
I have to brush my teeth after every meal. Actually, after I eat anything. I carry a travel sized tooth care kit with me. Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and a toothpick.
Oooh Lordie I have quite a few of these:
Tags sticking out. If I am walking down the street and there is someone in front of me whose tag is sticking out of their shirt, it's all I can do to restrain myself from tucking it in.

When I eat, the table has to be spotless. I clean ever single solitary crumb that falls on the table when I eat.

Tardiness. I am obsessive about being on time. I'm usually at least 15 minutes early for everything because I cannot STAND to even think I might be late.

Toilet paper. Has to be going over. My fiancee will actually do it the opposite way just to drive me nuts. If I go somewhere and it's not going over, I'll flip it around.

When I drive, the window has to be open. Even if just a little bit. Even if it's 10 degrees outside and the heat is on full blast and I'm freezing.

I can't wear socks when I sleep. I hate feeling constrained. And at least one of my feet has to be sticking out from underneath the blanket.

And, of course, surprise surprise, I chew my fingernails. It's been getting progressively worse as my due date nears, and the date for my brother to leave for Fallujah. I'm a neurotic mess.
angie said:
Oooh Lordie I have quite a few of these:
Tags sticking out. If I am walking down the street and there is someone in front of me whose tag is sticking out of their shirt, it's all I can do to restrain myself from tucking it in.

When I eat, the table has to be spotless. I clean ever single solitary crumb that falls on the table when I eat.

Tardiness. I am obsessive about being on time. I'm usually at least 15 minutes early for everything because I cannot STAND to even think I might be late.

Toilet paper. Has to be going over. My fiancee will actually do it the opposite way just to drive me nuts. If I go somewhere and it's not going over, I'll flip it around.

When I drive, the window has to be open. Even if just a little bit. Even if it's 10 degrees outside and the heat is on full blast and I'm freezing.

I can't wear socks when I sleep. I hate feeling constrained. And at least one of my feet has to be sticking out from underneath the blanket.

And, of course, surprise surprise, I chew my fingernails. It's been getting progressively worse as my due date nears, and the date for my brother to leave for Fallujah. I'm a neurotic mess.

I do the tag thing, too.
I am also usually early where ever I go. I get to class before everyone else. I
Another quirk of mine...

Number 11

Call it paranoia, call it being safe. I can't stand to have my back to a door when I'm in a public place (ie restaurant). If it were to happen, I'd rather be charged full on than to blindsided.
RoyalOrleans said:
Another quirk of mine...

Number 11

Call it paranoia, call it being safe. I can't stand to have my back to a door when I'm in a public place (ie restaurant). If it were to happen, I'd rather be charged full on than to blindsided.
I can't sleep on the side of the bed that is nearest the door.
In restaurants I choose the seat that allows me to see the greatest amount of people.
1. Chew my fingernails. I can't help it!

2. I need to be able to see surface on furniture or the floor. It drives me crazy when I don't see deskspace or the like. Even if it's just papers strewn out, the papers have to be stacked, not spread out, because then I can't see desk space.

3. I have this incredible fear of people, mostly the opposite gender, touching me. Especially if it's more of a confining touch, like putting his arm around me, or sitting really close to me. I also hate the slightest feeling of being under control, like grabbing my arm - even if it's just for jokes. Freaks the hell out of me.

4. Anything that can close should be closed! Doors, dressers, lids! CLOSED!

5. The format of my writing has to be consistant and organized. I do not care how many grammar or spelling mistakes there are (well, I do..), but the spacing between paragraphs, lists, etc. has to be the same, and it has to be organized.

6. It annoys me that people who are too cold demand that the windows be closed, while those too warm never have the privlege of having them kept open. If a person is cold, they have to be closed. Well, I hate to inform the lot of you, but it is considered indecency to go naked, so those who are prone to getting cold, WEAR/BRING LAYERS! Hmph.

7. I never use knives. I know how, but I can't. I cut everything with my fork. Also, when I eat, I eat each food on the plate separately, and go counter-clockwise about my plate.

8. I never call anyone past 9:00, it embarrasses me to do so, and I never like calls past 9:00pm either.

9. Colours have to match, or at least not clash horribly. I hate looking at something and then wondering if I'm going to lose my eye sight.

10. I know this is terrible, but I can't be around people who smell like their house, and I hate to point it out, but it's usually foreign people, or old people. I can't stand it. It's nauseating.

11. I cannot converse with people face to face who look greasy. My mind gets sidetracked about how greasy they look, and I tend not to be able to look at them, and I cringe at their voice, and I find what they have to say impudent or annoying.

12. I get very tense when people drive. I don't know why, but I am just so scared - highways scare me, going around bends scares me, heck, just going down a straight road can scare me! I'm not sure why, but when I'm in vehicles, I always get horrible visions of car crashes, etc.

13. I cannot have sticky hands, even if they are only slightly sticky. They have to be washed immediately, or else I'll refuse to touch anything. I hate stickiness.

That's it for now.....
I had no idea I've been communicating with a bunch of neurotic nail biters!

I’m the same way with the toilet paper. It has to go over. I change it if it isn’t.

Tags? I hate them. I cut all of mine off of my cloths. You won’t find one floppy tag on any of my cloths unless they are completely sewn in.
I used to sleep in the buff until the kids got bigger. I wear shorts with no pockets to sleep in. I hate socks on when I sleep also.

