Quotes from the lamest living Americans

"The point now is how do we work together to achieve important goals. And one such goal is a democracy in Germany." --George W. Bush, D.C., May 5, 2006

Okay, clinton was a liar, but this man is plain stupid. Why is he even allowed to speak?
You can find a whole Bunch of dumb **** Bush said. Although he has perfect values he has a hard time expressing them.
I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it.
John F. Kerry
snafu said:
You can find a whole Bunch of dumb **** Bush said. Although he has perfect values he has a hard time expressing them.

"Perfect values?" So, he's like Jesus, only stupid? LOL sorry, couldn't resist. ;-)
snafu said:
You can find a whole Bunch of dumb **** Bush said. Although he has perfect values he has a hard time expressing them.

Hard time expressing his views? BULLSHIT! Bush is an idiot, plain and simple. With the IQ equal of a pimple on the ass.
somersetcace1 said:
"Perfect values?" So, he's like Jesus, only stupid? LOL sorry, couldn't resist. ;-)
Even I, a non Christian, think that is a compliment, which G. Dubyah most certainly does not deserve.
Bush's test scores and academic record compared favorably against Kerry's. Public speaking abilities does not equate with intelligence.
hugo said:
Bush's test scores and academic record compared favorably against Kerry's. Public speaking abilities does not equate with intelligence.

He's a stunned mullet. Read the wrong speech because someone ****ed up. Had no clue he was reading the wrong speech. :rolleyes: