Racial Riots in Australia

diva__007 said:
i say, send the people who dont want to live by the australian way, back to where ever they came from.
Australia is a very multicultural country, and people should respect one another, just like we respect them

So where do we send the people who were born here? its not just foriegn people fighting. And even if we were to send them away, it would only aggravate the situation further. Unfortunetly, I cant see a proper punishment fit for this crime, you cant exactly send thousands of people to jail at once, or a detention center. And fining them a couple of hundred bucks wont help, thats just getting off easy.

Racism is disgusting, and im quite saddened and disapointed that a small portion of us, are branding Australia with a bad name. We are multicultural, infact I think we have more types of cultures in our country then any country in the world. Australia is a wonderful place, its so unique and amazing. I mean, we are the only country that is also a continent, how mad is that.

Anyway, Lets hope this stops soon, caus its disgusting.
Ravynlee said:
It was - but as of tonight it has sparked 'copycats' around other states
that is true
a Middle Eastern family of 8 were terrorized here in Perth just last night
By_My-$elf said:
so how did ity all start
it started with a group of Lebonese men beating up 3 life guards
o0SugaxNxSpice0o said:
First France, and now Australia?
when i first saw the riots in France, i thought that will never ever happen here, how wrong was i...
Ravynlee said:
Hey. Been following this on the news and it's disturbed me enough to want to post something about it.

For those of you that don't know for the last week or so there's been riots here in Australia between two main factions; white folk and people of middle-eastern persusion. It originally started after repeated flare ups on Sydeny beach of Cronulla where locals claimed to have been harrassed and beaten without provocation by so-called "Lebo's" (Lebonese people, and not the language I use but what they referred to) over some sort of territorial dispute along this stretch of land. Frustrated the locals retaliated and the riots blew up. They're spreading across Sydney and retaliation attacks are likely. People have been stabbed and beaten and entire streets ransacked and vandalised. People are burning the flag in protest - I'm sick to the stomach at this crap these so-called 'White Supremacists' are doing to "Save our country."

The images flooding our media here are distressing. Our country is tearing itself apart over this crap - and it's apparently having an effect on our appearance on the global front too. Other countries may think that we are all racist when the small percentage that are doing this is casting the rest of us in a very bad and undesirable light. I thought in this age of Globalisation that we were a better nation than this. I'm actually ashamed to call myself Australian and I never thought I'd say that. What did our diggers die for? I hope these bastards are ashamed for what they're doing - on both sides. :(

Just wanted to know what the rest of the planet thought - if anything.

Now you know, as an American, how I feel about my country and everything that is happening here.
This is the second time ethnic and ratial tensions have flarred up this year in a country...first France now Australia...thats a bit disturbing in and of itself.
I just hope everything sorts itself out over there.
To me, Australia has always been a racist country, no matter how "multicultural" it claims to be. You hear racist comments everywhere! About Asians, Aboriginals, Indians, Africans... EVERYONE is racist to EVERYONE else in Australia. It is just it has never been exhibitted in such a manner before.

The thing with this situation, is that both sides are to blame. It's quite scary.
Rusu_luvs_LP_4ever said:
To me, Australia has always been a racist country, no matter how "multicultural" it claims to be. You hear racist comments everywhere! About Asians, Aboriginals, Indians, Africans... EVERYONE is racist to EVERYONE else in Australia. It is just it has never been exhibitted in such a manner before.

The thing with this situation, is that both sides are to blame. It's quite scary.
how could you say that "EVERYONE" is racist?? I dont think Australia is a racist country, we might have a few racist people but we sre not a racist country.
i think you rusu, are being racist againts Autralians.

and i agree that both sides are to blame, The autralians probaly arnt doing the right thing by rioting with them, but i also respect them for standing up for themselvs and the fellow citizens.


