Re: Open Question Concerning Mork's Antics

Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called Aratzio
stirred from its deep slumber and pronounced to usenet:

: On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 16:26:14 -0400, in the land of
: alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Daedalus <>
: got double secret probation for writing:
: : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 12:53:47 -0700, Aratzio
: : <> wrote:
: :
: : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 15:31:48 -0400, in
: : : alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Daedalus
: : : <> bloviated:
: : :
: : :
: : : : You cannot refuse. It's my ass we're talking about here.
: : :
: : : Tell us more about your ass.
: :
: : Pale, small, has a split down the middle.
: :
: : That about covers it.
: :
: Do you have pictures?

and XviDs?

Steve Leyland
mhm32x16 Smeeter#24 WSD#41 Most Hated Usenetizen Of All Time#1
Top Asshole on the Net#4 Usenet Ruiner#11 Lits Slut#1
alt.hackers.malicious awards 2007 Pedo-Baiter
Alcatroll Labs Inc (bongwater maintenance dept)



People who say "Don't Postpone Joy" are usually in outrageous credit
card debt. - Daniel Casey
"Oh, and by the by ... although it is not my particular responsibility
to do so, I do nevertheless apologize for Mr. Leyland, who seems
convinced that anyone who might pass by this doorway to our little
gallery is a child rapist. In a sense, he is much like the ratty kitty
he claims to be in his interminable signature line ... he wanders about
and stops occassionally at the stoop here to spray and defecate, then
moves on and is gone for a few days or so ... no doubt spraying,
defecating and retching up hairballs elsewhere ... then returns to mark
his "territory" again. I realise he is little more than a malodorous
nusiance, but a nuisance nevertheless."

HMS Victor Victorian, pedophile,
"Warning to all:
Steve Leyland is a trolling twat of the highest order. Killfile the
muppet now and move on. Even the briefest of searches on his past
UseNet posts will reveal the truth. You have been warned. plonk "

"I didn't delete any part of your meaningless, pointless, worthless
post in order to clearly demonstrate that you are the nemesis of
Usenet: the crossposting, non-editing, diagram-creating worthless,
dickless, brainless, gutless, mindless, ball-less, spineless, flaccid,
obese, fish-belly pale, ugly, VD-ridden, moronic, bald, hunch-backed,
flat-footed, odoriferous, obnoxious, fecal-smelling, buck-toothed,
physically handicapped, fungus-infected, HIV positive, mud-packing,
masturbating, whining, simpering, self-important, arrogant, egomaniacal
POS that takes up more bandwidth than a despicable binary-poster, and
for no apparent reason beyond seeing his own defecatory vomitus
slithering down the screen in vile green rivulets."

Admiral Halsey, alt.sailing.asa
"I went to the Garden of Love,
And saw what I never had seen;
A Chapel was built in the midst,
Where I used to play on the green.

And the gates of this Chapel were shut
And "Thou shalt not," writ over the door;
So I turned to the Garden of Love
That so many sweet flowers bore.

And I saw it was filled with graves,
And tombstones where flowers should be;
And priests in black gowns were walking their rounds,
And binding with briars my joys and desires."

William Blake.
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this
right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to
seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and
regardless of frontiers." Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
article 19.
"When the Earth has been ravaged and the animals are dying, a tribe of
people from all races, creeds and colours shall put their faith in
deeds, not words, and make the land green again. They shall be known as
Warriors of the Rainbow, protectors of the environment."

|\ _.-'~~""'~`'~)
/, ~-,__,,,.'~ ,-;;--''
|,4) ./ ' ; ;/'
'-~~;'@ ( ; ;
_.--'' _.-_..' .;.'
(,_..----''' (,..--''

On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 05:43:33 +0100, in the land of
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, "Steve Leyland"
<> got double secret
probation for writing:

>Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called Aratzio
>stirred from its deep slumber and pronounced to usenet:
>: On Thu, 14 Aug 2008 08:28:00 GMT, in
>: alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Snarky
>: <popesnarky@caballista.organ> bloviated:
>: : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 20:36:07 -0500, Tim Weaver wrote these lies,
>: : denials, arrogant assertions, erroneous presuppositions, and/or
>: : obfuscations:
>: : : The Black Goat With A Thousand Young wrote:
>: : : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 18:49:16 -0500, Tim Weaver fixed me with a
>: : : : beady eye, and foamed wildly:
>: : : : : an old friend wrote:
>: : : : : : On Aug 13, 5:43? pm, Tim Weaver wrote:
>: : : : : : : an old friend wrote:
>: : : : : : : : On Aug 13, 2:29? pm, Tim Weaver wrote:
>: : : : : : : : : Daedalus wrote:
>: : : : : : : : : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 09:49:19 -0500, Tim Weaver
>: : : : : : : : : : wrote:
>: : : : : : :
>: : : : : : : : : : Exactly!
>: : : : : : :
>: : : : : : : : : What ~exactly~ does ~exactly~ mean? ? This is crap. ?
>: : : : : : : : : I refuse to co nti nue in this thread! please do
>: : : : : : : : : refuse to continue
>: : : : : : :
>: : : : : : : I refuse. ? And if you must use Google to post, make sure
>: : : : : : : you get the qu otes correct. ? OK? ? Now, go play. ?
>: : : : : : : There must be a train track, intersta te or heavy
>: : : : : : : machinery close by.
>: : : : : : :
>: : : : : : still wating asshole go away or be shown a lair as well
>: : : : :
>: : : : : I don't even know what that means. Your usage, syntax and
>: : : : : punctuation of the English language is truly extraordinary.
>: : : : : The mind, she boggles.
>: : : :
>: : : : He's dyslexic...Also a victim of bi-/homophobia on
>: : : :, which is what this thread is about.
>: : :
>: : : Well, I'm certainly glad the thread found it's way to the flonk.
>: : : Otherwise, I would have missed out on all teh fun.
>: :
>: : Blame 'Ratz. It's what he's for.
>: I am getting a little peeved lately, Adam Kerman from alt.config is
>: getting a lot of blame.
>that swine.

It's the bowties.


A Number 1, Grade A, Prime USDA 'Ratz
Accept No Substitute
On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 05:46:28 +0100, in the land of
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, "Steve Leyland"
<> got double secret
probation for writing:

>Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called Aratzio
>stirred from its deep slumber and pronounced to usenet:
>: On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 16:26:14 -0400, in the land of
>: alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Daedalus <>
>: got double secret probation for writing:
>: : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 12:53:47 -0700, Aratzio
>: : <> wrote:
>: :
>: : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 15:31:48 -0400, in
>: : : alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Daedalus
>: : : <> bloviated:
>: : :
>: : :
>: : : : You cannot refuse. It's my ass we're talking about here.
>: : :
>: : : Tell us more about your ass.
>: :
>: : Pale, small, has a split down the middle.
>: :
>: : That about covers it.
>: :
>: Do you have pictures?
>and XviDs?

Hopefully that uppy downy alternating thing.


A Number 1, Grade A, Prime USDA 'Ratz
Accept No Substitute
Steve Leyland wrote:

> Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called Daedalus
> stirred from its deep slumber and pronounced to usenet:
>: On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 12:53:47 -0700, Aratzio <>
>: wrote:
>: : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 15:31:48 -0400, in
>: : alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Daedalus <>
>: : bloviated:
>: :
>: :
>: : : You cannot refuse. It's my ass we're talking about here.
>: :
>: : Tell us more about your ass.
>: Pale, small, has a split down the middle.
> only small? damb. I liek big butts and I cannot lie...

Is it because you like the gravitational pull?
Tim Weaver

"Usenet is like a herd of performing elephants with diarrhea - massive,
difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind-
boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it."

- Gene Spafford, 1992
Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called Aratzio
stirred from its deep slumber and pronounced to usenet:

: On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 05:46:28 +0100, in the land of
: alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, "Steve Leyland"
: <> got double secret
: probation for writing:
: : Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called
: : Aratzio stirred from its deep slumber and pronounced to usenet:
: :
: : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 16:26:14 -0400, in the land of
: : : alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Daedalus
: : : <> got double secret probation for writing:
: : :
: : : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 12:53:47 -0700, Aratzio
: : : : <> wrote:
: : : :
: : : : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 15:31:48 -0400, in
: : : : : alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Daedalus
: : : : : <> bloviated:
: : : : :
: : : : :
: : : : : : You cannot refuse. It's my ass we're talking about here.
: : : : :
: : : : : Tell us more about your ass.
: : : :
: : : : Pale, small, has a split down the middle.
: : : :
: : : : That about covers it.
: : : :
: : :
: : : Do you have pictures?
: :
: : and XviDs?
: Hopefully that uppy downy alternating thing.


