Re: Definition of God

In article <>,
"Septic" <> wrote:

> And, there is certainly no "declaration of certainty, is there?

I find "THE MOON IS IN FACT A PERFECT SPHERE" a declaration of exquisite

Famous in the history of science is the argument _ad ignorantiam_ given
in criticism of Galileo, when he showed leading astronomers of his time
the mountains and valleys on the moon that could be seen through his
telescope. Some scholars of that age, absolutely convinced that the
moon was a perfect sphere, as theology and Aristotelian science had
long taught, argued against Galileo that, although we see what appear
to be mountains and valleys, THE MOON IS IN FACT A PERFECT SPHERE,
because all its apparent irregularities are filled in by an invisible
crystalline substance. And this hypothesis, which saves the perfection
of the heavenly bodies, Galileo could not prove false!

(Copi and Cohen, _Introduction to Logic_)

Emphasis added to help Septic find the relevant passage.
In article <>,
"Your Logic Tutor" <> wrote:

> "Gandalf Grey" <> wrote in message
> news:45063f8b$0$24170$
> >
> > "Needs Logic Tutor" <> wrote in message
> >
> > >
> > > "Gandalf Grey" <> wrote in message
> > > news:4505fc4e$0$24211$
> > >>
> > >> "Your Logic Tutor" <> wrote in message
> > >>
> > >> >
> > >> > "Virgil" <> wrote
> > >> >
> > >> >> ... no proof either way.
> > >> >
> > >> > <BITCHSLAP>.....
> > >>
> > >> "No proof either way" is not an argument from ignorance ...
> > >
> > >
> > > "No proof either way" includes "There is no proof there is no God,"

> >
> > Which is not an argument.

> Yes it definitely is

Then Septic , in objecting, must be arguing that there IS proof that
there is no god. But does not provide any.

> <quote>
> FAMOUS in the history of science is the argument _ad ignorantiam_ given in
> criticism of Galileo, when he showed leading astronomers of his time the
> mountains and valleys on the moon that could be seen through his telescope.
> Some scholars of that age, absolutely convinced that the moon was a perfect
> sphere, as theology and Aristotelian science had long taught, argued against
> Galileo that, although we see what appear to be mountains and valleys, THE
> MOON IS IN FACT A PERFECT SPHERE, because all its apparent irregularities
> are filled in by an invisible crystalline substance. And this hypothesis,
> which saves the perfection of the heavenly bodies, Galileo could not prove
> false!

> </quote>
> (Copi and Cohen, _Introduction to Logic_)

Septic is so blind to the contents of his own citation that I have taken
the liberty of capitalizing the relevant phrase, so that even he can
find it.

> Not to date.

No name calling no dodging my challenge.
You screwed up and I am going to call you on it
again dandagain and again, until your shame is legendary.

September 11 - Gandy Grey:
> As opposed to someone like you who never worked anything out, Whitehead's
> philosophy is now acclaimed as the philosophy behind modern science.

Calling me a liar wil not hide the fact you lied of the top of
your head here and are getting callled on it. I am proving YOU
are a liar and an intellectual incompetent of the lowest order.

You know the rules, you make an assertion, you have to back it up or be
called a loser and a fool. And to try to deflect the challenge by ad
hominem attacks, your gutless coward habit, just compounds the shame.

This all you do, **** errors and call names.


September 11 - Gandy Grey:
> As opposed to someone like you who never worked anything out, Whitehead's
> philosophy is now acclaimed as the philosophy behind modern science.

There is not a single well known leading scientist that
can be quoted with a specific quote that says that at all.

Show us a quote from any really famous physicists that
say that; "Whitehead's philosophy is now acclaimed as the
philosophy behind modern science."

Or admit you are wrong and had no idea what you were babbling
about when you posted you foolish and false claim!


Put them here.

I will post this challenge ever day until you comply, to show you are
a lying, stupid *******. Or until you admit you shot your intellectually
incompetent mouth off with having any reason to have made your foolish
claim and admit this was a gross error on your part.


Where did all these braindead morons come from!
What diseased sewer did they breed in and how did
they manage to find their way out on their own?

