

Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2004
Alright, we have touched on fetishes, turn-ons, dreams, and various other personal concepts, so now let
I'll go first...

I like symmetry. Unsymmetrical things bother me. If I see a crooked picture or crooked blinds I have to fix them, even if I am out in a public place. I don’t like asymmetrical decorations either.

I like for things with lids or caps to be closed. If I am sitting at a table with someone who uses the ketchup and does not close the flip cap, then I have to close it. Drawers and cabinets are the same way. If it can be closed then it should be closed.

Closing the toilet lid before flushing. There is a five foot spray of mist when the average toilet is flushed with the lid up. Most sinks, and therefore, toothbrushes are within that five foot radius. Ewe.

Criss-crossing toothbrushes when I pack for trips. I do not want the head of my toothbrush touching the head of my husbands in the sandwich bag. Yes, I do kiss him but something about the idea of our toothbrushes touching grosses me out.

I’ll add more later. I have a lot.
Here is one that some people notice about me. When eating, whether it's a plate of food or individually package items like from fast food, I eat one thing at a time. I rarely start eating another item until the first one is finished. I have also noticed that when eating from a plate, I usually eat the items clockwise around the plate.:eek:
Biting my finger nails.

I can't help it, I'm addicted, I tried to stop once, even tried to find a support group. I'm not a nervous person mind you, but damn I can't go a week without chewing my nails.
phreakwars said:
Biting my finger nails.

I can't help it, I'm addicted, I tried to stop once, even tried to find a support group. I'm not a nervous person mind you, but damn I can't go a week without chewing my nails.

Who doesn't! I actually really did stop for months up until recently.

Oh and people who chew with there mouth open and make this annoying tasting noise just pisses me off.
phreakwars said:
Biting my finger nails.

I can't help it, I'm addicted, I tried to stop once, even tried to find a support group. I'm not a nervous person mind you, but damn I can't go a week without chewing my nails.
I know. I can't seem to stop that either. I stopped for a while when I had fake nails on, but the minute I got rid of them I started up again. I really have a hard time controlling myself when I have a rough spot on the edge. I just keep messing with it. I am trying to grow my nails out right now, so I am only allowing myself to chew on the thumb nail of my right hand. So far it is working.

My weird eating habit also has to do with symmetry. I have to have equal amounts of food on either side of my mouth when I eat. With candy such as M&M's I have to eat even numbers so I can have equal amounts on either side, and I try to match up color. Red and yellow on this side and red and yellow on the other side...
phreakwars said:
Biting my finger nails.

I can't help it, I'm addicted, I tried to stop once, even tried to find a support group. I'm not a nervous person mind you, but damn I can't go a week without chewing my nails.

According to my psychology teacher, (he is a PHD by the way) biting ones nails is a sign of anxiety...
I have alot of quirks although I hide them pretty well...I think.

The more stressed I am, the worse the quirks are.

I don't like things unbalanced either, symmetry is where its at for me. This goes for how the dishes are put away, how the towels are folded, I too will straighten a picture, even in public...I do try not too at other peoples homes.

If I am cleaning, its not clean if I can't smell bleach...pure and simple.

I am a freak about how my bed is made. I will get out of bed in the middle of the night and re-tuck everything if the blankets come untucked. I can't have my feet hanging out the end. I will hang them out the side but the blankets have to be tucked in at all costs.

I have to have about 10 pillows, luckily I sleep in a king size bed. I can't stand ANY noise while I sleep so I sleep with ear plugs and I hate light in my bedroom. I once stayed at a hotel that had a red flashing light on the smoke detector and it almost kept me from going to sleep.

I was SO much worse when my marriage was breaking up. The stress and anxiety of it just made me so much more likely to notice something out of place.

I have this thing, once something hits the floor, its not clean anymore. It goes into the wash.

I'm sure there are alot more but thats what I remember for now.
ImWithStupid said:
Here is one that some people notice about me. When eating, whether it's a plate of food or individually package items like from fast food, I eat one thing at a time. I rarely start eating another item until the first one is finished. I have also noticed that when eating from a plate, I usually eat the items clockwise around the plate.:eek:

i also eat one thing at a time.

phreakwars said:
Biting my finger nails.

I can't help it, I'm addicted, I tried to stop once, even tried to find a support group. I'm not a nervous person mind you, but damn I can't go a week without chewing my nails.

my drill instructors couldn't stop me so i guess its hopeless. i got a lot of extra time on the quarter deck and sand pit for it.

i stick my pinky finger out when i drink.

i never drink the last swallow of a beer.

i have to kiss with my head to the right. remember seinfeld, i can't go left.
Lethalfind said:
I am a freak about how my bed is made. I will get out of bed in the middle of the night and re-tuck everything if the blankets come untucked. I can't have my feet hanging out the end. I will hang them out the side but the blankets have to be tucked in at all costs.