Steve Leyland
mhm32x16 Smeeter#24 WSD#41 Most Hated Usenetizen Of All Time#1
Top Asshole on the Net#4 Usenet Ruiner#11 Lits Slut#1
alt.hackers.malicious awards 2007 Pedo-Baiter
Alcatroll Labs Inc (bongwater maintenance dept)



I exhort you also to take part in the great combat, which is the combat
of life, and greater than every other earthly combat. - Plato
"Oh, and by the by ... although it is not my particular responsibility
to do so, I do nevertheless apologize for Mr. Leyland, who seems
convinced that anyone who might pass by this doorway to our little
gallery is a child rapist. In a sense, he is much like the ratty kitty
he claims to be in his interminable signature line ... he wanders about
and stops occassionally at the stoop here to spray and defecate, then
moves on and is gone for a few days or so ... no doubt spraying,
defecating and retching up hairballs elsewhere ... then returns to mark
his "territory" again. I realise he is little more than a malodorous
nusiance, but a nuisance nevertheless."

HMS Victor Victorian, pedophile,
"Warning to all:
Steve Leyland is a trolling twat of the highest order. Killfile the
muppet now and move on. Even the briefest of searches on his past
UseNet posts will reveal the truth. You have been warned. plonk "

"I didn't delete any part of your meaningless, pointless, worthless
post in order to clearly demonstrate that you are the nemesis of
Usenet: the crossposting, non-editing, diagram-creating worthless,
dickless, brainless, gutless, mindless, ball-less, spineless, flaccid,
obese, fish-belly pale, ugly, VD-ridden, moronic, bald, hunch-backed,
flat-footed, odoriferous, obnoxious, fecal-smelling, buck-toothed,
physically handicapped, fungus-infected, HIV positive, mud-packing,
masturbating, whining, simpering, self-important, arrogant, egomaniacal
POS that takes up more bandwidth than a despicable binary-poster, and
for no apparent reason beyond seeing his own defecatory vomitus
slithering down the screen in vile green rivulets."

Admiral Halsey, alt.sailing.asa
"I went to the Garden of Love,
And saw what I never had seen;
A Chapel was built in the midst,
Where I used to play on the green.

And the gates of this Chapel were shut
And "Thou shalt not," writ over the door;
So I turned to the Garden of Love
That so many sweet flowers bore.

And I saw it was filled with graves,
And tombstones where flowers should be;
And priests in black gowns were walking their rounds,
And binding with briars my joys and desires."

William Blake.
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this
right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to
seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and
regardless of frontiers." Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
article 19.
"When the Earth has been ravaged and the animals are dying, a tribe of
people from all races, creeds and colours shall put their faith in
deeds, not words, and make the land green again. They shall be known as
Warriors of the Rainbow, protectors of the environment."

|\ _.-'~~""'~`'~)
/, ~-,__,,,.'~ ,-;;--''
|,4) ./ ' ; ;/'
'-~~;'@ ( ; ;
_.--'' _.-_..' .;.'
(,_..----''' (,..--''

Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called Tim
Weaver stirred from its deep slumber and pronounced to usenet:

: Steve Leyland wrote:
: : Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called
: : Daedalus stirred from its deep slumber and pronounced to usenet:
: :
: : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 12:53:47 -0700, Aratzio
: : : <> wrote:
: : :
: : : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 15:31:48 -0400, in
: : : : alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Daedalus
: : : : <> bloviated:
: : : :
: : : :
: : : : : You cannot refuse. It's my ass we're talking about here.
: : : :
: : : : Tell us more about your ass.
: : :
: : : Pale, small, has a split down the middle.
: :
: : only small? damb. I liek big butts and I cannot lie...
: Is it because you like the gravitational pull?

welp it sure as hell isn't coz I like rap music.

