Re: So f=3Fn sick of viruses from just surfing the web!

Just to add. The ILOVEYOU virus that hit numerous computers in 2000 it took
Norton corporate edition 2 days to detect and remove it.

The Real Truth
WARNING Do NOT follow any advice given by the people listed below.
They do NOT have the expertise or knowledge to fix your issue. Do not waste
your time.
David H Lipman, Malke, PA Bear, Beauregard T. Shagnasty, Leythos.

"The Real Truth MVP" <> wrote in message<span style="color:blue">
> 1. Leythos is a liar
> 2. Norton is crap.
> 3. Norton is always 24 hours or more behind in updating its definitions
> files for corporate customers compared to lets say McAfee, probably more
> for public. In that amount of time your system gets infected. Now because
> Symantec gets updated then detects and remove it the system was still
> compromised. That is why his statement is a lie.
> 4. Leythos is a liar.
> --
> The Real Truth
> WARNING Do NOT follow any advice given by the people listed below.
> They do NOT have the expertise or knowledge to fix your issue. Do not
> waste your time.
> David H Lipman, Malke, PA Bear, Beauregard T. Shagnasty, Leythos.
> "SC Tom" <> wrote in message
> news:uHFn1MBBKHA.5020@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...<span style="color:green">
>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>> news:h3gfkl$2t2$<span style="color:darkred">
>>> Leythos wrote:
>>>> I have never had a computer that I was responsible for, client or
>>>> personal, compromised in all my 30+ years of working with computers and
>>>> all known OS platforms.
>>> Yeah, riiiiiiiiiight. And you give humility classes at night school too,
>>> don't you?
>>> Alias</span>
>> I'm just curious as to why you doubt what he says. In my 18 years as an
>> IT/IS tech and manager, I can make the same statement as Leythos. With
>> the proper procedures, policies, and user education, it's not that hard
>> of a feat to accomplish. Granted, 18 isn't 30, but I have more of a
>> tendency to believe him than to disbelieve him.
>> SC Tom
> </span>
In article <>,
says...<span style="color:blue">
> Just to add. The ILOVEYOU virus that hit numerous computers in 2000 it took
> Norton corporate edition 2 days to detect and remove it.</span>

And it didn't infect any customer of ours, nor did it infect any home
computers of any people that I know.

It's all about being smart enough to read about threats and understand
their entry into your system - the information has been around for a
decade or more for the reading pleasure of the masses.

You can't trust your best friends, your five senses, only the little
voice inside you that most civilians don't even hear -- Listen to that.
Trust yourself. (remove 999 for proper email address)
"Leythos" <> wrote in message<span style="color:blue">
> In article <>,
> jmoriarty@aconandoyle.invalid says...<span style="color:green">
>> "SC Tom" <> wrote:
>><span style="color:darkred">
>>>> Alias
>>> I'm just curious as to why you doubt what he says.</span>
>> I am curious why you waste your time replying to "Alias"? Surely you
>> know the expatriate fool is only here to annoy people.</span>
> Sometime you like to have fun with the fools, making them look more
> foolish - and there is always someone willing to believe a fool once
> in a while, so it's good to put their lies down as quickly as
> possible.</span>

You have no credibilty anyway, but just in case a newbie might think you
are actually an MVP or know what your'e talking about:

"The Real Truth MVP" <> wrote in message<span style="color:blue">
> 1. Leythos is a liar</span>

But ... but ... how many times have you claimed that YOU are Leythos?
To me, that's an admission that YOU are a liar, but not the actual
Leythos, the one you pose as. I'm glad you're admitting it BUTTS; good
to see.
<span style="color:blue">
> 2. Norton is crap.</span>

Oh? Is "Norton" another name you pose as? At first I thought you meant
Symantec-Norton, but that's a good product so you must mean one of your
aliases. Haven't noticed you as Norton; not that I really care though.
<span style="color:blue">
> 3. Norton is always 24 hours or more behind in updating its
> definitions files for corporate customers compared to lets say
> McAfee, probably more for public. In that amount of time your system
> gets infected. Now because Symantec gets updated then detects and
> remove it the system was still compromised. That is why his statement
> is a lie.</span>

Wow. You figure you can lie with impunity, don't you? Both you and your
facts are wrong here, in essence a lie the way you stated them.<span style="color:blue">
> 4. Leythos is a liar.</span>

See #1 above. yer funnneee.

