Public Debate member BANNED for having a swastika avatar

Actually JG just banned another for hacking someone else's account.

Already the site has slowed bigtime. I don't know what to make of things there.
It's simple builder... people do not enjoy the experience they get from the site, it gets boring, they find somewhere else to go, but still check back to see if its still lame as usual.
I made a comment on the home page to the effect that banning is not gonna build anything. See if I'm banned for that.

JG wants serious debate. I want some of that, but not all the time.

**** it. I'll post there. I haven't posted there half as much as I've posted on this board.
Well, I sincerly think what is happening builder, is JG is trying to accomplish something unreasonable out of his board. The alleged "serious debate" that all BBS Admins/Mods aspire to seek, is a fable at best.

BBS boards are becoming something of a phenomena, In order to be successful, he needs to cater to individuals who like the boards community and subject matter. He is making the most common mistake that any webmaster can make, perhaps he should sign up on the ADMIN ZONE website and Bob can give him some pointers.
He really needs to rethink alot of aspects before his site becomes a dead end board of nothing posts.
Your talking the talk.

What sites like this need is controversy. :D

A bloke with more probs than anyone I've encountered online, revved up PD for a few weeks. Eventually banned, he re-emerged under several handles.

All banned. Most members missed him. He was a great punching bag. John Sunol RIP

You think TH causes ****. This one has more hate sites created to bag him out than any other. More servers have banned him than any other.

Phreak, invite him here. He's a ****ing scream. :D
Now your catching on..

It's all about the drama, BBS boards can be like reading a ****ing soap opera, the poster has a chance to be part of it.

If they take it too personal, even the MOD/ADMIN team, then they will cave in on their own rules.

THIS is what our Mod team here really is, the CREATIVE TEAM who keeps us wild. By just having fun with the board and all the members that come to the site. Our niche in the world is, our fun just happens to be the art of linguistic expression. Debate and Flame, are secondary, here all we really like, is people who can rant on like a ****ing nimrod so we can critisize their point of view.:D

But all in all, we are friends with each other because we know better then to take any of the **** serious.

BBS boards WILL NOT change the world, so DEBATING does NOTHING in real life.

Now if only I can get Tori to figure that out.:rolleyes:
I've noticed that anything serious I post (even controversial ****) gets ignored, unless it's topical.

Letting it all hang out seems to be the ticket.

Sites like this need a few true dickheads. Even Australian dickheads. I've enjoyed my time here. chuckles, sipping stubby .

My only beef is, some people take me seriously. Aussie humour is vastly different to some US humor.

I know that I truly suck at times. No idea why>????

Life is waaaaaay too short to take myself seriously.

Are you reading this, JG?
In all honesty, I'd have to say Aussies spew out some of the most raunchy humor I have ever seen. Case in point, Anna Perenna. It is a bit of a culture shock, but after the culture shock is gone, the linguistic expression is kick ass.
Thanks for the kudos.

Aussies bait eachother all the time. Every day, all day, without fail.

Even the kids are into it. Taking the piss is our tradition. Our culture. Our belief system. It rocks.

Multiculturalism at its finest.

Wogs (Italians and Greeks) make sitcoms that take the piss out of themselves. It makes them feel more at home here. Good ****.