Public Breastfeeding - A Malicious Act?


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
She swans into a public gathering [insert facility, restaurant, etc] arranges the props and starts the ritual. She makes no secret of the fact that the "Public Breastfeeding Performance" is in take-off mode and the obsessively defiant body language is: "I dare you to criticise me or even look sideways at me - it is my right to do this, I don't care what you think!' She makes it more noticable than a streaker at a baseball game and the kid, boob in gob is paraded and displayed like a hunter's trophy. Discretion? Are you mad? We're talking major display and exhibition here, Charlie!

Eavesdrop on a bunch of breastfeeding mothers in a discussion, and it's like listening to the "Critical Mass" cycling thugs planning yet another public outrage against the motoring public. The battle tactics of the arrogant 'tit-for-tat-ers' is as simple to display as an engineer's flow-chart. The active elements are as follows: The unattached men in the audience are automatically between a rock and a hard place and have no idea what to do or where to look. Inflicting this level of torture is such a buzz for the owner of the milk bar they can barely contain themselves. The attached men are watched like a hawk by the attachees, and they know they will catch hell for their sins, but much later. She enjoys this no end. The restaurant staff are in deep water, because no matter who might complain to them, for whatever reason, will be told 'we can't do much, in case we get sued'. The antidiscrimination Pit-Bulls would love an exposed ankle on that one.

The ugly, depressed, childless, infertile and easily intimidated females around her are at her mercy without a word being said. They are made to feel like crap for their inadequacies and insecurities and 'milk-bar- molly' is glowing in her self-righteousness. A cheap, callous triumph'. She knows the 'Politically Correct' gestapo is there to protect her every whim and the public can get stuffed. She loves the drama and the inflicted suffering, and you'd swear from her "Madonna & Child" pose, that Michaelangelo would have ripped both his legs off for the privilege of painting her image for posterity. All this, and she doesn't have to utter a single word. No criticism is practical or possible. Vive La Democratie!
I'm all for public breastfeeding, but when the woman walks around Starbucks with it hanging out asking if anyone wants milk for their coffee? That's taking it a bit far, IMO.
I am all for breastfeeding in public-been there, done that. However, I do think you need to be discreet, out of respect for others. And to be honest, I would rather not have the general public staring at my boobs. 9 time out of 10 when going out I bring a bottle, of either expressed milk or formula. The few times I have breastfed in a public area, it's been in a corner somewhere where I wasn't noticeable, with a blanket draped over what was exposed. I know it makes others uncomfortable, so I try to make it as painless as possible.
angie said:
I am all for breastfeeding in public-been there, done that. However, I do think you need to be discreet, out of respect for others. And to be honest, I would rather not have the general public staring at my boobs. 9 time out of 10 when going out I bring a bottle, of either expressed milk or formula. The few times I have breastfed in a public area, it's been in a corner somewhere where I wasn't noticeable, with a blanket draped over what was exposed. I know it makes others uncomfortable, so I try to make it as painless as possible.

That was my opinion. Sometimes the baby has to eat. But I don't want men looking at my boobs 24/7. And the baby wouldn't eat with distractions anyways.
Christ, girls! What's gone wrong? - civilised behaviour - courtesy - consideration - this is outrageous & unheard of here in Oz. But then, since the place was started as a maximum security prison and nothing much has changed in the interim, it's no surprise the inmates are just as feral now as they were then.. The breastfed idiots here become our political leaders. When I become dictator of Australia, I'll have you two run the public affairs department (with really fat salaries & bribe options). Good on you. Cheers!
It's not much to ask that if you need to feed your baby, take that **** elsewhere. Its no different then any other body function involving private parts. Nobody wants to see you tities floppin out while their trying to eat. No more then I want to watch someone take a piss.

There is no excuse for it. If your at the movies and your baby is crying and hungry, then guess what? You shouldn't be at the ****ing movies with a newborn.

Why is it to much to ask a bitch to take her ****ing brat into the restroom for its dispersal of bodily fluids?

At what age does it stop if its deemed legal? 1? 2? 8? 10? 15? Can I drink from a womans tity at Wal-Mart because I'm hungry? Well why the **** not?

You self righteous bra-burning bitch's can stuff that **** far up your ass.
Now this raises an interesting question..

What is the big ****ing deal about titties anyway ??

Why are womens boobs concidered private parts, yet men can walk around without a shirt on and nobody gives a **** ??

Just because women have that extra brown fat that makes up their breasts, some asshole decided that they should cover them up.. that's just wrong I TELL YOU !!

Personally, I really wouldn't care if my wife wanted to walk around with no top so that everybody could see her 38-D chest.

But then... that's just me.
Well the issue of tities being a "private part" is a whole other thang.