And also, there is supposably a text message going around to get all the muslims and wogs, to met @ williamstown beach tonight. And williamstown is where i live, and that is like the beach i go to all the time, i feel so bad for everyone who live there
Racism is discusting! I don't get why this diversty is such a big deal. Countires should just give the immigrants employment along with the immigrants heritage to remain prominent. If they tried that they have possiblities to have peace....
However, there must be better way to solve this than causing riots..... I was always told your vioce is a pretty powerful thing.
i was joking about the race riots the other day, saying i really want to bash this one leb that beat the **** out of my friend a couple of weeks ago, for no reason.
then my friends mum told us to shut it before we get charged for racial slurring.
i should shut up now.
beautywithanaxe said:
Racism is discusting! I don't get why this diversty is such a big deal. Countires should just give the immigrants employment along with the immigrants heritage to remain prominent. If they tried that they have possiblities to have peace....
However, there must be better way to solve this than causing riots..... I was always told your vioce is a pretty powerful thing.
I agree to disagree on this matter. Personally I think that by moving into and trying to integrate ones' self into another culture that you should also try and absorb it's actual culture too - when in Rome, kind of thing. I don't mean that people should completely abandon their own beliefs and cultures or change who they are entirely by making a new start in a new country, and I don't want to sound racist but moving to another country and clinging firmly to ways of the past then screaming about being a minority doesn't wash with me. If you come from anywhere to start a new life in another country you need to try and respect their laws and try and integrate yourself as much as you comfortably can to be part of it - not recreate what you're fleeing from in the first place.
Some people do this quite well, where does one think Multiculturalism springs from? That's great - but until we're educated, more tolerant and by and large a lot less violent as a society this sh*t is just gonna keep springing up. This is of course a Eutopian ideal. My bad. But we've seen this same violence reoccuring in France recently and now in Australia. Where next?
The beaches of Sydney are cleared at the moment - but the issue hasn't been dealt with. It'll come back, it's just a matter of time... unfortunately. :(
Sorry about bumping an old topic, but its relevant:

Its Australia Day today, and guess what a group of about 2000 white supremists (sp?) did today? they went around bloody Cronulla passing out flyers, saying that we shouldnt let people of different races into our country and that they should be kicked out.


ARGH!!! :mad: People like that piss me off so much. Thats just asking for trouble doing that, damn it to hell. Me and my mate heard about it on the radio coming home from an Aussie day outing, and we just looked at each other in disbelief.

So what if someone is white, black, brown, green or even rainbow coloured, it doesnt matter, they are people, they have rights, and they should treated equally. We are all the same, just different outter shells.

Im absolutely disgusted, especially because its Australia Day :(
How can they say that? It was originally white immigrants who came to Aus and took the land from the native Australians...so protesting other races immigrating to australia is "logic" that trips on its own feet
and that's besides the fact that you can't ban other races to immigrate to your country just cause they're other races, even though whites were to have lived there before other ones
well, since yesterday was Australia Day, i didnt really take much notice :rolleyes:
but i did read the newpaper today and it did say what you explained, shadowfax, and yeah im a bit pissed off too

i would have thought Australia Day was a good day to unwind and enjoy a few beers and a barbeque with your mates, and not think about politics for awhile :mad:
LP186 said:
well, since yesterday was Australia Day, i didnt really take much notice :rolleyes:
but i did read the newpaper today and it did say what you explained, shadowfax, and yeah im a bit pissed off too

i would have thought Australia Day was a good day to unwind and enjoy a few beers and a barbeque with your mates, and not think about politics for awhile :mad:

Yeah, that kinda spoiled Australia Day for me. And to make matters worse, I saw the news that night, and a bunch of Aboriginals were burning an Australian flag at a protest. Thats disgusting.

Sure, I can understand they lost pretty much their whole way of life when White came to Australia, that was a long time ago, and its not the fault of the people of the modern generation. Burning a flag isnt gonna help matters, it will only aggravate things, there are proper ways to voice yourself, flag burning isnt one. Its like, one of the biggest insult you can give a country.