Race War, the real Cold War


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"The Race War of Black Against White

By Paul Sheehan

Sydney Morning Herald, May 20, 1995

The longest war America has ever fought is the Dirty War, and it is not over. It has lasted 30 years so far and claimed more than 25 million victims. It has cost almost as many lives as the Vietnam War. It determined the result of last year's congressional election.

Yet the American news media do not want to talk about the Dirty War, which remains between the lines and unreported. In fact, to even suggest that the war exists is to be discredited. So let's start suggesting, immediately.

No matter how crime figures are massaged by those who want to acknowledge or dispute the existence of a Dirty War, there is nothing ambiguous about what the official statistics portray: for the past 30 years a large segment of black America has waged a war of violent retribution against white America. And the problem is getting worse, not better.

In the past 20 years, violent crime has increased more than four times faster than the population. Young blacks (under 18) are more violent than previous generations and are 12 times more likely to be arrested for murder than young whites.

Nearly all the following figures, which speak for themselves, have not been reported in America:

According to the latest US Department of Justice survey of crime victims, more than 6.6 million violent crimes (murder, rape, assault and robbery) are committed in the US each year, of which about 20 per cent, or 1.3 million, are inter-racial crimes.

Most victims of race crime - about 90 per cent - are white, according to the survey "Highlights From 20 Years of Surveying Crime Victims," published in 1993.

Almost 1 million white Americans were murdered, robbed, assaulted or raped by black Americans in 1992, compared with about 132,000 blacks who were murdered, robbed, assaulted or raped by whites, according to the same survey.

Blacks thus committed 7.5 times more violent inter-racial crimes than whites even though the black population is only one-seventh the size of the white population. When these figures are adjusted on a per capita basis, they reveal an extraordinary disparity: blacks are committing more than 50 times the violent racial crimes of whites.

According to the latest annual report on murder by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, most inter-racial murders involve black assailants and white victims, with blacks murdering whites at 18 times the rate that whites murder blacks.

These breathtaking disparities began to emerge in the mid-1960s, when there was a sharp increase in black crime against whites, an upsurge which, not co-incidentally, corresponds exactly with the beginning of the modern civil rights movement.

Over time, the cumulative effect has been staggering. Justice Department and FBI statistics indicate that between 1964 and 1994 more than 25 million violent inter-racial crimes were committed, overwhelmingly involving black offenders and white victims, and more than 45,000 people were killed in inter-racial murders. By comparison, 58,000 Americans died in Vietnam, and 34,000 were killed in the Korean War.

When non-violent crimes (burglary, larceny, car theft and personal theft) are included, the cumulative totals become prodigious. The Bureau of Justice Statistics says 27 million non-violent crimes were committed in the US in 1992, and the survey found that 31 per cent of the robberies involved black offenders and white victims (while only 2 per cent in the reverse).

When all the crime figures are calculated, it appears that black Americans have committed at least 170 million crimes against white Americans in the past 30 years. It is the great defining disaster of American life and American ideals since World War II.

All these are facts, yet by simply writing this story, by assembling the facts in this way, I would be deemed a racist by the American news media. It prefers to maintain a paternalistic double standard in its coverage of black America, a lower standard."

Whites, Blacks and Murder



New member
And I suppose you have theories as to why these numbers exist. I also suppose you have a list of demographics containing the economic stats for areas plagued most by both black and white crime. I don't suppose you have ever noticed that it is the economically depressed areas of this country that see the most crime by all races. I don't suppose you have noticed that in this country, economically depressed urban areas consists of a higher persentage of non-whites to whites.

Your stats are very selective and very obviously set to create a certain tone and therefore exptremely subjective and useless for intelligent debate



New member
And I suppose you have theories as to why these numbers exist. I also suppose you have a list of demographics containing the economic stats for areas plagued most by both black and white crime. I don't suppose you have ever noticed that it is the economically depressed areas of this country that see the most crime by all races. I don't suppose you have noticed that in this country, economically depressed urban areas consists of a higher persentage of non-whites to whites.
Your stats are very selective and very obviously set to create a certain tone and therefore exptremely subjective and useless for intelligent debate

I think the term 'race war' is very selective.

