Racism among asians

2X+10=40. What does 4X equal. Clearly a racially biased question. It should have been if you screw two hos and buy a dime bag for $40 what would 4 hos cost?
hugo said:
2X+10=40. What does 4X equal. Clearly a racially biased question. It should have been if you screw two hos and buy a dime bag for $40 what would 4 hos cost?

$60 fo' 4 hos?
hugo said:
You ignore the fact that blacks from families making a 100K a year have lower SAT scores on average than whites from families making 30K. Try some other politically correct argument, no matter how false it may be. The differences are quite significant even when economic factors are ignored.

I've researched the bias of SAT and IQ tests in the past and even wroted a 30-page term paper on it. Its design has been proven to be biased in many cases, to the point where females tend to score much lower on SAT math scores compared to males, despite their actual grades being much higher by comparison than SAT scores reflect. There have been examples of questions with clear bias toward the demographic who would be interested (one of which I recall involved a rare sport mainly played by rich white males), and this is aside from the fact that it is based on a relatively small time frame.

The SAT and IQ tests are more about knowing how to take a test effectively than actual knowledge. It involved more of a person's ability to "guess" logically, know which questions to skip, etc. In many cases, the differences between SAT scores of people of different races/genders/economic ability and actual grades among the demographics have been vast. Even one of the founders of the College Board, as I recall, noted that the "SAT is bullshit." From what I recall of my research if the Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, one of their complaints as well was the difference among demographics between SAT scores and actual grades.

You're citing facts regarding SAT scores that have been debunked MANY times by a number of people. And you obviously haven't researched the origin of the army IQ tests that the SAT sprung up from. I'm not going to waste my time looking up all the facts I went through when I wrote my paper, but off the top of my head:


"Another study of 10,000 students at 11 selective public and private institutions of higher education found that a 100-point increase in SAT combined scores, holding race, gender, and field of study constant, led to a one-tenth of a grade point gain for college GPA (Vars, F. & Bowen, W. in The Black-White Test Score Gap, 1998). This offered about the same predictive value as looking at whether an applicant's father had a graduate degree or her mother had completed college."

"The poor predictive ability of the SAT I becomes particularly apparent when considering the college performance of females. Longstanding gaps in scores between males and females of all races show that females on average score 35-40 points lower than males on the SAT I, but receive better high school and college grades. In other words, the test consistently under-predicts the performance of females in college while over-predicting that of males.

Measuring the SAT I's predictive ability for students of color is more complicated since racial classifications are arbitrary. For students whose first language isn't English, test-maker research shows the SAT I frequently under-predicts their future college performance. One study at the University of Miami compared Hispanic and non-Hispanic White students. Though both groups earned equivalent college grades, the Hispanic students received on average combined SAT I scores that were 91 points lower than their non-Hispanic White peers. This gap existed despite the fact that 89% of the Hispanic students reported English as their best language.

Extensive research compiled by Derek Bok and William Bowen in The Shape of the River highlights the SAT I's questionable predictive power for African-American students. The ability of SAT I scores to predict freshman grades, undergraduate class rank, college graduation rates, and attainment of a graduate degree is weaker for African-American students than for Whites. Such discrepancies call into question the usefulness of using the SAT I to assess African-American students' potential.

The SAT I also does a poor job of forecasting the future college performance of older students. ETS acknowledges that the test's predictive power is lower for "non-traditional" students who may be out of practice taking timed, multiple-choice exams. For this reason, many colleges and universities do not require applicants who have been out of high school for five years or more, or those over age 25, to submit test scores.

I'm not denying that some "black" culture encourages stupidity. A lot of the hip hop culture does, but so does the Midwestern/Southern pride "white trash" culture. My point is that trying to link race with inherent intelligence or physical ability is ****ing retarded. It mainly has to do with the culture, recent ancestory, and economic standing you were born into.
Every one has their studies

Subject: Re: Do SAT Scores Predict College Success?

