Pyro_Storm's Journal


New member
so i lost 3 pounds , now im at 111. yep so im here with my brother, fun stuff, not really. im listening to Three Days grace. Later.




New member
right so my friends are having a 'little chat' with me, its really funny. supposed to be listening but i could care less. im sitting here with a cocky smirk while they get ****** at me. i just dont care anymore.


New member
HOLY ****!! u are soooo light!! i could like pick you up and chuck you in the air....

lol , is that a complament?

anyway, im sitting here crying my heart out. The tears just wont stop comming. My friend found out i wanna loose wieght and i think im scared shes gonna get mad at me, i think i should just listen to friends. i hate feeling weak, depending on other people, i hate it. maybe ive always been weak just too afraid to admit it. i love my friends i doubt they know that.



New member
*hugs* well you dont need to lose weight, infact you are underweight so you need to gain some

you dont have to depend on people if you dont want to, they will be close enough for you to catch you everytime you fall but it doesnt mean you are dependant on them because when they fall you can pick them up, whereas if you were dependant on them you would fall too.

there is a difference between being weak and dependant, you my friend dont sound like you are either.



New member
thanks SS1 , Twilight i dont need to be fed, thanks anyway though.

i had an ortho appointment today *fun*. i got a simple plan cd today too, its pretty good. Im still trying to read Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, im only on 279(im lacking on reading this summer) but its good. im really tired for it only being 9:50 at night, i was ready to pass out at 8. i was talkin to my one friend and hes like my guitar is sexy, and it was! its awsome.

have a good night or day which ever you choose.




New member
ya so the past couple of days, fun stuff.

today... i read and read some more, that was jolly fun, i punched a wall threw a basket and hit my brother. He deserved it though, i cant take his insults anymore. Anyways i think my one friend doesnt want to talk to me anymore *sighs* but hey what can i do? right nothing.




New member
Thank you, my brother needs to be like put in anger managment classes or something. Anyways, im leaving tonight for a family vacation...kill me please. i have to share a hotel room with my family, both of my parents snore, my brother makes funky sounds. My dad didnt think bout there only being 2 beds and how my brother and i were gonna have to share one, well that isnt happening. Im 15 my brother 12 there was no way i was gonna share a bed with him, so i opted to sleep on the floor but my parents got a cot for me to sleep on!-_-. its gonna be really hot, i like cold weather better, hehe.

anyways have a good week!




New member
oh mannnnnnn

I know how that is

my dad snores soooo loudly...***...and my aunt makes werid noises too

lol and I had to share a small cabin with them... *insomnia* lmao

good luck and take care



New member
WOOHOOO im back, wow im so happy to be back. it wasnt all bad, just my brother being a jerk everyday and the bed was like a prision bed. i got some cool shot glasses and my mom thinks im gonna start drinkin :D hehe anyways night
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