One point I picked out that the author was trying to make is that when a white points out any negative issue in the black community the first thing people do is scream racism.

Reverse discrimination is an acceptable practice in America. For instance. A black man can get on TV and joke about how whites can't dunk a basketball. They can say whites lack rythm. Have you ever heard a black comedian do an impression of a white talking? Its always with a monotone, bland, and 'nerdy' speak. But no one bats an eye.

Does anyone remeber Jimmy 'the greek'? He was a famous sports anouncer in the '80s. The question had been brought up as to why blacks dominate sports. Well he mentioned the extra long tendons and muscle tissue involved in their anatomy. He was villianized as a racist monster and was fired immeadiately, even though he was just telling the truth in a very indifferent and non-racist manner.

The double standard lives on.



New member
I didn't say that reverse discrimination doesn't exist, I simply pointed out how selective and planned teh stats here are. I totally admit that in america we have a kind of catholic guilt thing with race, but it is easy to see where it comes from. Meanwhile I have consistently voted to end affirmative action as it has done it's job and is now serving to lower the expectations of an entire people. BTW I happened to love jimmy the greek!!


New member
And I suppose you have theories as to why these numbers exist. I also suppose you have a list of demographics containing the economic stats for areas plagued most by both black and white crime. I don't suppose you have ever noticed that it is the economically depressed areas of this country that see the most crime by all races. I don't suppose you have noticed that in this country, economically depressed urban areas consists of a higher persentage of non-whites to whites.
Your stats are very selective and very obviously set to create a certain tone and therefore exptremely subjective and useless for intelligent debate
I think its about time to stop making excuses about economic issues and other variants on the same argument... I will admit that many of the crime problems occur where the are more poor people, but what I will not admit is that being poor in itself has anything to do with being a social misfit... I was raised in a poor familly, and I turned out fine... I know many people who are poor to this day, and they are not violent or vagrant... Lack of money has little to do with being a criminal!

At some point you have to realize that when you make statments like the one you made, you are self deceiving, and lowering the bar of expectations that we expect ALL people to live up to... Did we lower the standards for the poor Irish? No, They rose to the standards of the people with whom they wanted to fit in... How about the Italians? Did we blame thier propensity for organised crime on the lack of financial help they recieved from subsidies... I think not... So why then do we feel the need to lower the bar for the Blacks? Guilt? I think that that may be part of it... But why should someone like myslef or you feel guilty about slavery? Or even civil rights? Have you ever denied service to someone based on race? I would say probably not... And I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you never owned a slave... So what is it?

Do we say the language barrier is what is keeping the Asian students back? No, becuase they are not being held back... Yes they are at a disadvantage, but they press on knowing that EVERYONE who comes to this country from another is at a disadvantage untill they assimilate... How about the Mexicans? Try telling a Mexican working for 40 cents an hour in a hot field that they are disadvantaged... I know many! They'll tell you to STFU, and that they are HAPPY to do ANY work that will pay for thier children to get a foothold in America...

So why are Blacks so special... Every nationality and race goes through a period of acclimation/assimilation... So why haven't they assimilated?

The answer is that There is no pressure on them to do so! We keep making excuse after excuse and nothing ever gets done...Matter of fact, it is getting worse... At some point in the late 90's, a group of Black teackers in, you guessed it, California, got together and started petittioning the Govnmt to teach ebonics AS A ******* LANGUAGE! That is not the classic apathy that you would expect from a people with no or low expectations, that is Them expecting the other 87% of us to assimilate to the 13% minority! AND PEOPLE ACTUALLY CONSIDERED IT!

I am planning a trip to Europe next summer, and I am learing German and some French just for a trip... These people can't even learn the proper version of the language of the country that they live in?!?! OR EVEN LIVE OFF?!?!

I must be taking ******* CRAZY PILLS ! ! ! !




New member
Well, the poor are usually forced by economy to live in less desireable neighborhoods and with **** *** schools, Few businesses want to open in teh area so few jobs are available. People get deserate and commit crime and so the cycle continues, and that goes for any nationlity. I never said the numbers were wrong, just selective and missing a **** of a lot of information.