Steve Leyland
mhm32x16 Smeeter#24 WSD#41 Most Hated Usenetizen Of All Time#1
Top Asshole on the Net#4 Usenet Ruiner#11 Lits Slut#1
alt.hackers.malicious awards 2007 Pedo-Baiter
Alcatroll Labs Inc (bongwater maintenance dept)



truth. - Plato
"Oh, and by the by ... although it is not my particular responsibility
to do so, I do nevertheless apologize for Mr. Leyland, who seems
convinced that anyone who might pass by this doorway to our little
gallery is a child rapist. In a sense, he is much like the ratty
kitty he claims to be in his interminable signature line ... he
wanders about and stops occassionally at the stoop here to spray and
defecate, then moves on and is gone for a few days or so ... no doubt
spraying, defecating and retching up hairballs elsewhere ... then
returns to mark his "territory" again. I realise he is little more
than a malodorous nusiance, but a nuisance nevertheless."

HMS Victor Victorian, pedophile,
"Warning to all:
Steve Leyland is a trolling twat of the highest order. Killfile the
muppet now and move on. Even the briefest of searches on his past
UseNet posts will reveal the truth. You have been warned. plonk "

"I didn't delete any part of your meaningless, pointless, worthless
post in order to clearly demonstrate that you are the nemesis of
Usenet: the crossposting, non-editing, diagram-creating worthless,
dickless, brainless, gutless, mindless, ball-less, spineless, flaccid,
obese, fish-belly pale, ugly, VD-ridden, moronic, bald, hunch-backed,
flat-footed, odoriferous, obnoxious, fecal-smelling, buck-toothed,
physically handicapped, fungus-infected, HIV positive, mud-packing,
masturbating, whining, simpering, self-important, arrogant, egomaniacal
POS that takes up more bandwidth than a despicable binary-poster, and
for no apparent reason beyond seeing his own defecatory vomitus
slithering down the screen in vile green rivulets."

Admiral Halsey, alt.sailing.asa
"I went to the Garden of Love,
And saw what I never had seen;
A Chapel was built in the midst,
Where I used to play on the green.

And the gates of this Chapel were shut
And "Thou shalt not," writ over the door;
So I turned to the Garden of Love
That so many sweet flowers bore.

And I saw it was filled with graves,
And tombstones where flowers should be;
And priests in black gowns were walking their rounds,
And binding with briars my joys and desires."

William Blake.
?Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this
right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to
seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and
regardless of frontiers.? Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
article 19.
"When the Earth has been ravaged and the animals are dying, a tribe of
people from all races, creeds and colours shall put their faith in
deeds, not words, and make the land green again. They shall be known as
Warriors of the Rainbow, protectors of the environment."

|\ _.-'~~""'~`'~)
/, ~-,__,,,.'~ ,-;;--''
|,4) ./ ' ; ;/'
'-~~;'@ ( ; ;
_.--'' _.-_..' .;.'
(,_..----''' (,..--''

Steve Leyland wrote:

> Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called Tim
> Weaver stirred from its deep slumber and pronounced to usenet:
>: Steve Leyland wrote:
>: : Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called
>: : Daedalus stirred from its deep slumber and pronounced to usenet:
>: :
>: : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 12:53:47 -0700, Aratzio
>: : : <> wrote:
>: : :
>: : : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 15:31:48 -0400, in
>: : : : alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Daedalus
>: : : : <> bloviated:
>: : : :
>: : : :
>: : : : : You cannot refuse. It's my ass we're talking about here.
>: : : :
>: : : : Tell us more about your ass.
>: : :
>: : : Pale, small, has a split down the middle.
>: :
>: : only small? damb. I liek big butts and I cannot lie...
>: Is it because you like the gravitational pull?
> welp it sure as hell isn't coz I like rap music.

I'm getting a little bit of a "it rubs the lotion on it's skin or else it
gets the hose, again" vib coming from over your way.
Tim Weaver

"Usenet is like a herd of performing elephants with diarrhea - massive,
difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind-
boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it."

