Pussycat Dolls.


Live. Love. Laugh.
Jan 8, 2004
Under Your Bed (or Orlando, FL)
well, i thought Don't Cha was pretty catchy, and now i'm really liking Stickwitu. So i had to go to their site and check out their other music, and i really like their song... any thoughts on them?

Download These Songs::
Don't Cha
Tainted Love
Those are some pussycats that should be put in a sack with some rocks.

Take a photo before doing so though

I dont get it, they are a group but the is only 1 singer from what i can tell and the rest are backup vocals? Sounds like a manufactured group to me, get 1 lead singer that looks nice and 5 more talentless people that look nice but in different ways, something for everyone!
they just a bunch of whores, manufactured to add yet more "sex" related **** to our mainstream music videos making vids less of a art form and more of a low grade porn movie, with bad singing and songs.
i only have one thing to say on the subject....well said stenners, couldn't have put it better myself.

oh and as for the comment from LP186....yeah they look hot in their vids but take all the make-up from them (belive me they have tons of the stuff on) and they look awfull. real beauty is when a woman can look beautiful with no **** on her face.