The SAT tests have been embroiled in controversy for a very long time.
Evaluating the predictive validity of this instrument has been studied
and debated by many academics, politicians, students and the general
public. There is no consensus for a definitive answers. I’ve collected
some articles so you can draw your own conclusions – or continue to
investigate the subject on your own.

All the best.

~ czh ~


Predicting Success in College: SAT Studies of Classes Graduating Since 1980
Author: Nancy W. Burton, Leonard Ramist
Published: 2001

Studies predicting success in college for students graduating since
1980 are reviewed. SAT scores and high school records are the most
common predictors, but a few studies of other predictors are included.
The review establishes that SAT scores and high school records predict
academic performance, nonacademic accomplishments, leadership in
college, and postcollege income. The combination of high school
records and SAT scores is consistently the best predictor.

Please note that the College Board is the publisher and owner of the SAT.


November 14, 2001
SAT II may predict success in college better than SAT

Despite criticisms, many Americans continue to regard the SAT as an
accurate assessment of intelligence.

But according to a recent study conducted by the University of
California, scores on the SAT II subject tests are better indicators
of how freshmen will perform in college than traditional SAT I scores.


Relative Contribution of High School Grades, SAT I and SAT II Scores
in Predicting Success at UC: Preliminary Findings

This paper presents preliminary findings on the relative contribution
of high-school grade-point average (HSGPA), SAT I and SAT II scores in
predicting college success for 81,722 first-time freshmen who entered
UC over the past four years, from Fall 1996 through Fall 1999,
inclusive. The criterion of collegiate "success" employed here is the
same as that used by the College Board in the majority of its research
on the SAT - freshman GPA.


Testing Kids and Predicting Future Success

The correlation between college grades and SAT scores is approximately
r = .42. This value indicates a moderate positive relationship. In
other words, students who have higher SAT scores tend to do acceptable
work in college.


March 23, 2005
Prof says revised SAT won't make the grade
Essay, math section may increase disparities

A new version of the SAT was administered to students across the
country on March 12, with changes including a 25-minute essay and a
more difficult math section that are designed to align the
standardized test more directly with the high school curriculum. Yet
Yale psychology professor Robert Sternberg, who has been developing
his own test to supplement the SAT, said even with the changes, the
SAT is inadequate in measuring skills important for success in college
and life.


SAT I: A Faulty Instrument For Predicting College Success

Promotional claims for the SAT I frequently tout the test's important
place in the "toolbox" of college admissions officers trying to
distinguish between students from vastly different high schools. Yet
the true utility of the SAT I is frequently lost in this rhetoric as
admissions offices search for a fair and accurate way to compare one
student to another. Many colleges and universities around the country,
in dropping their test score requirements, have recently confirmed
what the research has shown all along - the SAT I has little value in
predicting future college performance.

Let us place another ugly fact for consideration approximately 2 out of three blacks are born out of wedlock versus one white in four. Studies have shown that much of the black/white IQ gap correlates with the black/white bastardization gap. The more bastards in a race the lower their collectrive IQ. I'm sure TDFT gets all his facts from studies with a leftist agenda that try to sweep the problem "that some "black" culture encourages stupidity.

My point is that trying to link race with inherent intelligence or physical ability is ****ing retarded. It mainly has to do with the culture, recent ancestory, and economic standing you were born into.

On that we agree. The black gap is primarily due to extreme stresses on the black family. There is also the fact that until the last couple generations a higher education for a black man would add little to his income potential. Once again, trying to obfuscate the intelligence gap does blacks, and in fact all of us, more harm than good. The problem needs to be addressed.
A sample of questions

Questions 1 - 8. Which of the following is greater, Column A or Column B?

Choose A if Column A is greater.
Choose B if Column B is greater.
Choose C if both values are equal.
Choose D if it cannot be determined.