- Gene Spafford, 1992
On Aug 16, 11:15?am, Tim Weaver <> wrote:

nothing on thsubject
Aratzio wrote:
> On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 05:43:33 +0100, in the land of
> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, "Steve Leyland"
> <> got double secret
> probation for writing:
>>Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called Aratzio
>>stirred from its deep slumber and pronounced to usenet:
>>: On Thu, 14 Aug 2008 08:28:00 GMT, in
>>: alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Snarky
>>: <popesnarky@caballista.organ> bloviated:
>>: : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 20:36:07 -0500, Tim Weaver wrote these lies,
>>: : denials, arrogant assertions, erroneous presuppositions, and/or
>>: : obfuscations:
>>: : : The Black Goat With A Thousand Young wrote:
>>: : : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 18:49:16 -0500, Tim Weaver fixed me with a
>>: : : : beady eye, and foamed wildly:
>>: : : : : an old friend wrote:
>>: : : : : : On Aug 13, 5:43? pm, Tim Weaver wrote:
>>: : : : : : : an old friend wrote:
>>: : : : : : : : On Aug 13, 2:29? pm, Tim Weaver wrote:
>>: : : : : : : : : Daedalus wrote:
>>: : : : : : : : : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 09:49:19 -0500, Tim Weaver
>>: : : : : : : : : : wrote:
>>: : : : : : :
>>: : : : : : : : : : Exactly!
>>: : : : : : :
>>: : : : : : : : : What ~exactly~ does ~exactly~ mean? ? This is crap. ?
>>: : : : : : : : : I refuse to co nti nue in this thread! please do
>>: : : : : : : : : refuse to continue
>>: : : : : : :
>>: : : : : : : I refuse. ? And if you must use Google to post, make sure
>>: : : : : : : you get the qu otes correct. ? OK? ? Now, go play. ?
>>: : : : : : : There must be a train track, intersta te or heavy
>>: : : : : : : machinery close by.
>>: : : : : : :
>>: : : : : : still wating asshole go away or be shown a lair as well
>>: : : : :
>>: : : : : I don't even know what that means. Your usage, syntax and
>>: : : : : punctuation of the English language is truly extraordinary.
>>: : : : : The mind, she boggles.
>>: : : :
>>: : : : He's dyslexic...Also a victim of bi-/homophobia on
>>: : : :, which is what this thread is about.
>>: : :
>>: : : Well, I'm certainly glad the thread found it's way to the flonk.
>>: : : Otherwise, I would have missed out on all teh fun.
>>: :
>>: : Blame 'Ratz. It's what he's for.
>>: I am getting a little peeved lately, Adam Kerman from alt.config is
>>: getting a lot of blame.
>>that swine.

> It's the bowties.

Tried any good Shiraz, lately?
On Aug 16, 1:23?pm, an old freind <> wrote:
> On Aug 16, 11:15?am, Tim Weaver <> wrote:
> nothing on thsubject
On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 17:03:43 -0400, in the land of
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, ah <> got
double secret probation for writing:

>Aratzio wrote:
>> On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 05:43:33 +0100, in the land of
>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, "Steve Leyland"
>> <> got double secret
>> probation for writing:
>>>Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called Aratzio
>>>stirred from its deep slumber and pronounced to usenet:
>>>: On Thu, 14 Aug 2008 08:28:00 GMT, in
>>>: alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Snarky
>>>: <popesnarky@caballista.organ> bloviated:
>>>: : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 20:36:07 -0500, Tim Weaver wrote these lies,
>>>: : denials, arrogant assertions, erroneous presuppositions, and/or
>>>: : obfuscations:
>>>: : : The Black Goat With A Thousand Young wrote:
>>>: : : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 18:49:16 -0500, Tim Weaver fixed me with a
>>>: : : : beady eye, and foamed wildly:
>>>: : : : : an old friend wrote:
>>>: : : : : : On Aug 13, 5:43? pm, Tim Weaver wrote:
>>>: : : : : : : an old friend wrote:
>>>: : : : : : : : On Aug 13, 2:29? pm, Tim Weaver wrote:
>>>: : : : : : : : : Daedalus wrote:
>>>: : : : : : : : : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 09:49:19 -0500, Tim Weaver
>>>: : : : : : : : : : wrote:
>>>: : : : : : :
>>>: : : : : : : : : : Exactly!
>>>: : : : : : :
>>>: : : : : : : : : What ~exactly~ does ~exactly~ mean? ? This is crap. ?
>>>: : : : : : : : : I refuse to co nti nue in this thread! please do
>>>: : : : : : : : : refuse to continue
>>>: : : : : : :
>>>: : : : : : : I refuse. ? And if you must use Google to post, make sure
>>>: : : : : : : you get the qu otes correct. ? OK? ? Now, go play. ?
>>>: : : : : : : There must be a train track, intersta te or heavy
>>>: : : : : : : machinery close by.
>>>: : : : : : :
>>>: : : : : : still wating asshole go away or be shown a lair as well
>>>: : : : :
>>>: : : : : I don't even know what that means. Your usage, syntax and
>>>: : : : : punctuation of the English language is truly extraordinary.
>>>: : : : : The mind, she boggles.
>>>: : : :
>>>: : : : He's dyslexic...Also a victim of bi-/homophobia on
>>>: : : :, which is what this thread is about.
>>>: : :
>>>: : : Well, I'm certainly glad the thread found it's way to the flonk.
>>>: : : Otherwise, I would have missed out on all teh fun.
>>>: :
>>>: : Blame 'Ratz. It's what he's for.
>>>: I am getting a little peeved lately, Adam Kerman from alt.config is
>>>: getting a lot of blame.
>>>that swine.

