Awesome! 10/10
MrsBennington-Delson New member Apr 28, 2007 #1,073 9/10 its very green :thumbsup: and its funny although i dont get it 100%
candygirl New member Apr 28, 2007 #1,074 8/10 I love that image. Especially the background. (The lyrics are an Avril Lavigne song that links you to an Anti-Avril site. The pic is just a render signature of Marten from QC, which links you to Avril contradictions.)
8/10 I love that image. Especially the background. (The lyrics are an Avril Lavigne song that links you to an Anti-Avril site. The pic is just a render signature of Marten from QC, which links you to Avril contradictions.)
L LPShinodaFM New member May 8, 2007 #1,079 wtf? lol 8/10 I love the effect, the lighting, but the text is kinda small and unreadable.