1) x is an integer less than -1

2) P > 1

3) 0 < n < 1

4) a < 0, b > 0 ab a + b

c is an odd number
d is an even number
0 < c < d

6) The ratio of fish in Zone A
to fish in Zone B
7) Six Students take Test Q The average (mean)
of six students'
scores on Test Q The fourth highest
score on Test Q


9) Fawn lives on a hill. She goes to work by bicycle at an average speed of 20 miles an hour. Work is 10 miles away. She returns home at average speed of 15 miles per hour along the same 10 mile route. How long does she spend commuting each day?

A) 30 minutes
B) 35 minutes
C) 40 minutes
D) 60 minutes
E) 70 minutes

10) Two legs of a right triangle measure 4 and 8 cm. What is a possible measure of the third leg?

A) cm
B) cm
C) 6 cm
D) cm
E) cm

I don't see what could be racially biased. Maybe Fawn should be named LaToya.
Maybe these will paste better

20 Questions--25 Minutes

For each problem in this section determine which of the five choices is correct and blacken the corresponding choice on your answer sheet. You may use any blank space on the page for your work.

You may use a calculator whenever you think it will be helpful.
Use the diagrams provided to help you solve the problems. Unless you see the words "Note: Figure not drawn to scale" under a diagram, it has been drawn as accurately as possible. Unless it is stated that a figure is three-dimensional, you may assume it lies in a plane.

Reference Information

1. In the figure above, what is the value of a?
(A) 10 (B) 20 (C) 28 (D) 36 (E) 45

2. The Rivertown Little League is divided into d divisions. Each division has t teams, and each team has p players. How many players are there in the entire league?
(A) d + t + p (B) dtp (C) pt / d (D) dt / p (E) d / pt

3. What is the value of n if 2n+1 = 32?
(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 7 (E) 8

4. In the figure above, what is the value of a + b + c?
(A) 210 (B) 220 (C) 240 (D) 270 (E) 280

Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
Number of tournaments 4 5 10 6 9 12

5. The chart above shows the number of tennis tournaments that Adam entered each year from 1990 through 1995. In what year did he enter 50% more tournaments than the year before?

(A) 1991 (B) 1992 (C) 1993 (D) 1994 (E) 1995

6. If, for any number b, b# = b + 1 and #b = b - 1, which of the following is NOT equal to (3#) (#5)?

(A) (1#) (#9) (B) 7# + #9 (C) (4#) (#4) (D) (7#) (#3)
(E) 15# / #2

7. If a is a multiple of 5 and b = 5a, which of the following could be the value of a + b?
I. 60
II. 100
III. 150

(A) II only
(B) III only
(C) I and III only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II, and III

8. If 3a = b and 3c = d, then bd =

(A) 3ac (B) 3a + c (C) 6a + c (D) 9ac (E) 9a+c

9. If r and s are two nonzero numbers and if 78(r + s) = (78 + r)s, then which of the following must be true?

(A) r = 78 (B) s = 78 (C) r + s = rs (D) r < 1 (E) s < 1

10. If it is now June, what month will it be 100 months from now?

(A) January (B) April (C) June (D) October (E) December

11. If the average (arithmetic mean) of three consecutive integers is A, which of the following must be true?
I. One of the numbers is equal to A.
II. The average of two of the three numbers is A.
III. A is an integer

(A) I only (B) II only (C) III only (D) I and II only
(E) I, II, and III

12. A bag contains 25 slips of paper, on each of which a different integer from 1 to 25 is written. Blindfolded, Scott draws one of the slips of paper. He wins if the number on the slip he draws is a multiple of 3 or 5. What is the probability that Scott wins?

(A) 1 / 25 (B) 8 / 25 (C) 11 / 25 (D) 12 / 25 (E) 13 / 25

13. If m2 = 17, then what is the value of (m + 1) (m - 1)?

(A) √17 - 1 (B) √17 + 1 (C) 16 (D) 18 (E) 288

14. Which of the following points lies in the interior of the circle whose radius is 10 and whose center is at the origin?

