Question about Brad??

yes he is married...but i don't kno to who...mikes married as well right??...the wifes name is 'ann' or 'anna'..i think
Thanks to all who replied, yeah, still unsure if he actually is married, cuz I have yet to see a wedding band on his finger (even from recent pics i.e. Sundance Photos from January 23, 2005), but if he is, that's really cool. I knew that Chester, Mike, and Phoenix were all married, but wasn't sure about Brad...I know that Rob and Joe are the members that are defintely not.
P.S. Step Up rocks!
Ok, nm about my last just read an Q&A article w/ Rob, and he stated how 4 of the guys are married, so that confirms the fact that Brad is married, which is totally awesome! Congrats to him (even though he's prolly been married for awhile) late than never! So congratulations!
lol...seriously....only 2 left! As sad as that is, I'm happy for them as long as they're happy, which it seems they are! Hopefully the last two bachelors will find great girls to marry.