*Projekt Revolution 2007* (All tour stuff here)

*cough* ass ****ing warner

i think perhaps that show is being put up for DVD, it wouldnt make any sense otherwise, even if LP ****ed up, theyve done that once or twice so far, forgetting to play songs and what not. so unless their set collapsed(we woulda heard about that), its most likely being put up for DVD in someway or live cd

anyone got that show and is willing to share anyways? =P
well idk if warner want to make another dvd i mean its possible that they want to milk us again...
and MArk do you know of any plans of LP coming to SA any time in the next say a year? ur pms are full but i guess you prefer it that way -_-
i was just wondering cause MTM went platinum here recently so it would be cool if they were to come early next year some time
LP has said they are touring in places they haven't been to before on the World MTM Tour.

It hasn't started yet so I'm not sure. Phoenix said Asia, Australia, Europe, USA. He didn't mention SA but I really hope they do go there. If I hear of anything you know I'll post it lol.
well idk if warner want to make another dvd i mean its possible that they want to milk us again...
and MArk do you know of any plans of LP coming to SA any time in the next say a year? ur pms are full but i guess you prefer it that way -_-
i was just wondering cause MTM went platinum here recently so it would be cool if they were to come early next year some time

I don't understand why people consider a live CD/DVD combo again "milking" us, and unlikely. Alot of people love the idea of another live DVD and of projekt revolution? 99.99% chance there will not be a video bootleg of it. Alot of people may like the idea of another live CD/DVD combo... I'm one of them.

This wasn't just directed toward you, but I've seen alot of people saying stuff like this lately.
I don't understand why people consider a live CD/DVD combo again "milking" us, and unlikely. Alot of people love the idea of another live DVD and of projekt revolution? 99.99% chance there will not be a video bootleg of it. Alot of people may like the idea of another live CD/DVD combo... I'm one of them.

This wasn't just directed toward you, but I've seen alot of people saying stuff like this lately.

I wouldn't mind another Live CD/DVD either..
Your 99.99% chance is very wrong, we already have 2 potential videotapers for PR lined up.

I'll be shocked considering the security level of PR tends to be the highest out of any tour LP does. There are no full LP video bootlegs of an PR show. I'll move it to 98%, but I still don't see that happening, as much as I'd like it too. I like to think realistic even if it bothers people. Smuggling a video camera into the area if half the battle. Taping it is just as hard.
I'll be shocked considering the security level of PR tends to be the highest out of any tour LP does. There are no full LP video bootlegs of an PR show. I'll move it to 98%, but I still don't see that happening, as much as I'd like it too. I like to think realistic even if it bothers people. Smuggling a video camera into the area if half the battle. Taping it is just as hard.

there's a 56 minutes video from the Phoenix show
there's a 56 minutes video from the Phoenix show

Yeah, but a DVD... anyone can go out and get that.

Besides, who cares!!! I want a frigin live DVD lol. I want the joys of a soundboard recording and professional filming! I happen to like it! I'm sorry!! lol.

Bootlegs and professional recordings both have a different feeling and atmosphere.. I happen to like the way they both are and sound. And thanks to the work of many great people out there there, there happen to be alot more bootlegs than Soundboards, lol.

By the way, I officially love Hahninator. Georgia kicks ass!
no, there is no PR07 DVD...They're stating that Warner MAY decide to release a DVD for that show, similar to how they filmed two shows in Texas for the 'Live In Texas' DVD back during the Summer Sanitarium tour.