>> It's the bowties.

>Tried any good Shiraz, lately?

Rosenblum is making some eally good Syrah.


A Number 1, Grade A, Prime USDA 'Ratz
Accept No Substitute
In article <>, Aratzio

> On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 17:03:43 -0400, in the land of
> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, ah <> got
> double secret probation for writing:
> >Aratzio wrote:
> >> On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 05:43:33 +0100, in the land of
> >> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, "Steve Leyland"
> >> <> got double secret
> >> probation for writing:
> >>
> >>>Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called Aratzio
> >>>stirred from its deep slumber and pronounced to usenet:
> >>>
> >>>: On Thu, 14 Aug 2008 08:28:00 GMT, in
> >>>: alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Snarky
> >>>: <popesnarky@caballista.organ> bloviated:
> >>>:
> >>>: : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 20:36:07 -0500, Tim Weaver wrote these lies,
> >>>: : denials, arrogant assertions, erroneous presuppositions, and/or
> >>>: : obfuscations:
> >>>: : : The Black Goat With A Thousand Young wrote:
> >>>: : : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 18:49:16 -0500, Tim Weaver fixed me with a
> >>>: : : : beady eye, and foamed wildly:
> >>>: : : : : an old friend wrote:
> >>>: : : : : : On Aug 13, 5:43? pm, Tim Weaver wrote:
> >>>: : : : : : : an old friend wrote:
> >>>: : : : : : : : On Aug 13, 2:29? pm, Tim Weaver wrote:
> >>>: : : : : : : : : Daedalus wrote:
> >>>: : : : : : : : : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 09:49:19 -0500, Tim Weaver
> >>>: : : : : : : : : : wrote:
> >>>: : : : : : :
> >>>: : : : : : : : : : Exactly!
> >>>: : : : : : :
> >>>: : : : : : : : : What ~exactly~ does ~exactly~ mean? ? This is crap.. ?
> >>>: : : : : : : : : I refuse to co nti nue in this thread! please do
> >>>: : : : : : : : : refuse to continue
> >>>: : : : : : :
> >>>: : : : : : : I refuse. ? And if you must use Google to post, make sure
> >>>: : : : : : : you get the qu otes correct. ? OK? ? Now, go play. ?
> >>>: : : : : : : There must be a train track, intersta te or heavy
> >>>: : : : : : : machinery close by.
> >>>: : : : : : :
> >>>: : : : : : still wating asshole go away or be shown a lair as well
> >>>: : : : :
> >>>: : : : : I don't even know what that means. Your usage, syntax and
> >>>: : : : : punctuation of the English language is truly extraordinary.
> >>>: : : : : The mind, she boggles.
> >>>: : : :
> >>>: : : : He's dyslexic...Also a victim of bi-/homophobia on
> >>>: : : :, which is what this thread is about.
> >>>: : :
> >>>: : : Well, I'm certainly glad the thread found it's way to the flonk.
> >>>: : : Otherwise, I would have missed out on all teh fun.
> >>>: :
> >>>: : Blame 'Ratz. It's what he's for.
> >>>:
> >>>: I am getting a little peeved lately, Adam Kerman from alt.config is
> >>>: getting a lot of blame.
> >>>
> >>>that swine.
> >>
> >> It's the bowties.

