Pundit Dick Morris On National TV Calls Democrat Ted Kennedy A "Hog"

"Mike Flannigan" <MF@yomammashouse.com> wrote in message
> "ThePhisherKIng" <Locker@BusStation> wrote in message
> news:Xns99FC5906D33EFGilliam@
>> Clint Hunter <ciceroii@rogers.com> wrote in news:a9239f5b-f5b2-4a2b-8b38-
>> 9d50cbec907a@b40g2000prf.googlegroups.com:
>>> Last night on the Fox "Hannity and Colmes" news hour Dick Morris, who
>>> back in the 1990s worked as a political advisory to Bill Clinton,
>>> obliquely referred to
>>> Massachusetts's Senator Ted Kennedy as a hog-- or pig. When liberal
>>> Democrat Alan Colmes objected, Morris suggested that perhaps
>>> "murderer" would be a
>>> more appropriate term. Here Morrris was referring to the 1969
>>> Chappaquiddick
>>> drowning of a girl and subsequent scandal and trial of Ted Kennedy.
>>> The "hog" comment was made when Morris said that Robert Kennedy Jr.
>>> had insulted Iowa hog farmers by say they were more dangerous to
>>> America
>>> than al Qaeda in the environmental damage they were doing. Then Morris
>>> joked
>>> that the only hog Robert Kennedy actually liked was his uncle.
>>> This segment of the H&C TV show was hilarious.

>> Nobody of substance and intelligence watches Fox, let alone H&C.

> Yeah. They held a democratic debate and stacked the youtube questioners
> with democratic operatives asking idiotic questions.
> Utterly ****ing shameless.
> No one but an idiot who wants to be lied to watches a network that does
> **** like that..

Good thing no network does anything like that!
"Taylor" <Taylor@nospam.com> wrote in message
> "ThePhisherKIng" <Locker@BusStation> wrote in message
> news:Xns99FC5906D33EFGilliam@
>> Clint Hunter <ciceroii@rogers.com> wrote in news:a9239f5b-f5b2-4a2b-8b38-
>> 9d50cbec907a@b40g2000prf.googlegroups.com:
>>> Last night on the Fox "Hannity and Colmes" news hour Dick Morris, who
>>> back in the 1990s worked as a political advisory to Bill Clinton,
>>> obliquely referred to
>>> Massachusetts's Senator Ted Kennedy as a hog-- or pig. When liberal
>>> Democrat Alan Colmes objected, Morris suggested that perhaps
>>> "murderer" would be a
>>> more appropriate term. Here Morrris was referring to the 1969
>>> Chappaquiddick
>>> drowning of a girl and subsequent scandal and trial of Ted Kennedy.
>>> The "hog" comment was made when Morris said that Robert Kennedy Jr.
>>> had insulted Iowa hog farmers by say they were more dangerous to
>>> America
>>> than al Qaeda in the environmental damage they were doing. Then Morris
>>> joked
>>> that the only hog Robert Kennedy actually liked was his uncle.
>>> This segment of the H&C TV show was hilarious.

>> Nobody of substance and intelligence watches Fox, let alone H&C. Dick
>> Morris? Isn't he the guy caught with a hooker in some hotel in DC? I
>> can't
>> remember, was it a male or female hooker?

> I'll take a "John" over a murderer any day.

Who did Kennedy murder?
I heard he was in an auto accident and failed to report it in a timely
manner. That's not murder moron.
"Clay Northwood" <Northwood@Northwood.com> wrote in message
> --
> Everywhere we come upon the ease
> with which people passed from Communism
> to what were in theory its most virulent
> enemies Fascism and Nazism".--Robert
> Conquest
> <lorad474@cs.com> wrote in message
> news:392e3d3d-1705-49d7-817c-1625d18db581@w28g2000hsf.googlegroups.com...
>> On Dec 4, 4:50 am, Clint Hunter <cicer...@rogers.com> wrote:
>>> Last night on the Fox "Hannity and Colmes" news hour Dick Morris, who
>>> back in the 1990s worked as a political advisory to Bill Clinton,
>>> obliquely referred to
>>> Massachusetts's Senator Ted Kennedy as a hog-- or pig. When liberal
>>> Democrat Alan Colmes objected, Morris suggested that perhaps
>>> "murderer" would be a
>>> more appropriate term. Here Morrris was referring to the 1969
>>> Chappaquiddick
>>> drowning of a girl and subsequent scandal and trial of Ted Kennedy.
>>> The "hog" comment was made when Morris said that Robert Kennedy Jr.
>>> had insulted Iowa hog farmers by say they were more dangerous to
>>> America
>>> than al Qaeda in the environmental damage they were doing. Then Morris
>>> joked
>>> that the only hog Robert Kennedy actually liked was his uncle.
>>> This segment of the H&C TV show was hilarious.