A twayne poser, poser!
<span style="color:blue">
> "SC Tom" <> wrote in message
> news:uHFn1MBBKHA.5020@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...<span style="color:green">
>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>> news:h3gfkl$2t2$<span style="color:darkred">
>>> Leythos wrote:
>>>> I have never had a computer that I was responsible for, client or
>>>> personal, compromised in all my 30+ years of working with
>>>> computers and all known OS platforms.
>>> Yeah, riiiiiiiiiight. And you give humility classes at night school
>>> too, don't you?
>>> Alias</span>
>> I'm just curious as to why you doubt what he says. In my 18 years as
>> an IT/IS tech and manager, I can make the same statement as Leythos.
>> With the proper procedures, policies, and user education, it's not
>> that hard of a feat to accomplish. Granted, 18 isn't 30, but I have
>> more of a tendency to believe him than to disbelieve him.
>> SC Tom</span></span>
"Alias" <> wrote in message
news:h3fsb2$frt$<span style="color:blue">
> Twayne wrote:<span style="color:green">
>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>> news:h3fesh$tgc$<span style="color:darkred">
>>> Leythos wrote:
>>>> In article <h3f6hb$vtr$>,
>>>> says...
>>>>> Leythos wrote:
>>>>>> In article <15d63900-a71d-4568-a6c9-85135e6c5df2
>>>>>>>, says...
>>>>>>> This is mostly a rant I guess. I work in IT and I?m a MCP, so
>>>>>>> I?m not a total idiot with Windows or PC?s in general.
>>>>>> I've been working with computers for more than 30 years, with MS
>>>>>> OS for as long as it's been available, with Windows as long as
>>>>>> it's been available, in all that time I've never had any of my
>>>>>> own computers infected and none of my customers that have managed
>>>>>> networks have been infected.
>>>>> Liar.
>>>>> Alias
>>>> I see the resident troll is back trying to divert attention away
>>>> from his own failure to learn anything about securing Windows.
>>> I see you're using unfounded insults to divert attention away from
>>> the fact that you're a liar.
>>> As I use Linux, I have no need to secure that which cannot be
>>> secured: Windows. The only way to keep Windows secure is to not
>>> allow Windows on the Net. Fact is, your precious Norton CRAP can
>>> only detect viruses it knows about, not new ones. This is Computer
>>> Security 101, sport. Alias</span>
>> Actually, that's not true. Whether it's windows, linux or any other
>> OS it has many holes in it and needs external securing applied.
>> Norton in fact has several ways of monitoring things and notifying
>> you if/when there could be viruses or other malware at work. But in
>> addition to that, the very huge majority of malware IS already known
>> and several companies actively seek it in many different ways from
>> many different places.
>> Most all of the other AV progs ONLY find what they "know about"
>> and nothing more, and they protect quite well. Not only that, but
>> you might find it interesting to research WHERE these companies get
>> their lists of viruses and malware from.
>> And finally, it takes more than AV to protect a computer. A host
>> of several things are required in order to do a good job of
>> protection and securing a system. Linux is no different except it
>> has such a small installed base in comparison it's not worth
>> scammer/spammer/hackers time to go after them very strongly. There
>> aren't enough of them to make it profitable, even though there have
>> been more hacks occurring in the last year than ever before.
>> If/when Linux overtakes the market share that MS currently still
>> enjoys, you'll be saying that same thing about Linux; don't let it on
>> the 'net. People who think any OS is secure from the git-go are not
>> only fooling themselves, they are devoid of a well rounded education
>> on the matters.
>> HTH,
>> Twayne`
> Oh, dear. Yet another "Linux has a small 'market share', so malware
> writers don't attack it" post. <sigh>
> Wrong. Linux machines are highly prized by crackers, but they are
> much tougher to write malware for than Windows machines. There are
> more Linux servers running the Internet (about 60% according to
> Ballmer) than Windows ones, & yet it's always the windoze machines
> which are attacked. Why? Because they are easier to crack than
> Linux ones, & not because Windows is a "big target".
> Alias</span>

Who was talking about servers? And couldn't you find anything more
credible than those two sites? My gosh, with all the Linux support out
there, one would think you'd use better resources. And crackers?
Servers? Always? Never Linux? I think you need to check the latest news
again. You're wrong, including your statistic, but ... you've never had
much credibility here anyway, so ...