I can give a great back rub but I hate having mine rubbed.

I don’t care how bad my muscles feel I hate heat or cold pads.

I hate **** in my front pockets. Penney’s and keys especially. I leave the penneys at the store or I toss the them in a jar or in the car. My keys I hang on my belt.

I’m done with shoes with laces. I like the slip on type. Elastic has been around along time. Why do we need laces anyway?
I'm the same way, in a crowded room, I like to have everyone in front of me, I sit in a corner when in restaurant so I can see everyone etc.

I NEVER sleep in anything but underwear, there are times when I am a guest at someone elses home that it would be better if I wore something but I can't sleep that way.

Tori and I can never sleep together...damn...I have to have air blowing on me, no matter the temperature the air has to be moving.

I hate hate hate hate it when people chew food with their mouth open. I should not be able to hear you chewing your food. If I can then ****in stop it !!! It annoys me like I can't tell you and I have said something at the table when people chew with their mouth open. One time I was sitting on the couch watching Football with a man I was seeing, we were eating Pizza and I could hear him chewing, I thought I was going to smack him, then I saw his mouth was closed, dear god what was I to do??? I can't hear you eating, I had to move farther away from him or risk saying something nasty like, "you sound like a cow, chewing its cud."

I can't sleep in a room that someone can see through the windows, full stop. It doesn't happen. My room has to be dark so I make sure there is something in the windows to black them out.

I have a thing about checking to make sure the doors are locked. I try to control myself so I don't do it too much. What happens is I get out of bed to make sure everything is locked up and then start thinking about something else. Then I forget if I checked them all and I have to do it again...I have a security system that makes me feel better. Anytime a window or door is opened, the system chimes and says which entry is being opened even if the alarm is not armed. It also helps me keep track of Diane and where she is wandering off to.
I just don't like windows in gereral. I mean you need circulation, but I ALWAYS have my blinds down unless I blow out a light or something and need the light.

I also never sleep with socks on, it just dosn't make sense. I also wear my socks inside-out.

I bite my nails, I consider it grooming :D

I don't like washing my hair. The only time I ever do is as a curtosy to my barber if I'm getting it cut. Clumpy, greesy hair roxs!

It pisses me off to no end when somebody extinguishes a half done cigar. If you can't finish it, don't start it! Same goes for a bottle/can of beer.

Never use the ass pockets on my jeans. It disrupts your ability to sit comfortably and you have a constant scratching, Bull-****.

Dirty floors. I don't mean floors covered with cloths or any **** like that, But when theres dust balls and crumbs and **** all over the place I must sweep! I used to sweep my kitchen about 3 times a day, now its varies form 1-3.
ToriAllen said:
I can't sleep on the side of the bed that is nearest the door.
In restaurants I choose the seat that allows me to see the greatest amount of people.

My bed is on the opposing wall of the swing of the door. If an intruder were to come in, you couldn't see the bed or me right away. If I'm awake BAM!, I sleep with a .357 strapped beneath my boxspring.

I've actually played out scenarios in which I'd have to go for my pistol.

In restaurants, I find walls and if there are only tables sitting out in the middle... I leave.
I can't drive with a jacket on. No matter how cold it is. I feel too confined.
Can't drive with gloves on, either.

When I drink water, it has to be ice cold. Preferably half frozen.

Can't drive with my hair down, either. I feel like it's in the way. Has to be up.
I must sleep with my head facing north.

If I fall asleep in facing the other way, I wake up facing north.
TheJenn88 said:
8. I never call anyone past 9:00, it embarrasses me to do so, and I never like calls past 9:00pm either.

9. Colours have to match, or at least not clash horribly. I hate looking at something and then wondering if I'm going to lose my eye sight.

10. I know this is terrible, but I can't be around people who smell like their house, and I hate to point it out, but it's usually foreign people, or old people. I can't stand it. It's nauseating.

13. I cannot have sticky hands, even if they are only slightly sticky. They have to be washed immediately, or else I'll refuse to touch anything. I hate stickiness.

If someone calls my house past 8:30, they better be family and they better be dying.

Clothes should match. It annoys me to see people with mismatched/clashing clothes on.

I can
ToriAllen said:
Hubby keeps a 22 under his side, I keep a knife under my side.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

ToriAllen said:
Here are a few extra ones my husband was kind enough to remind me of...
I match up my socks to the amount of wear they have on the soles.
When I sort laundry I have to smooth out my shirts as I stack them.
I have to fold my pants a certain way; folding them over, smoothing out the bottom leg, lining the top leg up with the bottom and smoothing it out, then forming a crease with one hand while folding with the other.

You're such a headcase, Tori. Its a wonder your oldman puts up with you.
Even though no one is going to see, I normally match my underwear to what I'm wearing...Its an automatic thing.

I don't care if someone comes up to the window and sees me naked, I mean if their going to go to that much trouble then have at it, its just the thought of me being asleep and someone being able to watch me that I can't take...for some reason.
Wow..you guys are a bit paranoid with your security. I don't have a problem sleeping or being in a house with everything unlocked, or everything open.

Another thing....When I cut cheese from a block of cheese, the edge in which I cut it from has to be straight, perfect! Even if I've cut enough cheese, I will not stop cutting the cheese until the edge is perfectly straight and perpendicular to the countertop.