>> Hog Morris - who has served as a paid 'consultant' for both democrat
>> and republicon massahs - will write and say anything poisonous for his
>> paying customers... just as he his paid girlfriends would do for his
>> own degenerate self.

> I'll bet you didn't say anything like tha when Morris was such a big help
> in getting
> Clinton re-elected in 1996.

Clinton needed no help considering who he ran against. It wasn't even close
as you well know.
"Clay Northwood" <Northwood@Northwood.com> wrote in message
> --
> Everywhere we come upon the ease
> with which people passed from Communism
> to what were in theory its most virulent
> enemies Fascism and Nazism".--Robert
> Conquest
> "GW Chimpzilla's Eye-Rack Neocon Utopia" <gw@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:gai5j.230903$Fc.27303@attbi_s21...
>> Clint Hunter wrote:
>>> Last night on the Fox "Hannity and Colmes" news hour Dick Morris, who
>>> back in the 1990s worked as a political advisory to Bill Clinton,

>> Clinton fired him.

> Because Morris turned against him after learning that Clinton was a
> convicted perjurer

Morris was fired in 1996 when his prostitution scandal was revealed.
As you don't know what you're talking about, perhaps you ought to shut up.
You only reveal your own ignorance when you make posts like that.
On Dec 4, 2:51 pm, "abracadabra" <a...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> And has otherwise been a full time Clinton critic and Republican booster,
> always getting his facts wrong, making crap up, and making predictions
> that never come true.

Quite similar to Ross John Lambourn -- the deceitful moron who started
this thread.
On Dec 4, 5:31 pm, "Clay Northwood" <Northw...@Northwood.com> wrote:
> --
> Everywhere we come upon the ease
> with which people passed from Communism
> to what were in theory its most virulent
> enemies Fascism and Nazism".--Robert
> Conquest<lorad...@cs.com> wrote in message
> news:392e3d3d-1705-49d7-817c-1625d18db581@w28g2000hsf.googlegroups.com...
> > On Dec 4, 4:50 am, Clint Hunter <cicer...@rogers.com> wrote:
> >> Last night on the Fox "Hannity and Colmes" news hour Dick Morris, who
> >> back in the 1990s worked as a political advisory to Bill Clinton,
> >> obliquely referred to
> >> Massachusetts's Senator Ted Kennedy as a hog-- or pig. When liberal
> >> Democrat Alan Colmes objected, Morris suggested that perhaps
> >> "murderer" would be a
> >> more appropriate term. Here Morrris was referring to the 1969
> >> Chappaquiddick
> >> drowning of a girl and subsequent scandal and trial of Ted Kennedy.

> >> The "hog" comment was made when Morris said that Robert Kennedy Jr.
> >> had insulted Iowa hog farmers by say they were more dangerous to
> >> America
> >> than al Qaeda in the environmental damage they were doing. Then Morris
> >> joked
> >> that the only hog Robert Kennedy actually liked was his uncle.

> >> This segment of the H&C TV show was hilarious.

> > Hog Morris - who has served as a paid 'consultant' for both democrat
> > and republicon massahs - will write and say anything poisonous for his
> > paying customers... just as he his paid girlfriends would do for his
> > own degenerate self.