Enjoy what's left.
Twayne wrote:
<span style="color:blue">
> Who was talking about servers? And couldn't you find anything more
> credible than those two sites? My gosh, with all the Linux support out
> there, one would think you'd use better resources. And crackers?
> Servers? Always? Never Linux? I think you need to check the latest news
> again. You're wrong, including your statistic, but ... you've never had
> much credibility here anyway, so ...
> Enjoy what's left.
> </span>
don't bother trying to reason with the troll. It won't do any good.
Unless you tell him his silly Ubuntu is the greatest OS ever made he
will argue with you. Its best to just killfile him and be done with it.
Leythos wrote:<span style="color:blue">
> Sometime you like to have fun with the fools, making them look more
> foolish - and there is always someone willing to believe a fool once in
> a while, so it's good to put their lies down as quickly as possible.
> </span>

Nope, its just feeding the trolls, plain and simple. If someone is
foolish enough to believe his garbage, that's their problem. Seriously,
his blind devotion to that OS, it can't be real.

Then again... people can be that dumb.
Twayne wrote:<span style="color:blue">
> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:h3fsb2$frt$<span style="color:green">
>> Twayne wrote:<span style="color:darkred">
>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>> news:h3fesh$tgc$
>>>> Leythos wrote:
>>>>> In article <h3f6hb$vtr$>,
>>>>> says...
>>>>>> Leythos wrote:
>>>>>>> In article <15d63900-a71d-4568-a6c9-85135e6c5df2
>>>>>>>>, says...
>>>>>>>> This is mostly a rant I guess. I work in IT and I?m a MCP, so
>>>>>>>> I?m not a total idiot with Windows or PC?s in general.
>>>>>>> I've been working with computers for more than 30 years, with MS
>>>>>>> OS for as long as it's been available, with Windows as long as
>>>>>>> it's been available, in all that time I've never had any of my
>>>>>>> own computers infected and none of my customers that have managed
>>>>>>> networks have been infected.
>>>>>> Liar.
>>>>>> Alias
>>>>> I see the resident troll is back trying to divert attention away
>>>>> from his own failure to learn anything about securing Windows.
>>>> I see you're using unfounded insults to divert attention away from
>>>> the fact that you're a liar.
>>>> As I use Linux, I have no need to secure that which cannot be
>>>> secured: Windows. The only way to keep Windows secure is to not
>>>> allow Windows on the Net. Fact is, your precious Norton CRAP can
>>>> only detect viruses it knows about, not new ones. This is Computer
>>>> Security 101, sport. Alias
>>> Actually, that's not true. Whether it's windows, linux or any other
>>> OS it has many holes in it and needs external securing applied.
>>> Norton in fact has several ways of monitoring things and notifying
>>> you if/when there could be viruses or other malware at work. But in
>>> addition to that, the very huge majority of malware IS already known
>>> and several companies actively seek it in many different ways from
>>> many different places.
>>> Most all of the other AV progs ONLY find what they "know about"
>>> and nothing more, and they protect quite well. Not only that, but
>>> you might find it interesting to research WHERE these companies get
>>> their lists of viruses and malware from.
>>> And finally, it takes more than AV to protect a computer. A host
>>> of several things are required in order to do a good job of
>>> protection and securing a system. Linux is no different except it
>>> has such a small installed base in comparison it's not worth
>>> scammer/spammer/hackers time to go after them very strongly. There
>>> aren't enough of them to make it profitable, even though there have
>>> been more hacks occurring in the last year than ever before.
>>> If/when Linux overtakes the market share that MS currently still
>>> enjoys, you'll be saying that same thing about Linux; don't let it on
>>> the 'net. People who think any OS is secure from the git-go are not
>>> only fooling themselves, they are devoid of a well rounded education
>>> on the matters.
>>> HTH,
>>> Twayne`
>> Oh, dear. Yet another "Linux has a small 'market share', so malware
>> writers don't attack it" post. <sigh>
>> Wrong. Linux machines are highly prized by crackers, but they are
>> much tougher to write malware for than Windows machines. There are
>> more Linux servers running the Internet (about 60% according to
>> Ballmer) than Windows ones, & yet it's always the windoze machines
>> which are attacked. Why? Because they are easier to crack than
>> Linux ones, & not because Windows is a "big target".
>> Alias</span>
> Who was talking about servers? And couldn't you find anything more
> credible than those two sites? My gosh, with all the Linux support out
> there, one would think you'd use better resources. And crackers?
> Servers? Always? Never Linux? I think you need to check the latest news
> again. You're wrong, including your statistic, but ... you've never had
> much credibility here anyway, so ...
> Enjoy what's left.
> </span>

