Question for the person posting after ^_^

I'm dutch with a little bit of Indonesia.. ¦D.. (Wasn't that what heritage meant? *confused*)

What's on your clipboard? (ctrl-v)
sheeesss....well...uhm.... some people will consider me crazy but others just plain mental...
do you like eating veggies?
nope too busy with school and my job go home and
do my homework a little tome too play game's
well sorry for the not even answer ha

Where's is Chester originally from?
Long sleeve shirt (black) with 2 dim white stripes on strim with baggy jeans :)

Can you play an instrument? And If so what one can you play?
Um.. I could once.. a really LAME one.. like some austrian thing :S..I'm so ashamed :p

Do you wear Glasses, Eye contacts?
Suppose too but didn't get them yet and I'll delete my post don't worry about it

can you find way's too calm down when their is something freaky goin on?
I'd love to say travel - there's heaps of countries I'd love to see and prob never get the chance to, but given I'm on a time constraint. Go on a shopping spree and live like a queen (or Paris Hilton) for a bit.

Are you career or family oriented (for the future, I assume)?