Cheerful Charlie
"wcb" <> wrote in message

Barwell states:

>>> When I dug up articles where the PT crew admitted
>>> their PT god didn't exactly work,

Barwell dug up the work of people who are openly critical of process
theology and exactly one process theologian who mentioned a doubt. The
subject is essentially an open debate on only one aspect of process

This is equivalent to saying that when Stephen Jay Gould proposed the theory
of punctuated equilibrium as a better explanation of evolution and Jerry
Falwell said that he didn't believe in Evolution that meant that "the
evolution crew admitted their theory doesn't work."

An obvious and blatant lie, and one that well-read atheists know is used by
the creationist/Intelligent Design Fundamentalistsall the time.

Yet on exactly the same kind of evidence, Barwell states that the "PT crew
admitted their PT god didn't exactly work." An almost perfect copy of a
blatant fundamentalist tactical lie.

Since when do critics of a subject constitute the proponents of a subject?
I.e., a "crew."?

I'll be posting this in response to any of Bawell's bogus 'challenges' or
until he admits that he lied through his teeth.
Gandalf Grey wrote:

> Barwell dug up the work of people who are openly critical of process
> theology and exactly one process theologian who mentioned a doubt.
We have to probably call this A Mass of Lies.

When are you going to retract them all, Barney?

"wcb" <> wrote in message
> I tweaked my essay a bit to put things more
> accurately. Over 35 years the mainstream religions
> failed to utilize their large numbers to effectively
> draw a line in the sand and end these policies of
> supporting genocide and evil.
> They were at best feeble and uncertain
> where they should most certainly been
> uncompromising and resolute.

TRANSLATION: Your original essay was sheer crap. And this newest version
continues to contain a mass of blatant lies.

> The Failure of Christianity in America
> W. C . Barwell 3-8-05
> 1 Corinthians 14:8 For if the trumpet give an
> uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?
> Since Nixon, this nation has rapidly moved quite far to the
> right, taken there mainly by christian right wingers who have
> fully supported the GOP, as it has moved specifically to
> gain support of christian right wingers. This started when
> Nixon played the racist Southern Strategy card building on
> civil rights era resentments by far right Southerners.
> Conservative Southerners were very religious. Among other
> things, after desegregation many religious groups started their
> ownprivate segregated schools. White Citizens Councils
> were formed,many meeting in churches.
> The turn towards Christian conservatives accelerated
> under Reagan, who skillfully played the religious card, and the
> religious right joined the GOP-Reagan revolution that still
> is a major influence. That has given the GOP control of Congress
> for years, especially thanks to Newt Gingrich and Trent Lott
> who gained control of the Congress, House and Senate in 1995
> with full support of the politicized religious right.
> So we now have had a essentially a christian-GOP government
> for 30 years.

That's a lie. What we have is a Fundamentalist-GOP government.

We had large right wing Christian movements
> who were formed expressedly for political reasons to move
> America right and to empower America conservative religionists,
> and they have been largely successful.
> Christian denominations largely supported incompetent
> and corrupt Vietnamese politicians. And a senseless war
> in Vietnam that accomplished nothing, run by incompetents.

That's a lie. The world and national council of churches opposed the war.

> Not many Christian denominations respected life here.
> Or freedom. But supported Nixon heartily despite the
> horrors we committed in Vietnam and Cambodia and Chile
> and winked at support for others mentioned above.

Another lie. Many denominations opposed all of the above.

> Not many major religious denominations nor their leaders
> spoke out and drew a line at any of this.

That's a lie.