Female **** are considered a 'sex' organ. I suppose. At least that explains why I like to **** them. Maybe thats just me.:eek:

My point about breast feeding is, if men could breast feed too, I STILL wouldn't want to see it. Its a personal exchange of bodily fluids and such an intimate transfer should remain behind closed doors. If I was ever at the park and some bitch was tity feeding her child right there in plain sight. I would feel obligated to yell "Hey everybody look at the tities on that whore". Until the dizzy **** put her swollen Mamore's away.

I saw a show a few years back that featured these women who breast feed their 5 and 6 year olds, IN PUBLIC. Outrageous.
Five and six year olds? That is pretty out there. But seriously dude, it's a natural thing to feed your screamingly hungry infant. It's not like most women just leave the kid attached and walk around the town. It is an intimate moment. It doesn't have to be behind closed doors, though.

The sexualisation of the human breast has lead to all kinds of profits for plastic surgeons.

They are breasts. Milk providors.

Some look better than others.


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Sorry, Jhony.
I'm not going to sit and feed my daughter in a filthy public bathroom just because you can't get over your juvenile perception of women's breasts. Breastfeeding is not a sexual act. So why, at that moment in time, should the breasts be considered a sex organ? They are 'feeding bags' as my fiancee so tactfully puts it.
I've sat in dressing rooms, but not in bathrooms. Forcing a woman to sit in a bathroom says "I find you breastfeeding your child disgusting." It's normal, it's natural, and I'm not going to hide it because of people like you. I will be discreet, but I will not be shunned to the vile urinal that is public bathrooms.
**** yeah. Like phreak and Angie said, what is unacceptable about feeding a hungry kid in public?

I sometimes shudder when I see policeman feeding a ticket to an unsuspecting player. Is that kosher?
angie said:
Sorry, Jhony.
I'm not going to sit and feed my daughter in a filthy public bathroom just because you can't get over your juvenile perception of women's breasts. Breastfeeding is not a sexual act. So why, at that moment in time, should the breasts be considered a sex organ? They are 'feeding bags' as my fiancee so tactfully puts it.
I've sat in dressing rooms, but not in bathrooms. Forcing a woman to sit in a bathroom says "I find you breastfeeding your child disgusting." It's normal, it's natural, and I'm not going to hide it because of people like you. I will be discreet, but I will not be shunned to the vile urinal that is public bathrooms.

Don't give a **** about you women and your god dam attitudes about milking yer ****. I don't care if you let your kid eat your **** in the toilet, or in an alley next to the garbage. Keep your **** wrangled up behind cloth. Take the picture Phreak provided. An attractive women, no doubt. BUT, I can barely tolerate viewing a 270 pound white trash bitch who chooses to wear a midriff shirt and spandex shorts. God dam it if I should be forced to witness the physical hell that lies underneath.

So why, at that moment in time, should the breasts be considered a sex organ?

I don't know why. Maybe for the same reason the clothing industry makes millions selling push-up bras. Maybe for the same reason as to why every bitch I've been with wants me to suck her **** when I bang her. Whether it is or is not a sex organ is beside the point really. My asshole isn't a sex organ. I sure as hell ain't wipin' that out in public. Civilized people have long accepted the notion that **** are private and are not to be displayed in public. If everyone was beautiful, then maybe it would stand differently. But the fact is many people are disgusting wretchs whom should cover themselves as fully as the weather permits.
I'm not going to sit and feed my daughter in a filthy public bathroom just because you can't get over your juvenile perception of women's breasts.
Then take some time and think ahead. Squeeze some lactate into a ****ing empty coke bottle or whatever you have to do in order act like you don't live in Somalia.
Jhony5 said:
Then take some time and think ahead. Squeeze some lactate into a ****ing empty coke bottle or whatever you have to do in order act like you don't live in Somalia.

Thankfully, the world doesn't revolve around you. Feeding a child isn't about you and if you are offended. It's about the child. You have the ability to not look. If you don't have the desire to look away, then I don't know what to say.

Maybe your mom weaned you too sooon, and you are still angry about that.
Jhony5 said:
Don't give a **** about you women and your god dam attitudes about milking yer ****. I don't care if you let your kid eat your **** in the toilet, or in an alley next to the garbage.
Fine. I don't want to watch nasty looking hippies eating, either. Why don't you eat your next meal in a smelly bathroom, or next to a dumpster? My kid has a right to eat in a clean environment just like you.
Keep your **** wrangled up behind cloth. Take the picture Phreak provided. An attractive women, no doubt. BUT, I can barely tolerate viewing a 270 pound white trash bitch who chooses to wear a midriff shirt and spandex shorts. God dam it if I should be forced to witness the physical hell that lies underneath.
Nobody's telling you to look. Don't ogle her if you don't want to see it. There's plenty of fat people out there who dress inappropriately. I don't like it I fix my eyes on something more aesthetically pleasing. Same ****ing thing.