(A) (-9, 4) (B) (5, -9) (C) (0, -10) (D) (10, -1) (E) (-6, 8)

15. Several shoppers were surveyed at a supermarket and asked how many people were in their families and how much money they spend each week on food. The data were graphed in the following scatterplot diagram.

If the average weekly cost of food per person for each of the seven families, A - G, was calculated, which one would be the median?

(A) A (B) C (C) D (D) E (E) G

16. If p pencils cost c cents, how many pencils can be bought for d dollars?

(A) cdp (B) 100cdp (C) dp / 100c (D) 100cd / p (E) 100dp / c

17. If a is increased by 10% and b is decreased by 10%, the resulting numbers will be equal. What is the ratio of a to b?

(A) 9 /11 (B) 9 / 10 (C) 1 / 1 (D) 10 / 9 (E) 11 / 9

18. In the figure at the right, line segments AF and CF partition pentagon ABCDE into a rectangle and two triangles. For which of the following can the value be determined?
I. a + b
II. b + c
III. a + b + c + d

(A) II only
(B) I and II only
(C) II and III only
(D) I and III only
(E) I, II, and III

19. Which of the following CANNOT be expressed as the sum of two or more consecutive positive integers?

(A) 17 (B) 22 (C) 24 (D) 26 (E) 32

20. In the figure above, the legs of right triangle ACB are diameters of the two semicircles. If AB = 4 what is the sum of the areas of the semicircles?

(A) π (B) 2π (C) 4π (D) 8π (E) 16π

Before the Williams sisters I guess a tennis question could be considered biased. Question 3 has me stumped, given the choices.
A must read

Thomas Sowell

Black identity has become a hot item in the movies, on television, and in the schools and colleges. But few people are aware of how much of what passes as black identity today, including "black English," has its roots in the history of those whites who were called "rednecks" and "crackers" centuries ago in Britain, before they ever crossed the Atlantic and settled in the South.

Saying "acrost" for "across" or "ax" for "ask" are today considered to be part of black English. But this way of talking was common centuries ago in those regions of Britain from which white Southerners came. They brought with them more than their own dialect. They brought a whole way of life that made antebellum white Southerners very different from white Northerners.

Violence was far more common in the South -- and in those parts of Britain from which Southerners came. So was illegitimacy, lively music and dance, and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions, and flamboyant imagery. All of this would become part of the cultural legacy of blacks, who lived for centuries in the midst of the redneck culture of the South.

That culture was as notable for what it did not have as for what it had. It did not emphasize education, for example, or intellectual interests in general.

Illiteracy was far more common among whites in the antebellum South than among whites in the North, and of course the blacks held in bondage in the South were virtually all illiterate. On into the early 20th century, Southern whites scored lower on mental tests than whites in other parts of the country, as blacks continued to do.

Many aspects of Southern life that some observers have attributed to race or racism, or to slavery, were common to Southern blacks and whites alike -- and were common in those parts of Britain from which Southern whites came, where there were no slaves and where most people had never seen anyone black.

Most Southern blacks and whites moved away from that redneck culture over the generations, as its consequences proved to be counterproductive or even disastrous. But it survives today among the poorest and least educated ghetto blacks.

This is a much bigger story than can fit into a newspaper column, which is why I wrote my latest book, "Black Rednecks and White Liberals."

White liberals come into this story because, since the 1960s, they have been aiding and abetting a counterproductive ghetto lifestyle that is essentially a remnant of the redneck culture which handicapped Southern whites and blacks alike for generations.

Many among the intelligentsia portray the black redneck culture today as the only "authentic" black culture and even glamorize it. They denounce any criticism of the ghetto lifestyle or any attempt to change it.
My studies focused on the demographic gap between grades and scores. The pro-SAT studies you reference, barring the one by the people who make money from it (The College Board) basically say that people who tend to do well on it do well in school. Yeah, no ****. But I haven't seen anything to debunk the gap mentioned. Just because most people who can take tests well are bright does NOT mean that people in general who don't take standardized tests well are not.As for the bias, I've taken the SAT and know what the questions are like. As I've stated, one of the classic cases involved knowledge of a specific sport (I forget which) primarily played by upper class white males.

