Public Breastfeeding - A Malicious Act?

Jhony5 said:
Oh ya. I forgot. I guess I'm just being an ass for the attention...and I like it. Everybody look at meeeee!
And you are quite good at it.

We should hook up sometime. So...uhhh what cha wearing?
So how YOU doin'?

Look ma, I'm making a new Friend. Just admit I'm right and we can move on. Women should be ashamed of the act of breast feeding because its evil. They should hide in a cave while they breast feed, being ashamed even from the fact that god can see their disgraceful behavior.
Oh god I almost ended up with coffee all over my keyboard.

OK , now I'm just being a dickhead. I honestly didn't mean that one bit.
Thanks for explaining that for those of us with downs syndrome.

If its done with discretion I honestly have no qualms towards it. My issue with it is that I don't want women of all manner of hygiene and appearance to bare their **** right next to me at the Burger King while I'm eating. Or in line at the grocery store. You see where I'm coming from? The fact is that the act should have a healthy bit of stigma attached to it to prevent it from becoming as common place as yawning in public.

Fair enough. I'd rather not see Bertha's spare tire hanging all over the place while she's feeding Shaniqua. But they do make shirts specifically for breastfeeding. I invested in a few for public scenarios. My mommy belly isn't a washboard yet, and I really don't feel the need to broadcast that.
**** are **** and thats what they are. who gives a ****? just don't go squirting some boob milk into my coffee, I drink mine black, thank you.
I see nothing wrong with breastfeeding in public, as long as it's done discretely. A woman should not have to hide in a dirty bathroom to feed her child. And she shouldn't have to stay home for the years that her child is breastfeeding. Some kids won't take a bottle, so that leave out pumping!

I do thing it's over the top to expose the entire breast, or make a show of your baby eating. It's very easy to feed your child without the entire world seeing your breast.
Women who discretely breastfeed in public do not bother me in the least. I come from a very conservative area, so in every public encounter I've ever witnessed the woman had a blanket covering both herself and her infant. No problem.

However, I think if I were involved in the scenario that Flatearther presented where the woman in a restaurant is throwing everything out for the world to see and expects not only acceptance but utter admiration from her captive audience, I'd really be put off. Keeping the activity under wraps makes all the difference, IMO.
It’s as natural as breathing. There’s nothing wrong with it and only the sick minded that would object to it. Like we should let the kid starve because it might offend someone.
builder wrote:
But seriously dude, it's a natural thing to feed your screamingly hungry infant. It's not like most women just leave the kid attached and walk around the town. It is an intimate moment. It doesn't have to be behind closed doors, though.
All true, Builder, but slightly off target. No one has objected to feeding an infant. It's the way it's done that's the issue. I'd like to see some brats forcefed with a funnel, because that's my version of 'touchie feelie', but not many see it my way. Read Manicmonday & Angie's approach & it's obvious that they have the sensibilities of their surrounds (for whatever reason) uppermost in mind. I can't fault that, can you? If so, where's the flaw? Phreak's question also can be answered with another simple query - why stop at boobs? Why have clothing conventions at all. On a warm day one could argue for no gear at all, but we've never done it in the cities - why? It's got nothing to do with prudery. My question to you & Phreak is a simple query - let's say a woman publicly yanks out a boob but theres no kid to attach to it - is that still ok? Then she migh just yank the other one out as well (for balance). Is this OK too? If yes, why? If no, why? I see the horns of an ethical dilemma here, what do you see?
to be honest, I really dont care about it. Its not the boob that really "offends me" its the baby ON the boob
Sly said:
to be honest, I really dont care about it. Its not the boob that really "offends me" its the baby ON the boob

And that's only because it's a baby and not a man. Grow up.
Ahhlee said:
Women who discretely breastfeed in public do not bother me in the least. I come from a very conservative area, so in every public encounter I've ever witnessed the woman had a blanket covering both herself and her infant. No problem.

However, I think if I were involved in the scenario that Flatearther presented where the woman in a restaurant is throwing everything out for the world to see and expects not only acceptance but utter admiration from her captive audience, I'd really be put off. Keeping the activity under wraps makes all the difference, IMO.
I agree. I fed all three of my children in public. No one even knew I was doing it. I had a sling. The baby would sleep in the sling and feed in the sling and no one could see him/her. It never disturbed anyone. I agree that it is a bit of a turn off for women to just flop it out of her shirt and let the baby go to town with the breast exposed, but that is easily rectified with a blanket or sling.
J5: What was the objection to breastfeeding in a theatre? It is dark to begin with, and you are supposed to be watching the movie. How would you even know if a woman was breast feeding?
snafu said:
You know it's a simple as, don't look it it ofeneds you. geezee!!

So according to this logic, people should be able to ass**** on a bench in the park. Just don't look right? I'm sorry but this line of thinking is flawed beyond reason.

Like it or not. It rightfully offends people when some lady whips out her tities in public to feed her baby without so much as even putting thought towards discretion. Ya, I know it's natural and blah blah ****ing blah. Take it off to the side. Thats all people are asking.
Posted by Tori:
J5: What was the objection to breastfeeding in a theatre? It is dark to begin with, and you are supposed to be watching the movie. How would you even know if a woman was breast feeding?

It's not so much the breast feeding, its the presence of a baby in a theater.

Granted, this was not a good example on my part.
After reading this thread, I'm pretty much guessing that most here are from the States!.
****! Yeah! And?
Fair shout though, it should be done discreetly, not just flopped out like a beached whale that somehow got into the restaurant or park. Yet if a sprog needs feeding, it needs feeding. I'm pretty sure a lot of new mothers get caught out from time to time, just like pissed up blokes needing a slash. No-one wants to see that either. Although i guess we're all (directed to the blokes, and some of the lasses I'm sure) guilty of that one.
Point I'm trying to get to is that it's not going to stop. There will always be the tree hugging lefty loonies somewhere offending us.
Just try and get a good look before a wrinkly screaming shitting puking machine blocks the view.
Jhony5 said:
Posted by Tori:

It's not so much the breast feeding, its the presence of a baby in a theater.

Granted, this was not a good example on my part.
But if the **** are out, we'll notice.
Jhony5 said:
It's not so much the breast feeding, its the presence of a baby in a theater.
I took mine when they were young enough that all they did was eat and sleep. Never had a problem. Trust me, it is much worse to have a 2-year-old in a movie, then a 2-month-old.
Jhony5 said:
Granted, this was not a good example on my part.
That will be fifty lashes with the whip for providing a bad example. :rolleyes:
Jhony5 said:
So according to this logic, people should be able to ass**** on a bench in the park. Just don't look right? I'm sorry but this line of thinking is flawed beyond reason.
Ahahaha... Okay I'm gonna turn my head if I see that. Hahaha.
Oh ****..
Hmmm... I think theres a bit of a differnce here. Lets See, half a tit or someone getting cornholed on a park bench? Hmmm....
Some how I don’t see the similarity here. :D