Re: NOMINATION for Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker



Lamey wrote:

> On Thu, 31 May 2007 17:20:42 +0000, Sean Monaghan <>
> wrote:
>>On Thu, 31 May 2007 12:41:23 -0400, K. A. Cannon <kcannon@insurgent.orgy>
>>> "T. Ling Yu" <trohlyu@frontend-0-0.local> posted
>>> <1FC993AE0901$8B12FD2127@> in alt.usenet.kooks on Thu,
>>> 31 May 2007 17:50:30 +0200 (CEST):
>>> >"BuZZard" <BuZZard@bUZzarNeSt.CoM> wrote in
>>> >news:uEB7i.13360$3B1.5555@trnddc08:
>>> >
>>> >> I hereby Nominate 'vinny' friggenbozo for teh
>>> >> prestigious award of Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker
>>> >> with his brilliantly executed troll between Lamey and
>>> >> MeatPlow that has been going on by the.. troll of a thousand
>>> >> nyms. heh
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >Seconded.
>>> Ahem...FNVW...a ruling iffn ya will.

>>The current status is "not validly seconded".
>>Should a credible seconder come forward before ballot time, we'll[TINW]
>>take it from there. :)

> I second, if that doesn't work, then we'll just give it to him anyway.

The vote wranglers of today are impotent. None of them can hold a candle
up to Craig Dickson.

\___ Proud Cog #1 in the AUK Hate Machine
_(AUK)====:: Do you think that you have the Right Stuff?
/='='='='-, Apply TODAY by addressing a gratuitously cruel
(O+O+O+O+O) flame to: "Uncle Fester", C/O & AUK.
On Fri, 01 Jun 2007 01:58:39 +0000, Lionel <>
boggled at how lame the Kooks are these days, then wrote:

>From: Lionel <>

**** off, identity thief.

>>>Should a credible seconder come forward before ballot time, we'll[TINW]
>>>take it from there. :)

>> I second, if that doesn't work, then we'll just give it to him anyway.

>The vote wranglers of today are impotent. None of them can hold a candle
>up to Craig Dickson.
> \___ Proud Cog #1 in the AUK Hate Machine
> _(AUK)====:: Do you think that you have the Right Stuff?
>/='='='='-, Apply TODAY by addressing a gratuitously cruel
>(O+O+O+O+O) flame to: "Uncle Fester", C/O & AUK.

\___ Proud Cog #1 in the AUK Hate Machine
_(AUK)====:: Do you think that you have the Right Stuff?
/='='='='-, Apply TODAY by addressing a gratuitously cruel
(O+O+O+O+O) flame to: "Uncle Fester", C/O & AUK.