Hugo said:
Let us place another ugly fact for consideration approximately 2 out of three blacks are born out of wedlock versus one white in four. Studies have shown that much of the black/white IQ gap correlates with the black/white bastardization gap. The more bastards in a race the lower their collectrive IQ. I'm sure TDFT gets all his facts from studies with a leftist agenda that try to sweep the problem "that some "black" culture encourages stupidity.

WTF are you talking about? I look at sources from those with all sorts of political biases before I come to my own conclusion. Something it doesn't seem like you do. Yes, watch a hip hop video. It does encourage stupidity, similar to the white redneck culture. And you do realize that most sociologists don't actually believe in "IQ" as an objective measure of intelligence anymore ...?

As for the intelligence gap, I agree in general. Given that white guys had hundreds of years longer to establish a decent economic situation in the US, and have had far greater civil rights until like 50 years ago, it makes sense. It's similar to women not being in exact equal places of power. Some people say that's evidence that there is still great bias at the workplace, but don't account for how long it takes to get exact equality.

But for another point of view, look at the graduation rates in your own links. Asians have a higher graduation rate than whites; in fact by nearly the same margin as whites compared to blacks. Actually, we tend to be behind Asians in most studies of intellect that I recall reading. Why not go on about this? Should we all model our work ethic on Asian communities?
I don't mention Asians because it is not a political issue. You don't here complaints about income disparity among Asians and whites and how to address it. If you look at a few facts you will see that out of wedlock births among asians is much lower than the out of wedlock births among whites. Yes, we could all learn a lesson on how stable families produce children ready to take on the world from the asian community.

As soon as whites start demanding affirmative action programs to catch up with asians I will explain how white culture is inferior to asian culture. The out of wedlock birthrate was about 1/3rd of what it is today before LBJ's Great Society programs that led to a cycle of illegitimacy, poverty and crime.


Fully half of all Asian Americans aged 25 to 29 as of 1997 had gotten at least a B.A., says a U.S. Census Bureau Report. By comparison, a B.A. or higher had been obtained by 29% of Whites, 14% of African Americans and 11% of Hispanics in the 25-29 age group.
The contrast is slightly less dramatic for all persons aged 25 and over -- 42% of Asian Americans, 25% of Whites, 13% of African Americans and 10% of Hispanics. The encouraging aspect of these figures is that they reveal a clear trend toward higher percentages of college completion among all races of the current generation of Americans.
The above figures do not include foreign Asian students who make up 8% of the American college population. Counting all nationalities, Asian students make up 16% of the overall U.S. college population and 36% of the population of all California universities. By contrast Asians are only 4% of the population of the U.S. and 12% of the population of California.

Wonder why them SAT tests ain't biased against asians?

Most scientists do use IQ as a reliable measure of intelligence. Would someone argue that sports abilities is a better measure of intelligence? Dr. Sowell certainly places a strong emphasis on IQ.

As I've stated, one of the classic cases involved knowledge of a specific sport (I forget which) primarily played by upper class white males.

How convienent you forgot the question.
Race and IQ
by Thomas Sowell (October 8, 2002)

Years ago, while doing research on education and IQ, I happened to be in the principal's office at a black school in Cincinnati, as he was preparing to open a large brown envelope containing the results of IQ tests that his students had taken. Before he opened the envelope, I offered to bet him that a large majority of the students with IQs over 110 would be girls.

He was too smart to take the bet. Studies had shown that females predominated among high-IQ blacks. One study of blacks whose IQs were 140 and up found that there were more than five times as many females as males at these levels. This is hard to explain by either heredity or environment, as those terms are usually defined, since black males and black females have the same ancestors and grow up in the same homes. Meanwhile, white males and white females have the same average IQs, with slightly more males at both the highest and lowest IQs.