> RONALD REAGAN 1981 - 1989
> Ronald Reagan came to power largely because of the
> religious right's politicization and support.
> Throughout his administration Ronald Reagan supported
> Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge as the official government
> of note in Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge delegation
> as the official UN delegation of Cambodia to the UN.
> Aid is funneled to the Khmer Rouge including $81 million
> dollars, and food and uniforms funneled through aid
> organizations. Reagan winked as China rearmed Pol Pot,
> and leaned on nations not to send aid to Cambodia despite
> the devastation of nearly 1/3 of Cambodia's population
> killed by Pol Pot's genocidal regime.
> Early in his administration Reagan lead the GOP in
> support for military aid to the genocidal Rios Montt
> of Guatemala, who practiced wholesale mass torture,
> mass rape mass murder and genocide on the Mayan Indians
> of Guatemala.
> Reagan and the GOP supported the mass murdering ex-Somoza
> Guards of Nicaragua.
> Reagan and the GOP supported Saddam Hussein of Iraq.
> Reagan and the GOP supported the murderous Robert
> D'Aubisson of El Salvador, a known far right death
> squad leader.
> The El Salvadoran government was involved in numerous
> murders, and massacres, such as the killing of 400
> villagers at a small village called El Mezote, most
> of them young women and children.
> Reagan and the GOP supported Noriega of Panama.
> Reagan and the GOP supported a number of murdering
> far right extremist guerrilla movements in Africa including
> the genocidal RENAMO in Mozambique.
> The Christian and religious right heavily supported Reagan
> and the GOP despite numerous examples of such evils as
> listed above.

Another lie. You're again conflating any and all Christian denominations
with the religious right.

They're not the same.

> The leaders of the religious right never cared
> nor complained, and rarely did the religious leaders of the
> main stream christian denominations make any effort
> to stand up and denounce these outrageous policies.

No more rarely than atheists, Barwell.

> The members of major denominations made little effort to
> complain and demand their religious leaders react to
> support for genocidal mass murderers.

Another lie.

> Despite having 100 + millions of members, the main stream
> denominations made little difference to Reagan and GOP
> policies, vigorously supported by the religious right.

As did the atheists make little difference.

> There was and is little real respect for life in organized
> American christianity as these wholesale and repeat failures of
> America christianity collectively over 35 years shows.

Another lie. Liberation theology alone has been instrumental in opposing
right wing dictatorships around the world and particularly in South America.

> Action was mainly confined to small liberal denominations.

Another lie. The world council and national council of churches have both
liberal and conservative members.

> What main stream denomination action was taken was feeble
> and half hearted at best.

Another lie.

> Many churches and denominations whole-heartedly support
> Reagan and the GOP despite these horrors, and many
> actively worked for Reagan's re-election and support of GOP
> candidates, passing out tens of millions of voters' guides
> slanted to support of far right GOP candiates and policies.
> Bush continued support for the evil dictators above,
> including Pinochet, Pol Pot and others. However,
> Saddam screwed us and invaded Kuwait, mainly because
> Bush screwed up and did not warn him to not do so
> as Hussein repeatedly threatened to invade Kuwait
> for nearly two months and coolly noted Bush's lack
> of much response.
> Bush did not act in case of genocide by Yugoslavia's
> Milosevic, and Bush and the GOP's loud and obnoxious
> foot-dragging here allowed Milosevic to kill
> hundreds of thousands with near impunity.
> The leaders of the GOP, House and Senate, and religious
> leaders of the right

> and mainstream denominations never
> cared about any of this.

Another lie.

> The main stream denominations
> rarely made much of an issue out of it, and what was done
> was as usual,feeble.

Another lie.

> Few Christian leaders of either far right or mainstream
> denominations cared, nor brought Bush and the GOP leadership
> of House and Senate to task for this genocide of innocents.

Anothe lie as any search on the subject will show.

> The voters' guides pushed in many churches still were demanding
> parishioners vote GOP despite these horrors and mass murders.

In many fundamentalist churches.

> Few leaders of large, powerful and influential denominations
> ever stood up and denounced these mass murders.

Another lie.

> Christians
> underneath did not push dilatory and feebly responsive denominational
> leaders to speak out, act and lead against these mass murders
> and war crimes.

Another lie.

> Nor the support early in Bush's career for
> Saddam and Pop Pot and other genocidal monsters.
> The far right churches as usual made no almost no efforts at all.


> Clinton:
> Under Clinton this Iraq policy continued. Again, Christians
> did not care.

Another lie.

> All many Christians cared about was Clinton's
> don't-ask-don't-tell gays in military policy and Clinton's
> sex life and Whitewater. $47 million spent investigating
> Whitewater while the Christian right roared with naked hate.
> Money spent investigation mass murder in Iraq caused by
> our purposeful by our sanctions? $0.
> Roars of disprovable from Christian America over these mass
> murders? Not much.

