Rammstein's New Album!

Jeezy said:
Well that's cool! We here in Germany have it for a really long time now
Yeah, same here in Iceland. I think it's been out all over Europe for pretty long lol

Anyway, I like Rammstein, but this album was kinda bleh. I liked the title track, and Benzin though.
stupidsoul1 said:
Wow, im sure i saw it out here ages ago..like christmas time -____-
my friend was going to get it for me but she got me the rising tied and slipknot

i quite like the title track.

They release albums at different times in different countries. I've always thought that was a major pain in the butt, and it doesn't make much sense to me. But whatever...lol
Clogz said:
They release albums at different times in different countries. I've always thought that was a major pain in the butt, and it doesn't make much sense to me. But whatever...lol

You're right. There are also a lot of records that are released in America that come out here like 3 month later. So everywhere the same problems I guess...
i like it. not there best i agree. but i have also had it for a long time. my bf downloaded it for me and i live in the usa.