New member
Well, the poor are usually forced by economy to live in less desireable neighborhoods and with **** *** schools, Few businesses want to open in teh area so few jobs are available. People get deserate and commit crime and so the cycle continues, and that goes for any nationlity. I never said the numbers were wrong, just selective and missing a **** of a lot of information.
Is that the canned answer that the liberal media told you... did you take the Blue pill?! It is true that the poor are forced to live in less desireable neighborhoods with **** *** schools, and it is true that no one wants to invest in these **** *** neighborhoods... But it's not thier lack of money that make the neighborhoods less desireable... It's the neighbors that make up the neighborhood... The Nieghbors make it a less desireable place, and the schools crappy, and keep people from investing in that neighborhood because of the crime... Don't blame the buildings for making the place crappy!

People make the place crappy... And statistics repeatedly show that it is a certain people, actually, a certain cultural group that does MOST of the crappy things even though that group is less than one quater of the poplulation...

Why? Why lie about it to spare fealings.... That CULTURE is more prone to violent crimes and such... it's a fact... As soon as we get over this guilt **** to where we can't accurately point the finger lest we hurt delicate sensibilities, the faster we can fix the ******* problem... What interest do we have in lieing about it?



New member
Actually my answer is based on my experience traveling across teh US and paying very close attention and asking a lot of questions. Many of teh poorer areas are created when large companies and factories close down or move and teh working class homeowner can not sell their home or find new jobs. As neighborhoods decline and less work is found neighborhoods deteriorate. Drug dealers capitolize on a person's desire to forget their reality and with drug dealers comes crime. More criminals end up their because rent is cheap and as they exit jail they go to what they can aford. Welfare takes over and people often get trapped in teh system. Areas quickly become depressed both financially and mentally. Schools decline as a result of few experienced teachers wanting to live or comute to the neighborhoods. With a lack of education and a lack of experienced teachers and guidence children fall through the cracks. Lack of nutritional information also leads to more children developing or being born with nurological disorders and lerning disablilities. Once an area becomes so depressed it takes an act of *** to change it. Then some big company comes in and starts improvement projects. As teh area finally does improve the poor can no longer afford to live their and move on to yet another poor neighborhood. It is a viscious cycle and is it not made up bullshit from liberals. Funny thing is, many of teh people living in these areas are actually conservative in my experience. The only way to fix it is to improve the neighborhoods from teh ground up without loosing it's people to higher property values and creating a reverse chain reaction and eventually the entirety of teh neighborhood will be restored.


New member
Actually my answer is based on my experience traveling across teh US and paying very close attention and asking a lot of questions. Many of teh poorer areas are created when large companies and factories close down or move and teh working class homeowner can not sell their home or find new jobs. As neighborhoods decline and less work is found neighborhoods deteriorate. Drug dealers capitolize on a person's desire to forget their reality and with drug dealers comes crime. More criminals end up their because rent is cheap and as they exit jail they go to what they can aford. Welfare takes over and people often get trapped in teh system. Areas quickly become depressed both financially and mentally. Schools decline as a result of few experienced teachers wanting to live or comute to the neighborhoods. With a lack of education and a lack of experienced teachers and guidence children fall through the cracks. Lack of nutritional information also leads to more children developing or being born with nurological disorders and lerning disablilities. Once an area becomes so depressed it takes an act of *** to change it. Then some big company comes in and starts improvement projects. As teh area finally does improve the poor can no longer afford to live their and move on to yet another poor neighborhood. It is a viscious cycle and is it not made up bullshit from liberals. Funny thing is, many of teh people living in these areas are actually conservative in my experience. The only way to fix it is to improve the neighborhoods from teh ground up without loosing it's people to higher property values and creating a reverse chain reaction and eventually the entirety of teh neighborhood will be restored.
The problem in these neighborhoods will not be solved by putting some paint on a wall and improving it.... chances are it will have some ******* ISORS tag on it within hours! The neighborhood is not the problem... it's the neighbors! The more excuses you make for thier transgretions, the worse this country is going to get for everyone....

