Re: NOMINATION: 2-Belo for the Hook Line & Sinker (was: Re: please have a seat in this comfy chair,


Kadaitcha Man

Artemis'Striped Pajamas'McGrawww <>
Thou rotten thing. Thou dishonest, rump-fed onion head. Thou breeder of
sinners. Thou ill-bred, shard-borne unconstant womankind. Ye wavered and
ye divulged:

> On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 08:34:29 +0900, The 2-Belo wrote:
>> dave hillstrom and alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk is a
>> baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>> [...]
>>>> You know a disturbingly large amount of information regarding the
>>>> 2- Belo's bowel movements.
>>> well, you see, for what seemed like an eternity, but was probably
>>> only a year in 1999 and 2000, i communicated REGULARLY, ney DAILY,
>>> with The 2-Belo on ICQ. usually commencing around 8am his time.
>>> and he would say several times he had to get coffee, then hed come
>>> back. and then, usually before 8:45am his time, he would ANNOUNCE,
>>> in various loud and triumphant ways, that it was ~poop time~! he
>>> would even, usually, give a report as to the magnitude and
>>> satisfaction level of the pooping. so, it wasnt exactly me doing
>>> any prying. i was FORCED to learn about his sphincters schedule.

>> Oh what a bunch of.... erm... poop. As soon as I got back you would
>> be messaging me like "okay was it a double-flusher? How many coils?
>> You neophyte, why just yesterday I dropped a log so god damned
>> heinously massive that sewer mains burst four blocks
>> away!!!1!!!ONE!!1" and we would both acknowledge that any hideous
>> intestinal sculpture I could manage would forever pale in comparison
>> to The Great Dave, Inc.
>> So there. I wish I still had the chat logs. They got snuffed when our
>> building was cleared out. At least I managed to save the Webcenter.

> Bravo! Encore! That was absolutely beautiful UPA in its purest
> form, but enough is enough. The 2-Belo has returned with a bang and
> hace stirred up the pot in every which way but loose. I offishally
> nominate 2-Belo for the Hook Line & Sinker.
> Any seconds ??

Aye! Seconded.

"We are arrant knaves all, believe none of us."
Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1 [129]

Hammer of Thor: February 2007. Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook,
Line & Sinker: September 2005, April 2006, January 2007.

Vescere puter subgalia meis.

"Now I know what it is. Now I know what it means when an
alt.usenet.kook x-post shows up."
AOK in news:ermdlu$nli$