Roars from Atheist America? Just as few.

> From the large far right religious
> denominations there was next to no effort at all.


> No large denominations ever made these war crimes and
> mass murders an issue

A blatant lie.

nor took the GOP or president to
> task over these horrors in a manner tha ever made a
> difference.
> What has 35 years of right winged GOP government and right
> winger christianity got us?

Sliding again, I see. Right winger christianity is not "christianity"
Barwell. Like the true demagogue you are, I can understand your feverish
desire to obscure that fact.

> Mass murder, genocide,
> Nothing but callousness, disregard for human life,
> support for dictators, a near total moral failure of
> religion, Christianity, GOP and the American right.

And atheists.

> Not once did the large mass of religious christian
> Americans, either leadership or rank and file ever
> find any of these evils unacceptable

A blatant lie.

> or punish any
> who supported any of this by using their large
> memberships to draw a distinct line and make it an
> unavoidable issue despite having numbers to do just
> that. Not the christian right nor leaders of
> major US religious denominations made a real difference.

Nor atheists.

> Most GOP House and Senate members were people who
> did these things claimed to be christians.

and many are atheists.

> Not one
> cares, not many christian denominations care that
> they did not care or act.

That's because they DID act, moron.

> Christians posture as moral,

So do atheists.

> American christians
> have a very bad track records when it comes to
> morality,

So do atheists.

> Christianity thus can only be called a moral failure,

Under the terms of your argument, atheism can also be called a complete
moral failure.
Gandalf Grey wrote:

> When are you going to retract them all, Barney?
> "wcb" <> wrote in message
>> I tweaked my essay a bit to put things more
>> accurately. Over 35 years the mainstream religions
>> failed to utilize their large numbers to effectively
>> draw a line in the sand and end these policies of
>> supporting genocide and evil.
>> They were at best feeble and uncertain
>> where they should most certainly been
>> uncompromising and resolute.

Yes it true.

Over 35 years now the US supported a large list of
insane dictators, genocide and mass murder, thanks to the GOP.
Despite this, the religious GOP supporting Americans
happily voted for the GOP despite mass murder and genocide.
The rest of the mainstream denominations wih 100 + million
members never managed to bring themselves to forcfully
ending these horrors despite having the numbers to do so.

Christianity thus failed.
No lies here except from Gandy who will not admit
this sad fact.

Christianity could have acted en masse to stop the GOP
and failed to act forcfully.

Gandy will never stop hating me for posting the truth.


Where did all these braindead morons come from!
What diseased sewer did they breed in and how did
they manage to find their way out on their own?

Cheerful Charlie
Gandalf Grey wrote:

>> The turn towards Christian conservatives accelerated
>> under Reagan, who skillfully played the religious card, and the
>> religious right joined the GOP-Reagan revolution that still
>> is a major influence. That has given the GOP control of Congress
>> for years, especially thanks to Newt Gingrich and Trent Lott
>> who gained control of the Congress, House and Senate in 1995
>> with full support of the politicized religious right.
>> So we now have had a essentially a christian-GOP government
>> for 30 years.

> That's a lie.
"wcb" <> wrote in message

> Why do you lie about it?

"wbarwell" <> wrote in message
> Gandalf Grey wrote:
>> "wbarwell" <> wrote in message
>>> The Fool wrote:
>>>> Well put. It's telling how Barwell and others don't even try to have a
>>>> rational discussion, it's just personal attack and assertion. You're
>>>> either with us or against us!
>>> I point out that for thirty years the GOP has won power
>>> with support of far right religious Americans and religious
>>> leaders

>> And attempted to float the lie that NO religious leaders came out against
>> the excesses of the right.

> I did not say no religious leaders

You, sir, are a flaming, barefaced Liar.

Proof follows

This should be the end of the question of Barlow's credibility.

From: wbarwell <>
Subject: Re: The Problem of Evil
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2006 03:01:20 -0500
Organization: Posted via Supernews,

Snip to relevant passages. [CAPs for emphasis are mine....GG]

The Failure of Christianity in America
W. C . Barwell 3-8-05

NO Christians respected life here. Or freedom. But supported
Nixon heartily despite the horrors we committed in Vietnam
and Cambodia and Chile and winked at support for others
mentioned above.