The First step is admitting that we have a problem



New member
I never said it should be solved by slapping a bandaid of paint on it. I firmly believe that it has to start with each individual family unit and support group until it grows into a neighborhood. You cannot try to fix a school without fixing teh homes the kids go home to. You cannot improve the outside without improving the inside. It is a complicated process that at the moment is being handled backwardds. Too many people try to fix it from teh outside in and that never works


New member
I never said it should be solved by slapping a bandaid of paint on it. I firmly believe that it has to start with each individual family unit and support group until it grows into a neighborhood. You cannot try to fix a school without fixing teh homes the kids go home to. You cannot improve the outside without improving the inside. It is a complicated process that at the moment is being handled backwardds. Too many people try to fix it from teh outside in and that never works
I'm sorry I can't see it your way... I've been around way too long and have seen too much... I beleive that people are the problem... and the only people that can solve that particular problem are the problem people themselves...



New member
People also need a reason to change and see real possibilities as an outcome of their work. People need to find something to be proud of and also need some kind of support group to back them up.


New member
People also need a reason to change and see real possibilities as an outcome of their work. People need to find something to be proud of and also need some kind of support group to back them up.
You really beleive that? You must be young... too much TV... TV trains you not to trust your instinct... that must be it...

Support group... ******* support group... Do you think that newly freed african slaves had a support group? What about the Irish... or the Italians? Support group... What about all the people in London after the battle for Britain? Did they have a support group? They were broke, destitute and everything else was wrong with that country... Did we have to export cheerleader to them to keep thier moral up?! *** save this land... No wait... don't save it... soon Islam will own it... don't give them anything good!



New member
Do you know what a support group is? I am talking about creating support for kids through family and school so that they know they have someone to go to and to help keep ther eye on the prize. I am talking about blocks of families bonding for a common goal. Poele keeping an eye out for one another and offering what they can by way of friendship, and helping hand around the house when you need it, a mentor for a kid who is likely to loose their way, a network for people to get word out about jobs. Through this bonding and support neighborhoods will end up improving because a sense of pride will be established. And yes teh irish coming to america did have support groups by way of gangs often grouped together according to the county they hailed from, slaves braught to america saught support in eachother and in religion. Gees I am not talking about "poor people's anonymous" here. It has worked and it can work.


New member
Do you know what a support group is? I am talking about creating support for kids through family and school so that they know they have someone to go to and to help keep ther eye on the prize. I am talking about blocks of families bonding for a common goal. Poele keeping an eye out for one another and offering what they can by way of friendship, and helping hand around the house when you need it, a mentor for a kid who is likely to loose their way, a network for people to get word out about jobs. Through this bonding and support neighborhoods will end up improving because a sense of pride will be established. And yes teh irish coming to america did have support groups by way of gangs often grouped together according to the county they hailed from, slaves braught to america saught support in eachother and in religion. Gees I am not talking about "poor people's anonymous" here. It has worked and it can work.
You guys smell that.... <sniff> I smell it.... <sniff>




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Actually I am more conservative than liberal but experienced enough to make an observation on my experiences. I love to laugh at you idiots that will take one issue and BAM assume a pereson is one thing or another. That is exactly why our countries polotics are so ****** up. You must be one or the other. Got do you really buy into all that **** that the reps and dems shove down your throat? It is possible to have completely independant ideas, you don't HAVE to be a liberal or conservative. Gods the ignorance of this nation makes is harder for me to believe there is any possiblity for change. I puty people who require a label for everything. Mommy labled all your undies as a child didn't she.


New member
Actually I am more conservative than liberal but experienced enough to make an observation on my experiences. I love to laugh at you idiots that will take one issue and BAM assume a pereson is one thing or another. That is exactly why our countries polotics are so ****** up. You must be one or the other. Got do you really buy into all that **** that the reps and dems shove down your throat? It is possible to have completely independant ideas, you don't HAVE to be a liberal or conservative. Gods the ignorance of this nation makes is harder for me to believe there is any possiblity for change. I puty people who require a label for everything. Mommy labled all your undies as a child didn't she.
I pity people who refuse to call a spade a spade for fear of being the only person who was right...

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