I don't know why. Maybe for the same reason the clothing industry makes millions selling push-up bras. Maybe for the same reason as to why every bitch I've been with wants me to suck her **** when I bang her. Whether it is or is not a sex organ is beside the point really.
Not my fault you have a one track mind.
My asshole isn't a sex organ.
It is to some people ;)
I sure as hell ain't wipin' that out in public. Civilized people have long accepted the notion that **** are private and are not to be displayed in public.
That mentality needs to change.
If everyone was beautiful, then maybe it would stand differently. But the fact is many people are disgusting wretchs whom should cover themselves as fully as the weather permits.
I'm sure there are plenty of women who don't want to see you walking around without a shirt in the summertime.

Then take some time and think ahead. Squeeze some lactate into a ****ing empty coke bottle or whatever you have to do in order act like you don't live in Somalia.
What if you won't have somewhere to heat it, and need to keep it cool for an extended period of time? I know my daughter doesn't like cold milk. I'm not going to stop breastfeeding in public because of asses like you. In fact, I just may do it more often, knowing that somewhere, Jhony is pissed off because my kid is eating in public. :rolleyes:
Done with discretion I see absolutely nothing wrong with breastfeeding in public. Sure the ideal would be to make sure you fed the baby before going out, but babies are not always logical critters.

As for the breasts being a 'sex organ'....would the guys here who object be willing for their man boobs to be seen as a sex organ and therefore have to be covered at all times in public? After all, the male nipple is a sensitive thing and often gets included in any sex play.
Posted by ANGIEoplasty:
Fine. I don't want to watch nasty looking hippies eating, either. Why don't you eat your next meal in a smelly bathroom, or next to a dumpster? My kid has a right to eat in a clean environment just like you.

OFF A GOD DAM PLATE WITH UTENSILS. Yes. According to your logic, I should be able to eat my guacamole off my girlfriends **** at the park.

Posted by Jhony5:
My asshole isn't a sex organ.

Angie says:
It is to some people

Ouch...I got pwnt!

I'm sure there are plenty of women who don't want to see you walking around without a shirt in the summertime.

True dat. Fatties hate my sexy abs. Makes them feel inadequate.

What if you won't have somewhere to heat it, and need to keep it cool for an extended period of time? I know my daughter doesn't like cold milk. I'm not going to stop breastfeeding in public because of asses like you. In fact, I just may do it more often, knowing that somewhere, Jhony is pissed off because my kid is eating in public

Hey as long as I can have a taste of your milky goodness its fine. If not at least I can get in a little pocket pool while I watch with drooling eyes as your kid pulls at your nipples. Hell I got a chubby just thinking bout it. Still wanna bare your **** for me?
Jhony5 said:
Posted by ANGIEoplasty:
Cute. Very cute.

OFF A GOD DAM PLATE WITH UTENSILS. Yes. According to your logic, I should be able to eat my guacamole off my girlfriends **** at the park.
BABIES CAN'T EAT SOLID FOOD YOU TWERP. Two completely different and unrelated scenarios.

True dat. Fatties hate my sexy abs. Makes them feel inadequate.
Yes I'm sure you're such a sexy bitch.

Hey as long as I can have a taste of your milky goodness its fine. If not at least I can get in a little pocket pool while I watch with drooling eyes as your kid pulls at your nipples. Hell I got a chubby just thinking bout it. Still wanna bare your **** for me?

You are such a tool sometimes. And no, that won't discourage me. You can look but you can't touch. ;)
BABIES CAN'T EAT SOLID FOOD YOU TWERP. Two completely different and unrelated scenarios.

Oh ya. I forgot. I guess I'm just being an ass for the attention...and I like it. Everybody look at meeeee!

Yes I'm sure you're such a sexy bitch.
We should hook up sometime. So...uhhh what cha wearing?

You are such a tool sometimes.

Look ma, I'm making a new Friend. Just admit I'm right and we can move on. Women should be ashamed of the act of breast feeding because its evil. They should hide in a cave while they breast feed, being ashamed even from the fact that god can see their disgraceful behavior.

OK , now I'm just being a dickhead. I honestly didn't mean that one bit.

If its done with discretion I honestly have no qualms towards it. My issue with it is that I don't want women of all manner of hygiene and appearance to bare their **** right next to me at the Burger King while I'm eating. Or in line at the grocery store. You see where I'm coming from? The fact is that the act should have a healthy bit of stigma attached to it to prevent it from becoming as common place as yawning in public.