NO CHRISTIAN LEADERS of either far right or mainstream
cared nor brought Bush and the GOP leadership of House
and Senate to task for this genocide of innocents.

NOT ONCE did religious christian Americans, EITHER
LEADERSHIP or rank and file ever find any of these
evils unacceptable or punish any who supported any
of this. Not the christian right NOR LEADERS of
major US religious denominations.

Most GOP House and Senate members were people who
did these things claimed to be christians. NOT A ONE
CARES, NOT A CHRISTIAN CARES they did not care or act.
Many of those who presided over these massive moral
failures still hold office in the US Congress and
Senate, leaders and ran and file. Almost all claim
to be christians.
"wcb" <> wrote in message

> No lies here

"wbarwell" <> wrote in message

> I did not say no religious leaders

You, sir, are a flaming, barefaced Liar.

Proof follows

This should be the end of the question of Barlow's credibility.

From: wbarwell <>
Subject: Re: The Problem of Evil
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2006 03:01:20 -0500
Organization: Posted via Supernews,

Snip to relevant passages. [CAPs for emphasis are mine....GG]

The Failure of Christianity in America
W. C . Barwell 3-8-05

NO Christians respected life here. Or freedom. But supported
Nixon heartily despite the horrors we committed in Vietnam
and Cambodia and Chile and winked at support for others
mentioned above.

NO CHRISTIAN LEADERS of either far right or mainstream
cared nor brought Bush and the GOP leadership of House
and Senate to task for this genocide of innocents.

NOT ONCE did religious christian Americans, EITHER
LEADERSHIP or rank and file ever find any of these
evils unacceptable or punish any who supported any
of this. Not the christian right NOR LEADERS of
major US religious denominations.

Most GOP House and Senate members were people who
did these things claimed to be christians. NOT A ONE
CARES, NOT A CHRISTIAN CARES they did not care or act.
Many of those who presided over these massive moral
failures still hold office in the US Congress and
Senate, leaders and ran and file. Almost all claim
to be christians.
In the end, no major religious denominations save the
usual Menonnites and Quakers came out against Vietnam.

Nixon won re-election with 60% of the vote and the war went right on.
The Christians went with Nixon, not shunned him.

If the draft was phased out it was not a few churchemen that did it,
but millons of angry youths seen as cannon fodder by military
incompetents. The Youth of America said "No! and was starting
to burn things.

The Christians voted Nixon and war and no large denominations
drew that line in the sand.

Now stop lying about this.

And now back to the real issue you are trying to divert us from and cannot
divert us from.

September 11 - Gandy Grey:
> As opposed to someone like you who never worked anything out, Whitehead's
> philosophy is now acclaimed as the philosophy behind modern science.

Put up or shut up.


Where did all these braindead morons come from!
What diseased sewer did they breed in and how did
they manage to find their way out on their own?

Cheerful Charlie
Gandy, I said yiou would try to avoid putting up or shutting up by trying to
divert attention from your gross stupidity.

No, that won't be allowed to work.

Gandy challenge - day 01 - Process metaphysics is basis of science?

September 11 - Gandy Grey:
> As opposed to someone like you who never worked anything out, Whitehead's
> philosophy is now acclaimed as the philosophy behind modern science.

There is not a single well known leading scientist that
can be quoted with a specific quote that says that at all.

Show us a quote from any really famous physicists that
say that; "Whitehead's philosophy is now acclaimed as the
philosophy behind modern science."

Or admit you are wrong and had no idea what you were babbling
about when you posted you foolish and false claim!


Put them here.

I will post this challenge ever day until you comply, to show you are
a lying, stupid *******. Or until you admit you shot your intellectually
incompetent mouth off with having any reason to have made your foolish
claim and admit this was a gross error on your part.


Where did all these braindead morons come from!
What diseased sewer did they breed in and how did
they manage to find their way out on their own?

Cheerful Charlie
Viet Nam war

Nixon wins re-election with 60% of vote thanks t Christians who vote and te
war goes on.

No lies of yiours will hide the truth.

Christianity failed here, despite a small minority of
outspoken Chrstians. The big denominations did not speak out and
Nixon won and the war went on, Christianity failed.
Failed big!

