prostituted 2 year old SucksBBS style of revenge needed

Wow, that's ****ing sick. They should be ****ing tortured. In the worst way...Not quite sure what that is yet, but I can think up some pretty ****ed up ideas. Hmmm, I say they allow us to do a poll on here, and we decide the punishment....... :cool:

Or we can just drown them while letting rabid monkeys eat their legs...
Just in case, like me, you get nervous about clicking Phreak's links...

Man pleads guilty to having sex with 2-year-old

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By The Tribune-Review
Wednesday, September 14, 2005

A Washington County man accused of having sex with a 2-year-old girl who was prostituted online by her mother pleaded guilty yesterday in federal court to a charge of inducing a minor to engage in illegal sexual activity.

Andrew Hlavac, 45, of Jefferson Avenue, Washington, also pleaded guilty to a charge of receipt of material depicting the sexual exploitation of a minor. The toddler's mother told federal authorities that Hlavac performed sex acts on her daughter in 2003.

Hlavac's case is one of four cases prosecuted by U.S. Attorney Mary Beth Buchanan's office from an investigation into the activities of the Berks County woman, who authorities said used the Internet to offer her daughter to men for sex.
You know what? I am sick and tired of these sick stupid mother****ers that have sex with children. ARE THEY THAT ****ING PATHETIC!?! What the **** possess a ****ing grown adult to have sex WITH A CHILD!?! At that, the ****ing mother allows this? She condones this? You know, I would be honored, if someone employed me to wipe these sorry, mindless, insidious, insignificant excuses of multicelluar organism off the face of the ****ing Earth but not before I put them through a torturous ordeal that they would hope ends in a quick death only for me to end their ****ing lives as slowly and inhumanely as possible.
phreakwars said:
I like that, it gives a better meaning to "I sincerely hope someone slashes your throat"

I would take having my throat slashed over "my face torn off,having to breath through a air tube!" anyday of the weak! The man in that picture was still alive. Pretty messed up eh? But he had it coming!
This is worse than pedophilia. Pedophilia is sick enough, BUT WHAT KIND OF SCREWED UP **** WOULD WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH A ****ING BABY!?

Seriously. WHAT IS SO ****ING ATTRACTIVE ABOUT A 2-year old?!
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
This is worse than pedophilia. Pedophilia is sick enough, BUT WHAT KIND OF SCREWED UP **** WOULD WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH A ****ING BABY!?

Seriously. WHAT IS SO ****ING ATTRACTIVE ABOUT A 2-year old?!

SCREWED UP **** being the keywords there. I really don't know who the hell would do such a thing. But it has been documented that the people who seem less likly to commit such a act. Are the one who do it the most. So next time you see Joe Average Guy Next Door...just go ahead and kill him!
Whatever they do to these two sick sob's, I hope it involves a red hot poker and their asses.

Oh yea to everyone from that other thread about tracking Sex Offenders Electronically after getting out of prison in Florida that thought it was wrong and in violation of their rights. I hope this sick ******* moves to your town when he gets out of prison. Also what about the 2 year olds rights to know where this sick **** is when she grows up and he gets released.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
This is worse than pedophilia. Pedophilia is sick enough, BUT WHAT KIND OF SCREWED UP **** WOULD WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH A ****ING BABY!?

Seriously. WHAT IS SO ****ING ATTRACTIVE ABOUT A 2-year old?!

Only sorry wastes of sperm that cannot get laid except by something that is not truly aware would **** a baby. They are stupid sorry ****s that don't deserve any justice, and that mother should be beaten to death with a computer keyboard since she loves it so damn much.
Of course it's those that are the most unlikely to do things that are the most messed up. Notice how your average psycopath is usually very friendly and socialible? THEY LIVE SECRET LIVES.
What the **** kind of parent prostitutes a ****ing 2 year old??
What the **** kind of subordinate ass responds???
Ok so here's what we'll do. First, shove a few fistfulls of assorted herbs and spices (I like garlic, basil, rosemary and lemon pepper, personally) into each of their orifices. Eyes in the way? Take 'em out and replace em afterwards. Inject the eyes full of red wine, too.
Next, sew all the orifices shut with some good twine, all save the eyes. The eyeballs will hold in the spices.
Now, marinate in a good marinade for 6 hours. After this, cover with a good spice rub. Try combining the same kinds of herbs you used before with some breadcrumbs.
Seal in an airtight package as to prevent leakage, and to allow the sauces to keep soaking in.
Mail this to your favorite German Cannibal. You will have made a lot of people very happy, some happier than others.
I'd lower these sickos in a vat of highly corrosive acid a sixteenth of an inch at a time, stopping only above the waist, then I'd crush their wrists while crucifying them. Then, carve their chests open and let the buzzards have one hell of a feast! evil laughter :D :D
phreakwars said:
Don't motivate me.


millions of dollars and hundreds of lives ruined by these people, and all it would take is a few hundred dollars in gas, ammunition, a rifle, and your time and patience to prevent that, think about it, its more than a fair trade

No matter how true or logical in your mind or anothers the things i might say are or seem to be, I'm only (for the time being) talking ****, do not, i repeat, DO NOT, act upon my random thoughts and ideas