Re: Is Windows 7 going to be worth it?



In article <#fm3Y#4QKHA.4020@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl>,
says...<span style="color:blue">
> Also if you copy large amounts of files that total more than the amount of
> free memory, it will start swapping out to the pagefile like crazy. Not
> sure what they were thinking, swapping out memory to pagefile like that
> while there is heavy disk I/O. I can't think of a more inefficient use of
> I/O traffic.
> </span>

You might want to check your system - I just copied a zip file that is
22GB across my network and it didn't page/swap anything, and it didn't
appear to cause any load on the computer - my laptop is an old P4/3.2g
Hyper-Threaded system with 2GB RAM.

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