I have this thing, once something hits the floor, its not clean anymore. It goes into the wash.
I can't have the sheets tucked in. I feel like they are smothering me. They do have to be even, though. I straighten and smooth the covers every night before I go to bed. Hubby thinks it is so weird to straighten covers before you mess them up by sleeping under them. The kids or hubby usually have them messed up from laying on them.
When I am getting clothes out of the dryer, if one falls on the floor it goes right back in the dirty clothes. My washer and dryer are right by the back door so the kids run into the laundry room with their nasty shoes on. They only take their shoes off if they are going into the carpeted area of the house.
That is another one. Shoes come off before walking on the carpet.
I always have a drink with my meal. I take a drink after every couple of bites and when my drink is gone then I am through with my food. I always over eat when I go to eat at places where the waiter refills my glass.
Now that you mention the eating things...

When I am using a utensil, I can't let my lips touch the fork or spoon, I do try and not drag my teeth across them so people notice but it has been brought to my attention I am not always successful.

I can't have food items mixed unless they are meant to. For example, its ok for potatos, gravey turkey and so forth but most things are not meant to touch. I NEVER eat my food where I have cold items on the same plate as hot items. Dessert always has its own plate as well. Even if the plate is empty from the salad course, I won't use the same plate for hot food...I won't even use the same utensil to eat the main course and then the dessert. I use a different glass for different types of drinks also.

My biggest issue...I don't eat seeds. I won't eat tomatos, because of the seeds, if you seed them, then I will eat them, I eat tomato products but not real tomatos. The inside of a pumpkin or cantaloupe is enough to make me throw up. I love cantaloupe but I don't buy it unless its already cleaned. I have been this way since I was a small child. I was harassed constantly by my adopted family. I never met anyone with the same issue until I found my birth mother, she has the same problem as I do. I like strawberries but I can't see the seeds on them or I won't eat them, I have to cover them in cool whip or something. I will put a cherry in my mouth and then spit out the pit, my birth mother won't even do that. You wouldn't think something like that could be genetic.
I frown when laughing at something really funny.

I smile sweetly while plotting your downfall.

I won't call anybody for months, then spend seven hours on the phone catching up with everybody.

I'm a perfectionist at work, and a slob at home.
I don't like odd numbers.

They bother me.

I like even numbers.

Even numbers are friendly. Odd are not. Just even saying "odd number" bothers me a bit. They don't divide easily. I like the way even numbers divide in half. They're so friendly that way.

I'll always pick even numbers for anything that involves picking numbers.

I skip every other year on my birthday. When I was 25, I'd say I was, "almost 26", instead of saying the 25 word. I didn't want to be an odd number.
I still do this lots. I can't wait until Feb. Then I'll be even again.

sighs in anticipation
Hamza123 said:
Who doesn't! I actually really did stop for months up until recently.

Oh and people who chew with there mouth open and make this annoying tasting noise just pisses me off.

I don't. Never have. I like just where they are. And when they get long I cut them.:cool:
My quirks? Here is a partial list, I feel that I'll develop more over time so I couldn't possibly fit all of them in.

Number 1

I smoke. I have seriously cut back in the last couple of months, however I'm not ready to give it up just yet. At one time I was going through a pack a day, I'm down to around six a day. I'll quit when I'm damn good and ready to quit. Don't lecture me!

Number 2

I drink. To get a buzz off of beer, I need to consume at least a twelve pack and sneak in a shot or three of Evan Williams. On average, I'll down a six pack a night. On cold nights, I switch to whiskey or vodka.

Number 3

Knobs. The knobs on the dryer, washer, stove, oven, dishwasher, etc are double, triple checked. You never can be too sure.

Number 4

Buttons. I hate button-down collars. I never wear them or button them down if I were to wear one.

Number 5

Doors. I hate to see closet doors, laundry room doors, and cabinet doors left open when they aren't in immediate use.

Number 6

Telephones and cellphones. I rarely ever say "goodbye". I don't know why. Its a sickness really. I also keep my conversations under two minutes.

Number 7

I look people in the eyes when I talk to them. Some people think its unsettling, but its how I communicate with folk. Its especially unnerving to liars.

Number 8

I like to count things in multiples of five.

Number 9

I eat faster than most, a trait I picked up in my beloved Corp. I have slowed down a bit, because I've made myself sick.

Number 10

I sleep in the buff, no matter the temperature outside or inside.

It's a wonder I haven't been snatched up!