I ask when we can go home? Is it when the Sunnis and Shiites stop killing each other? I think they have been killing each other for about 1200 years now.

The real war, that must be won, is between moderate and fascist Islam. Our actions are aiding the fascists.
hugo said:
May I ask when we can go home? Is it when the Sunnis and Shiites stop killing each other? I think they have been killing each other for about 1200 years now.

The real war, that must be won, is between moderate and fascist Islam. Our actions are aiding the fascists.

only one thing will stop the wars, the compleate extermination of one or the other side, and that will never happen. but a few well placed nukes should grind the population over there to a dull roar.
Msixty said:
only one thing will stop the wars, the compleate extermination of one or the other side, and that will never happen. but a few well placed nukes should grind the population over there to a dull roar.

Yep, and it would increase the chance of a nuclear weapon being detonated on American soil.