My, a string of unfounded ad hominem attacks. Stick with Windows. You
deserve it.

milt wrote:<span style="color:blue">
> Twayne wrote:
> <span style="color:green">
>> Who was talking about servers? And couldn't you find anything more
>> credible than those two sites? My gosh, with all the Linux support
>> out there, one would think you'd use better resources. And crackers?
>> Servers? Always? Never Linux? I think you need to check the latest
>> news again. You're wrong, including your statistic, but ... you've
>> never had much credibility here anyway, so ...
>> Enjoy what's left.
> don't bother trying to reason with the troll.</span>

You call that reasoning? LOL!

Snip insulting drivel.

SC Tom wrote:<span style="color:blue">
> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:h3gfkl$2t2$<span style="color:green">
>> Leythos wrote:
>><span style="color:darkred">
>>> I have never had a computer that I was responsible for, client or
>>> personal, compromised in all my 30+ years of working with computers and
>>> all known OS platforms.</span>
>> Yeah, riiiiiiiiiight. And you give humility classes at night school too,
>> don't you?
>> Alias</span>
> I'm just curious as to why you doubt what he says. In my 18 years as an
> IT/IS tech and manager, I can make the same statement as Leythos. With the
> proper procedures, policies, and user education, it's not that hard of a
> feat to accomplish. Granted, 18 isn't 30, but I have more of a tendency to
> believe him than to disbelieve him.
> SC Tom
> </span>

LOL! You two act like Windows is secure while there are hundreds of
thousands of net bots and millions of infected computer running Windows.

Pull the other one, chum, it has bells on it.

Leythos wrote:<span style="color:blue">
> In article <>,
> jmoriarty@aconandoyle.invalid says...<span style="color:green">
>> "SC Tom" <> wrote:
>><span style="color:darkred">
>>>> Alias
>>> I'm just curious as to why you doubt what he says. </span>
>> I am curious why you waste your time replying to "Alias"? Surely you
>> know the expatriate fool is only here to annoy people.</span>
> Sometime you like to have fun with the fools, making them look more
> foolish - and there is always someone willing to believe a fool once in
> a while, so it's good to put their lies down as quickly as possible.
> </span>

Which is why I expose your lies

In article <h3hjtp$vp0$>, says...<span style="color:blue">
> LOL! You two act like Windows is secure while there are hundreds of
> thousands of net bots and millions of infected computer running Windows.
> </span>

And you always suggest that Windows CAN NOT BE secured, but real world
experience proves you wrong time and time again.

The fact is, following the basics of security, information that has been
available for more than a decade, you can safely secure your computer
against attacks and malware and still lead a productive life while using
the internet in all of its glory.

You can't trust your best friends, your five senses, only the little
voice inside you that most civilians don't even hear -- Listen to that.
Trust yourself. (remove 999 for proper email address)
In article <h3hk06$vp0$>, says...<span style="color:blue">
> Leythos wrote:<span style="color:green">
> > In article <>,
> > jmoriarty@aconandoyle.invalid says...<span style="color:darkred">
> >> "SC Tom" <> wrote:
> >>
> >>>> Alias
> >>> I'm just curious as to why you doubt what he says.
> >> I am curious why you waste your time replying to "Alias"? Surely you
> >> know the expatriate fool is only here to annoy people.</span>
> >
> > Sometime you like to have fun with the fools, making them look more
> > foolish - and there is always someone willing to believe a fool once in
> > a while, so it's good to put their lies down as quickly as possible.
> > </span>
> Which is why I expose your lies</span>

And yet you've not exposed anything except your own lack of experience,
your own lack of skill, and your own admitted lies.

You can't trust your best friends, your five senses, only the little
voice inside you that most civilians don't even hear -- Listen to that.
Trust yourself. (remove 999 for proper email address)
Leythos wrote:<span style="color:blue">
> In article <h3hk06$vp0$>,
> says...<span style="color:green">
>> Leythos wrote:<span style="color:darkred">
>>> In article <>,
>>> jmoriarty@aconandoyle.invalid says...
>>>> "SC Tom" <> wrote:
>>>>>> Alias
>>>>> I'm just curious as to why you doubt what he says.
>>>> I am curious why you waste your time replying to "Alias"? Surely you
>>>> know the expatriate fool is only here to annoy people.
>>> Sometime you like to have fun with the fools, making them look more
>>> foolish - and there is always someone willing to believe a fool once in
>>> a while, so it's good to put their lies down as quickly as possible.
>> Which is why I expose your lies</span>
> And yet you've not exposed anything except your own lack of experience,
> your own lack of skill, and your own admitted lies.
> </span>

This is only true in your twisted imagination. If you run Windows,
sooner or later, you will be infected. This is not a fact that can be
debated yet you LIE and say it can.

