Price gouging after KATRINA pisses me off


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
New Orleans, population : 484674
% of it under water: 80

Having shame for capitalizing on others misery: PRICELESS

It is absolutely ****ing UNREAL to me that we are such a capitolistic nation full of greedy ****ing people who would gouge those prices up to people who need help. People who have hardly anything but memories left anyway... sure.. mother ****ers... suck the last of there money out of them for your own gain while your at it..GREEDY Mother ****ers !!

Hotels charging a ****ing PREMIUM, over inflated gas prices (as if they ain't high enough already), and all around GREEDY, MAKE A QUICK BUCK, bullshit.

If I ran a hotel, I would NEVER raise my price to make more money like that, expecially when I know damn well hundreds of thousands of people were affected.

I would be happy knowing at least "HEY ALL MY ROOMS ARE AT FULL CAPACITY".

What more could ANY hotel ask for ??

Its just ****ing sad people, really ****ing sad.
phreakwars said:
New Orleans, population : 484674
% of it under water: 80

Having shame for capitalizing on others misery: PRICELESS

It is absolutely ****ing UNREAL to me that we are such a capitolistic nation full of greedy ****ing people who would gouge those prices up to people who need help. People who have hardly anything but memories left anyway... sure.. mother ****ers... suck the last of there money out of them for your own gain while your at it..Mother ****ers !!

Hotels charging a ****ing PREMIUM, over inflated gas prices (as if they ain't high enough already), and all around GREEDY, MAKE A QUICK BUCK, bullshit.

If I ran a hotel, I would NEVER raise my price to make more money like that, expecially when I know damn well hundreds of thousands of people were affected.

I would be happy knowing at least "HEY ALL MY ROOMS ARE AT FULL CAPACITY".

What more could ANY hotel ask for ??

Its just ****ing sad people, really ****ing sad.

I tell ya, that sounds worse than the damn Russian Mafia. In it for the cash. Just wait until their houses get flooded and see how happy they will be to inflated prices. The cost of living and food and other necessities should be THE LAST thing on their mind in times of such a disaster. That just goes to show you how "glorious" our society is.
This whole thing really pisses me off as well. I don't understand how people can be that ****ed up to raise the prices just to make more money. It's really sad to be honest.
Then you have all the anarchy with people looting. I could understand people taking food or medicine. No, lets grab the TVs and stereos! What a great idea since THERE'S NO ****IN POWER! I'm just glad they declared martial law.
It's insane whats happening in New Orleans.
I was thinking about the tsunami in Southeast Asia. I don't remember hearing anything about people looting and killing each other to survive. Those people helped each other out....
**** this **** pisses me the **** off.
These days, people seem to be in it for themselves, unless it is their job to help. Sure there are good people left who would under any condition help another person in need but for the rest of the "people" out there, it is all about money and THEIR own petty needs. How hard could it be to lower prices, no, LET these people free of charge stay at the hotels and motels? Give these people SOMETHING! I mean damn, most these people lost everything they have worked for their entire lives. The least they can get is a nice warm room, and indoor swimming pool and room service!
I also post on my hometowns webboard and tame down my GF type attitude for the sake of fellow posters, and one of the things we were discussing was the LOOTING ... Now I think I may have left an impression with them that I am somehow RACIST because I used the word ****** to describe said looters.

I had corrected myself from saying originally that it was only BLACKS stealing..

Just so that fellow posters from THAT board who don't POST on GF but DO read our stuff will know, I still stand by my ****** comment.

I can UNDERSTAND completely if someone is hungry, there children are hungry, if they don't eat they will get sick, there whole life is gone, they just do what they need to do to have the neccesitys of life.. I am NOT complaining about them what so ever.

I am however complaining about the ****S who make it a free for all.

And yes, 8 ball is 100% correct... THIS **** NEVER ****ING HAPPENED DURING THE BIG TSUNAMI DISASTER !!




**** WITS !!
Man, and I thought the teens were bad in America, then you have a bunch of scandalous ass creamers that don't even help their fellow friend and neighbor in need. I am usually the type of guy that when something happens, I don't care (petty **** like an act of stupidity) but when it comes to a disaster like this, and people who ACT like they are legit but are just **** irks the hell out of me. If there is one thing I hate, is a scandalous money licker that pretends to be an ally and then adds insult to injury in a time of need such as this. I agree with everyone on this post, these people are PUKE.
phreakwars said:



**** WITS !!

I have nothing to add other than i ****ing agree with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wanted to just give you rep..but apparently i give you too much and i still cant (that makes about 6 posts in 3 days that i still cant give you any)

But i figured you should know!
Just like here in L.A. after the Rodney King piece-o-**** trial. The ******s went on a rampage trashing and burning THEIR OWN ****ING COMMUNITY!!
I learned at an early age that you don't **** in the same plate from which you eat.
These baboon twat, knuckle-dragging assholes are none the different.
People do not care about anyone but themselves now days. Everyone acts like if it's not someone they specifically know, why should they give a ****? But! There's a thing called karma..Those assholes will get what they're doing to other people back twice as bad.
We are paying 3.50 a gal here in Ga and i CANT ****in believe that.
A pack of cigs are cheaper. All i have to say is inflation. Here in Ga there is plenty of gas but as soon as the rumor went out we were running out thousands stood in lines waiting to pay 2.99 a gal. I waited 45 mins for 5 gals.
OMG this is ****ing ridiculous. I cant even go to the grocery store w/o worrying about it. I heard Germany is offering to help...whos next..Canada?
We (americans) helped in every other disaster (sp) and now...whos stepping up for us?
Ours will probably go way up since we're in Louisiana...Today it was only $3.20...That's high but people were saying it was like $5.00 in other places. :eek:
These assholes don't deserve to live, the raghead in Atlanta charging six bucks a gal. needs to be hung by his balls from the ceiling of the super dome. :mad:
Well, at least no one is out at the shelters trying to sell "I survived katrina" shirts like they did after Hugo I think it was ($25 a shirt and they were out the afternoon after the storm hit) People are oprotunistic. We take while the taking is good and we sell when we will make the most money. It's sick
My partner and I are sitting on a lot of jerlery we baught for fundraisers and have faught the idea of selling them online, but our organisation is STILL waiting our status so we can't attach the name to sales yet. We are afraid people won't take us seriously if we can't get listed as a non-proffit (By state we can but federally no) so the best we could do was donate 100 bottle of water we had gotten labeled to sell at flea markets (might be a btich come tax time but who cares) We are busting on family and neighbors to get money to buy and donate water and pedialyte. Getting there but not as much as we are hoping. It's damn frustrating.

OH make sure folks, if it's been a while get your asses out to donate blood. They are in major need of that (as is teh rest of the country at the moment) so open a vien. There is a nationwide drive runing tomorrow through monday. More than half the blood recieved is supposed to go to hurricane areas. Check the Red Cross website for the drive near you!!


Thanks for the Ebay listings Phreak I will be checking that out tonight
Phreak... I'm deeply offended that you used the term '**** wit'... I demand an immediate apology