This is just one of many unsolved mysteries that is likely to remain unsolved, because doing research on race and IQ has become taboo in many places. My own research was financed in part by a grant from a foundation that told me to remove any mention of IQ research from the activities listed in my project's application.

They didn't care if I used their money for that purpose but they did not want it on the record that they had financed research into race and intelligence. Many schools and boards of education also did not want it on the record that they had cooperated by supplying data for any such research. Only when assured of complete anonymity would they let me into their records.

A well-known black "social scientist" urged me not to do any such research. His stated reason was that it would "dignify" Professor Arthur Jensen's thesis of a genetic basis for black-white differences in IQ scores. But my own suspicion was that he was afraid that the research would prove Jensen right.

As it turned out, the research showed that the average IQ difference between black and white Americans -- 15 points -- was nothing unusual. Similar IQ differences could be found between various culturally isolated white communities and the general society, both in the United States and in Britain. Among various groups in India, mental test differences were slightly greater than those between blacks and whites in the United States.

In recent years, research by Professor James R. Flynn, an American expatriate living in New Zealand, has shaken up the whole IQ controversy by discovering what has been called "the Flynn effect." In various countries around the world, people have been answering significantly more IQ test questions correctly than in the past.

This important fact has been inadvertently concealed by the practice of changing the norms on IQ tests, so that the average number of correctly answered questions remains by definition an IQ of 100. Only by painstakingly going back and recalculating IQs, based on the initial norms, was Professor Flynn able to discover that whole nations had, in effect, had their IQs rising over the decades by about 20 points.

Since the black-white difference in IQ is 15 points, this means that an even larger IQ difference has existed between different generations of the same race, making it no longer necessary to attribute IQ differences of this magnitude to genetics. In the half century between 1945 and 1995, black Americans' raw test scores rose by the equivalent of 16 IQ points.

In other words, black Americans' test score results in 1995 would have given them an average IQ just over 100 in 1945. Only the repeated renorming of IQ tests upward created the illusion that blacks had made no progress, but were stuck at an IQ of 85. But we would never have known this if some researchers had not defied the taboo on studying race and IQ imposed by black "leaders" and white "friends."

Great man. Has studied the IQ gap seriously. IMO, the IQ difference between black men and women may reflect the absence of a father figure in many black homes. There are inferior cultures.
I don't feel informed enough to comment on the racial divide in America but a quick comment about the racial issues prevalent in Australia.

Asian are resented by many in the communtity for their ability to out do many average Ozzies in terms of success.

We don't seem to be any further forward in addressing and fixing the plethora of problems that plague our indigenous population.

And last but not least we have ongoing problems addressing the associated issues with Muslims , Lebanese and all other ethnic groups that have taken up residence here.

We may call ourselves a multicultural society, but if we are, it's one that's at war with itself.
Phantom said:
Social cliche: There is always some truth in stereotypes.

But about the Eastern Asian Americans. You consider them "culturally unstable" because they have a "desparate need to be Americanized." Sorry, but if you are in America, you ****ing better have a desparate need to be Americanized. Don't you dare come here and subject your culture on me.

It's one thing to want to be americanized, and it's another thing to want to be "americanized". To come to america, immediately convert to Christianity, change your name to Paul, isn't americanization, it's an attempt to conform to some your backgrounds. To come to america, accept liberal values of freedom and democracy, and to be an active and respectful member of the community is what it means to be truely American.

I was born in America and I'm still Hindu, my family speaks Tamil, and my mom wears Saris on nice occasions.

And btw, on terms of coming to "your" country and taking up "your" culture, my sister recently picked up the Navajo language while doing Americorps. I guess that's really picking up "your" culture.
Peace said:
And btw, on terms of coming to "your" country and taking up "your" culture, my sister recently picked up the Navajo language while doing Americorps. I guess that's really picking up "your" culture.

The Navajos, et. al., all wanted to be Americanized. They just didn't know it at the time.