Leythos wrote:<span style="color:blue">
> In article <h3hjtp$vp0$>,
> says...<span style="color:green">
>> LOL! You two act like Windows is secure while there are hundreds of
>> thousands of net bots and millions of infected computer running Windows.
> And you always suggest that Windows CAN NOT BE secured, but real world
> experience proves you wrong time and time again.
> The fact is, following the basics of security, information that has been
> available for more than a decade, you can safely secure your computer
> against attacks and malware and still lead a productive life while using
> the internet in all of its glory.
> </span>

This is only true in your twisted imagination. If you run Windows,
sooner or later, you will be infected. This is not a fact that can be
debated yet you LIE and say it can.

1969??????? You're very green behind the ears.
"Alias" <> wrote in message
news:h3i2pq$4dm$<span style="color:blue">
> Leythos wrote:<span style="color:green">
>> In article <h3ht2m$rvu$>,
>> says...<span style="color:darkred">
>>> Leythos wrote:
>>>> In article <h3hk06$vp0$>,
>>>> says...
>>>>> Leythos wrote:
>>>>>> In article <>,
>>>>>> jmoriarty@aconandoyle.invalid says...
>>>>>>> "SC Tom" <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>> I'm just curious as to why you doubt what he says.
>>>>>>> I am curious why you waste your time replying to "Alias"? Surely
>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>> know the expatriate fool is only here to annoy people.
>>>>>> Sometime you like to have fun with the fools, making them look more
>>>>>> foolish - and there is always someone willing to believe a fool once
>>>>>> in a while, so it's good to put their lies down as quickly as
>>>>>> possible.
>>>>> Which is why I expose your lies
>>>> And yet you've not exposed anything except your own lack of experience,
>>>> your own lack of skill, and your own admitted lies.
>>> This is only true in your twisted imagination. If you run Windows,
>>> sooner or later, you will be infected. This is not a fact that can be
>>> debated yet you LIE and say it can.</span>
>> And with your own admitted limited experience,</span>
> A lie. You have NO idea what my experience with computers is. The first
> computer I worked on was in 1969.
><span style="color:green">
>> your own history of lying,</span>
> Yet you can't cite one lie, which, of course, makes you the liar.
><span style="color:green">
>> I can understand you posting that position, but, like most of what you
>> post, it's wrong.</span>
> No, it isn't. As I said before, your precious Norton can only detect those
> viruses in its data base, not new ones or prevent you from getting
> infected by drive by malware that it isn't aware of. This is simple logic,
> Leythos, not rocket science.
> Alias<span style="color:green">
>> </span></span>
In article <h3i2pq$4dm$>, says...<span style="color:blue"><span style="color:green">
> > And with your own admitted limited experience,</span>
> A lie. You have NO idea what my experience with computers is. The first
> computer I worked on was in 1969.
> <span style="color:green">
> > your own history of
> > lying,</span>
> Yet you can't cite one lie, which, of course, makes you the liar.</span>

Your lies are archived in the history on google, and your lack of
experience is clearly evident from your comments.
<span style="color:blue">
> <span style="color:green">
> > I can understand you posting that position, but, like most of
> > what you post, it's wrong.</span>
> No, it isn't. As I said before, your precious Norton can only detect
> those viruses in its data base, not new ones or prevent you from getting
> infected by drive by malware that it isn't aware of. This is simple
> logic, Leythos, not rocket science.
> </span>

And not a single person that understands security is claiming that
Norton could protect you from everything - that's where YOU show your
lies and lack of experience. Having a secure computer is much more than
having a good anti-vrius program - but any person with experience would
already know that and not be confused as you are.