Now again, the thing yiou are trying to avoid with your
lies and diversions.
You will not be allowed to do so.
Gandy challenge - day 01 - Process metaphysics is basis of science?

September 11 - Gandy Grey:
> As opposed to someone like you who never worked anything out, Whitehead's
> philosophy is now acclaimed as the philosophy behind modern science.

There is not a single well known leading scientist that
can be quoted with a specific quote that says that at all.

Show us a quote from any really famous physicists that
say that; "Whitehead's philosophy is now acclaimed as the
philosophy behind modern science."

Or admit you are wrong and had no idea what you were babbling
about when you posted you foolish and false claim!


Put them here.

I will post this challenge ever day until you comply, to show you are
a lying, stupid *******. Or until you admit you shot your intellectually
incompetent mouth off with having any reason to have made your foolish
claim and admit this was a gross error on your part.


Where did all these braindead morons come from!
What diseased sewer did they breed in and how did
they manage to find their way out on their own?

Cheerful Charlie
"wcb" <> wrote in message
> In the end, no major religious denominations save the
> usual Menonnites and Quakers came out against Vietnam.

Dorothy Day, Peter Maurin and the Catholic Worker Movement ... Dorothy Day,
Prophet of Pacifism for the Catholic Church ... The influence of the
Catholic Worker during the Vietnam War is explored in detail in American ... - 26k - Cached - Similar pages

Roman Catholic The Roman Catholic Church is the largest religious
institution in the United ... and corporate actions that awakened Catholic
opposition to the Vietnam War. ... - 19k - Cached - Similar pages

Research Advisory Service - Doe/Moffitt Libraries ... Catholic Church's
Position on Vietnam War & Daniel Berrigan; Healthcare-Cuba ... African
Americans & Education; Catholic Opposition to Birth Control ... - 19k - Cached - Similar

Crisis Magazine A noticeable feature of Catholic opposition to the war was
that, outside America ... The second, more radical view thought that the
Vietnam War had revealed ... - 32k - Cached -
Similar pages

US Christian Leaders Rally as Peacemakers "We're further along now than we
were in the Vietnam War. ... of the United States Conference of Catholic
Bishops, hand-delivered a letter of opposition to ... - 18k - Cached - Similar

Chapter 16 To the Catholic Church, however, Vietnam was more than a mere
stepping stone in ... The Catholic communities reacted in turn. From passive
opposition they ... - 15k - Cached - Similar pages

Legendary liberal WW Finlator fought segregation, poverty, war Finlator,
longtime pastor of Pullen Memorial Baptist Church in Raleigh, ... including
opposition to the Vietnam War, support for women's rights, ... - 11k - Cached - Similar pages

Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
Declaration of Independence from the War in Vietnam. Delivered by Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr April 1967 At Manhattan's Riverside Church ... - 37k - Cached - Similar

First Baptist Church - History First Baptist declared its opposition to the
deportation of "refugees as long as persecution, torture and murder of
civilians continued." The church has ... - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

Opposition to the Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The executive
committee of World Council of Churches, an organization joined by churches
.... Opposition to US foreign policy
Your Logic Tutor wrote:
> "Virgil" <> wrote
> > Copi deals with a claim of necessity.

> The gullible might believe what you say, were it not for the theist argument
> _ad ignorantiam_, "And this hypothesis [this 'might be' theist conjecture]
> Galileo could not prove false!"
"wcb" <> wrote in message
> Gandy, I said....

You said you could prove god couldn't exist.

That's what this is about and you STILL haven't retracted that lie.

"wbarwell" <> wrote in message
> Gandalf Grey wrote:
>> "wbarwell" <> wrote in message
>>> What he cannot do is note I did not say that argument covered all the
>>> gods,

>> That's a lie. You did in fact say it several times, Barwell.

> You are incapable of reading or reasoning.

And you're incapable of telling the truth, Barwell.