> I'll bet you didn't say anything like tha when Morris was such a big help in
> getting
> Clinton re-elected in 1996.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Clinton would have gotten reelected without him.
"abracadabra" <abra@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> "Taylor" <Taylor@nospam.com> wrote in message
> news:4755a88c$0$4982$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>> "ThePhisherKIng" <Locker@BusStation> wrote in message
>> news:Xns99FC5906D33EFGilliam@
>>> Clint Hunter <ciceroii@rogers.com> wrote in
>>> news:a9239f5b-f5b2-4a2b-8b38-
>>> 9d50cbec907a@b40g2000prf.googlegroups.com:
>>>> Last night on the Fox "Hannity and Colmes" news hour Dick Morris, who
>>>> back in the 1990s worked as a political advisory to Bill Clinton,
>>>> obliquely referred to
>>>> Massachusetts's Senator Ted Kennedy as a hog-- or pig. When liberal
>>>> Democrat Alan Colmes objected, Morris suggested that perhaps
>>>> "murderer" would be a
>>>> more appropriate term. Here Morrris was referring to the 1969
>>>> Chappaquiddick
>>>> drowning of a girl and subsequent scandal and trial of Ted Kennedy.
>>>> The "hog" comment was made when Morris said that Robert Kennedy Jr.
>>>> had insulted Iowa hog farmers by say they were more dangerous to
>>>> America
>>>> than al Qaeda in the environmental damage they were doing. Then Morris
>>>> joked
>>>> that the only hog Robert Kennedy actually liked was his uncle.
>>>> This segment of the H&C TV show was hilarious.
>>> Nobody of substance and intelligence watches Fox, let alone H&C. Dick
>>> Morris? Isn't he the guy caught with a hooker in some hotel in DC? I
>>> can't
>>> remember, was it a male or female hooker?

>> I'll take a "John" over a murderer any day.

> Who did Kennedy murder?
> I heard he was in an auto accident and failed to report it in a timely
> manner. That's not murder moron.

He was driving drunk, ran off a bridge, and his passenger drowned when he
left the scene. That is murder.
On Dec 5, 3:46 pm, "Taylor" <Tay...@nospam.com> wrote:
> "abracadabra" <a...@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:4755db2b$0$9890$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
> > "Taylor" <Tay...@nospam.com> wrote in message
> >news:4755a88c$0$4982$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...

> >> "ThePhisherKIng" <Locker@BusStation> wrote in message
> >>news:Xns99FC5906D33EFGilliam@
> >>> Clint Hunter <cicer...@rogers.com> wrote in
> >>> news:a9239f5b-f5b2-4a2b-8b38-
> >>> 9d50cbec9...@b40g2000prf.googlegroups.com:

> >>>> Last night on the Fox "Hannity and Colmes" news hour Dick Morris, who
> >>>> back in the 1990s worked as a political advisory to Bill Clinton,
> >>>> obliquely referred to
> >>>> Massachusetts's Senator Ted Kennedy as a hog-- or pig. When liberal
> >>>> Democrat Alan Colmes objected, Morris suggested that perhaps
> >>>> "murderer" would be a
> >>>> more appropriate term. Here Morrris was referring to the 1969
> >>>> Chappaquiddick
> >>>> drowning of a girl and subsequent scandal and trial of Ted Kennedy.

> >>>> The "hog" comment was made when Morris said that Robert Kennedy Jr.
> >>>> had insulted Iowa hog farmers by say they were more dangerous to
> >>>> America
> >>>> than al Qaeda in the environmental damage they were doing. Then Morris
> >>>> joked
> >>>> that the only hog Robert Kennedy actually liked was his uncle.

> >>>> This segment of the H&C TV show was hilarious.

> >>> Nobody of substance and intelligence watches Fox, let alone H&C. Dick
> >>> Morris? Isn't he the guy caught with a hooker in some hotel in DC? I
> >>> can't
> >>> remember, was it a male or female hooker?

> >> I'll take a "John" over a murderer any day.

> > Who did Kennedy murder?
> > I heard he was in an auto accident and failed to report it in a timely
> > manner. That's not murder moron.

> He was driving drunk, ran off a bridge, and his passenger drowned when he
> left the scene. That is murder.-

Shhh! He's a Liberal Democrat, so they want to give him a pass!
Greg Brown <gregvbrown@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Shhh! He's a Liberal Democrat, so they want to give him a pass!

Indeed. The world is full of Liberal judges, liberal police, liberal
reporters and liberal voters who ignore the moral purity of the right.

Proof that conservatism is a dying fad.