You can't trust your best friends, your five senses, only the little
voice inside you that most civilians don't even hear -- Listen to that.
Trust yourself. (remove 999 for proper email address)
Anyone with experience wouldn't use Norton.
"Leythos" <> wrote in message
news:0055a637$0$15276$<span style="color:blue">
> In article <h3i2pq$4dm$>,
> says...<span style="color:green"><span style="color:darkred">
>> > And with your own admitted limited experience,</span>
>> A lie. You have NO idea what my experience with computers is. The first
>> computer I worked on was in 1969.
>><span style="color:darkred">
>> > your own history of
>> > lying,</span>
>> Yet you can't cite one lie, which, of course, makes you the liar.</span>
> Your lies are archived in the history on google, and your lack of
> experience is clearly evident from your comments.
><span style="color:green">
>><span style="color:darkred">
>> > I can understand you posting that position, but, like most of
>> > what you post, it's wrong.</span>
>> No, it isn't. As I said before, your precious Norton can only detect
>> those viruses in its data base, not new ones or prevent you from getting
>> infected by drive by malware that it isn't aware of. This is simple
>> logic, Leythos, not rocket science.
> And not a single person that understands security is claiming that
> Norton could protect you from everything - that's where YOU show your
> lies and lack of experience. Having a secure computer is much more than
> having a good anti-vrius program - but any person with experience would
> already know that and not be confused as you are.
> --
> You can't trust your best friends, your five senses, only the little
> voice inside you that most civilians don't even hear -- Listen to that.
> Trust yourself.
> (remove 999 for proper email address) </span>
Even Ubuntu has Security Update fixes among many other vulnerabilities . 3 more this
month than had Windows

Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.

"Alias" <> wrote in message
news:h3fsb2$frt$<span style="color:blue">
> Twayne wrote:<span style="color:green">
>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>> news:h3fesh$tgc$<span style="color:darkred">
>>> Leythos wrote:
>>>> In article <h3f6hb$vtr$>,
>>>> says...
>>>>> Leythos wrote:
>>>>>> In article <15d63900-a71d-4568-a6c9-85135e6c5df2
>>>>>>>, says...
>>>>>>> This is mostly a rant I guess. I work in IT and I?m a MCP, so I?m
>>>>>>> not a total idiot with Windows or PC?s in general.
>>>>>> I've been working with computers for more than 30 years, with MS
>>>>>> OS for as long as it's been available, with Windows as long as
>>>>>> it's been available, in all that time I've never had any of my own
>>>>>> computers infected and none of my customers that have managed
>>>>>> networks have been infected.
>>>>> Liar.
>>>>> Alias
>>>> I see the resident troll is back trying to divert attention away from
>>>> his own failure to learn anything about securing Windows.
>>> I see you're using unfounded insults to divert attention away from the
>>> fact that you're a liar.
>>> As I use Linux, I have no need to secure that which cannot be secured:
>>> Windows. The only way to keep Windows secure is to not allow Windows
>>> on the Net. Fact is, your precious Norton CRAP can only detect viruses
>>> it knows about, not new ones. This is Computer Security 101, sport.
>>> Alias</span>
>> Actually, that's not true. Whether it's windows, linux or any other OS it has
>> many holes in it and needs external securing applied.
>> Norton in fact has several ways of monitoring things and notifying you if/when
>> there could be viruses or other malware at work. But in addition to that, the
>> very huge majority of malware IS already known and several companies actively
>> seek it in many different ways from many different places.
>> Most all of the other AV progs ONLY find what they "know about" and nothing
>> more, and they protect quite well. Not only that, but you might find it
>> interesting to research WHERE these companies get their lists of viruses and
>> malware from.
>> And finally, it takes more than AV to protect a computer. A host of several
>> things are required in order to do a good job of protection and securing a
>> system. Linux is no different except it has such a small installed base in
>> comparison it's not worth scammer/spammer/hackers time to go after them very
>> strongly. There aren't enough of them to make it profitable, even though there
>> have been more hacks occurring in the last year than ever before.
>> If/when Linux overtakes the market share that MS currently still enjoys,
>> you'll be saying that same thing about Linux; don't let it on the 'net. People
>> who think any OS is secure from the git-go are not only fooling themselves, they
>> are devoid of a well rounded education on the matters.
>> HTH,
>> Twayne`
> Oh, dear. Yet another "Linux has a small 'market share', so malware
> writers don't attack it" post. <sigh>
> Wrong. Linux machines are highly prized by crackers, but they are much
> tougher to write malware for than Windows machines. There are more Linux
> servers running the Internet (about 60% according to Ballmer) than Windows ones,
> & yet it's always the windoze machines which are attacked. Why? Because they are
> easier to crack than Linux ones, & not because Windows is a "big target".
> Alias </span>