From: wbarwell <>
Subject: Re: Does God Exist?
Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2004 05:42:21 +0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <cq0gu6$>
References: 1103304751.6b9de4428728e571de47f367dde14ea9@teranews

Barwell wrote:

One cannot prove god exists, but one can easily disprove
god exists. Since god does not exist, that is why he cannot
be proven to exist. Since god can be proven not to exist,
he cannot possibly exist.
"wcb" <> wrote in message
> Viet Nam war

"wcb" <> wrote in message
> In the end, no major religious denominations save the
> usual Menonnites and Quakers came out against Vietnam.

That's a blatant lie.

Dorothy Day, Peter Maurin and the Catholic Worker Movement ... Dorothy Day,
Prophet of Pacifism for the Catholic Church ... The influence of the
Catholic Worker during the Vietnam War is explored in detail in American ... - 26k - Cached - Similar pages

Roman Catholic The Roman Catholic Church is the largest religious
institution in the United ... and corporate actions that awakened Catholic
opposition to the Vietnam War. ... - 19k - Cached - Similar pages

Research Advisory Service - Doe/Moffitt Libraries ... Catholic Church's
Position on Vietnam War & Daniel Berrigan; Healthcare-Cuba ... African
Americans & Education; Catholic Opposition to Birth Control ... - 19k - Cached - Similar

Crisis Magazine A noticeable feature of Catholic opposition to the war was
that, outside America ... The second, more radical view thought that the
Vietnam War had revealed ... - 32k - Cached -
Similar pages

US Christian Leaders Rally as Peacemakers "We're further along now than we
were in the Vietnam War. ... of the United States Conference of Catholic
Bishops, hand-delivered a letter of opposition to ... - 18k - Cached - Similar

Chapter 16 To the Catholic Church, however, Vietnam was more than a mere
stepping stone in ... The Catholic communities reacted in turn. From passive
opposition they ... - 15k - Cached - Similar pages

Legendary liberal WW Finlator fought segregation, poverty, war Finlator,
longtime pastor of Pullen Memorial Baptist Church in Raleigh, ... including
opposition to the Vietnam War, support for women's rights, ... - 11k - Cached - Similar pages

Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
Declaration of Independence from the War in Vietnam. Delivered by Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr April 1967 At Manhattan's Riverside Church ... - 37k - Cached - Similar

First Baptist Church - History First Baptist declared its opposition to the
deportation of "refugees as long as persecution, torture and murder of
civilians continued." The church has ... - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

Opposition to the Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The executive
committee of World Council of Churches, an organization joined by churches
.... Opposition to US foreign policy
"John Jones" <> wrote in message
> Your Logic Tutor wrote:
>> "Virgil" <> wrote
>> > Copi deals with a claim of necessity.

>> The gullible might believe what you say, were it not for the theist
>> argument
>> _ad ignorantiam_, "And this hypothesis [this 'might be' theist
>> conjecture]
>> Galileo could not prove false!"

Gandalf Grey wrote:

> Dorothy Day, Peter Maurin and the Catholic Worker Movement ... Dorothy
> Day, Prophet of Pacifism for the Catholic Church ... The influence of the
> Catholic Worker during the Vietnam War is explored in detail in American
> ...

So succssful was she that the RCC excommincated all GOP politcians
supporting the war, excommunicated Spellman and demanded the
US pull out of the war.
In the following re-election, Nixon lost to McGovern, the peace candidate.

September 11 - Gandy Grey:
> As opposed to someone like you who never worked anything out, Whitehead's
> philosophy is now acclaimed as the philosophy behind modern science.


Where did all these braindead morons come from!
What diseased sewer did they breed in and how did
they manage to find their way out on their own?

Cheerful Charlie
Gandalf Grey wrote:

>> In the end, no major religious denominations save the
>> usual Menonnites and Quakers came out against Vietnam.

> That's a blatant lie.

No, it is truth. No churches came out officially
against the war and Nixon and GOP.

Nixon won re-election with 60% of the vote.
Christian votes.

Why continue your lies?

September 11 - Gandy Grey:
> As opposed to someone like you who never worked anything out, Whitehead's
> philosophy is now acclaimed as the philosophy behind modern science.

No, you cannot divert attention from the issue with
lies and lies and lies about other things.
This will go on and on.

You are doomed.


Where did all these braindead morons come from!
What diseased sewer did they breed in and how did
they manage to find their way out on their own?

Cheerful Charlie