Pro-illegal freaks at Columbia U at it again.

TooDrunkTo**** said:
What ultra-liberalism? Between the extreme crackdown in censorship from Ashcroft's FCC, the reduction of civil rights from The Patriot Act in order for greater security, the constant war and threats to invade anywhere Dubyah deems an outlaw regime, and the Republicans' virtual monopoly of two of the three branches of government, I don't see how you could consider the current regime anything but ultra-conservative. The repressiveness is growing rather than shrinking, too.

Yeah, those students were ****tards and border control should be increased, but don't pretend this kind of thing reflects a trend when it's more of an abberation.

Were on earth have you been in the last 5 to 10 years? Ultra-liberalism has been running ramped. The liberals are more concerned in getting into office. We’ve had to fight them at every turn. Troop deployment, armament, Sentry’s not allowed to carry loaded weapons so as to not offend a rouge nation. Only to be attacked with no repercussions. Tying the government’s hands from the wire taps and Patriot Act (which I find very close to treasonous).
The Patriot Act was passed 98 to 1 in Senate an 357 to 66 in the House.

Who’s civil rights have been violated by the Patriot Act?

The Patriot Act and the wire taps are probably the best line of defense we have and the liberals would rather jeopardize the American way for a few petty criminals that are worried they might get caught doing something wrong.

I found this on a site and it says it pretty good
They (Liberals) defend, to the point of treasonously revealing intelligence gathering operations, the right to privacy, which is written nowhere in the Constitution, but think “the right of the people to keep and bear arms” is negotiable.
**** the liberals.
