Try refreshing the page? The images might've messed up for a little while.
L LPNailz New member Feb 22, 2009 #1,741 Try refreshing the page? The images might've messed up for a little while.
Sponge New member Feb 22, 2009 #1,742 I see it now. Thanks. Cool 8/10. I don't know what exactly to get for mines but i will get one.
L LPNailz New member Feb 22, 2009 #1,743 I pre-rate you a 10/10, in anticipation of that dragon that better appear in your sig
BextheHex New member Mar 3, 2009 #1,756 (it says "though tortures and hardships twist my soul and emancipated demons try to take control know that my soul has been bought and to pierced hands it was caught " ) 10/10 i like the style of words
(it says "though tortures and hardships twist my soul and emancipated demons try to take control know that my soul has been bought and to pierced hands it was caught " ) 10/10 i like the style of words
L LPNailz New member Mar 3, 2009 #1,757 Nice poem\lyrics, but I like the plain text underneath better. Art is Resistance... 10\10
L LPNailz New member Mar 5, 2009 #1,759 Nope, 'tis Shinedown. 9\10, that's pretty cool, but how'd you get such a big image in? I never can. *pulls out hair*
Nope, 'tis Shinedown. 9\10, that's pretty cool, but how'd you get such a big image in? I never can. *pulls out hair*