> >
> >Tried any good Shiraz, lately?

> Rosenblum is making some eally good Syrah.

Rosenblum is good, but the best syrahs in California (and maybe the
world) are the Ojai single vineyard wines. Their Whitehawk may be the
single best red wine I've ever had, regardless of varietal.


"Tis an ill wind that blows no minds"
In article <>, Aratzio

> On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 17:42:56 -0700, in the land of
> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, CovvTseTung
> <> got double secret probation for writing:
> >In article <>, Aratzio
> >says...
> >
> >> On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 17:03:43 -0400, in the land of
> >> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, ah <> got
> >> double secret probation for writing:
> >>
> >> >Aratzio wrote:
> >> >> On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 05:43:33 +0100, in the land of
> >> >> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, "Steve Leyland"
> >> >> <> got double secret
> >> >> probation for writing:
> >> >>
> >> >>>Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called Aratzio
> >> >>>stirred from its deep slumber and pronounced to usenet:
> >> >>>
> >> >>>: On Thu, 14 Aug 2008 08:28:00 GMT, in
> >> >>>: alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Snarky
> >> >>>: <popesnarky@caballista.organ> bloviated:
> >> >>>:
> >> >>>: : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 20:36:07 -0500, Tim Weaver wrote these lies,
> >> >>>: : denials, arrogant assertions, erroneous presuppositions, and/or
> >> >>>: : obfuscations:
> >> >>>: : : The Black Goat With A Thousand Young wrote:
> >> >>>: : : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 18:49:16 -0500, Tim Weaver fixed me with a
> >> >>>: : : : beady eye, and foamed wildly:
> >> >>>: : : : : an old friend wrote:
> >> >>>: : : : : : On Aug 13, 5:43? pm, Tim Weaver wrote:
> >> >>>: : : : : : : an old friend wrote:
> >> >>>: : : : : : : : On Aug 13, 2:29? pm, Tim Weaver wrote:
> >> >>>: : : : : : : : : Daedalus wrote:
> >> >>>: : : : : : : : : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 09:49:19 -0500, Tim Weaver
> >> >>>: : : : : : : : : : wrote:
> >> >>>: : : : : : :
> >> >>>: : : : : : : : : : Exactly!
> >> >>>: : : : : : :
> >> >>>: : : : : : : : : What ~exactly~ does ~exactly~ mean? ? This is crap. ?
> >> >>>: : : : : : : : : I refuse to co nti nue in this thread! please do
> >> >>>: : : : : : : : : refuse to continue
> >> >>>: : : : : : :
> >> >>>: : : : : : : I refuse. ? And if you must use Google to post, make sure
> >> >>>: : : : : : : you get the qu otes correct. ? OK? ? Now, go play.. ?
> >> >>>: : : : : : : There must be a train track, intersta te or heavy
> >> >>>: : : : : : : machinery close by.
> >> >>>: : : : : : :
> >> >>>: : : : : : still wating asshole go away or be shown a lair as well
> >> >>>: : : : :
> >> >>>: : : : : I don't even know what that means. Your usage, syntax and
> >> >>>: : : : : punctuation of the English language is truly extraordinary.
> >> >>>: : : : : The mind, she boggles.
> >> >>>: : : :
> >> >>>: : : : He's dyslexic...Also a victim of bi-/homophobia on
> >> >>>: : : :, which is what this thread is about.
> >> >>>: : :
> >> >>>: : : Well, I'm certainly glad the thread found it's way to the flonk.
> >> >>>: : : Otherwise, I would have missed out on all teh fun.
> >> >>>: :
> >> >>>: : Blame 'Ratz. It's what he's for.
> >> >>>:
> >> >>>: I am getting a little peeved lately, Adam Kerman from alt.config is
> >> >>>: getting a lot of blame.
> >> >>>
> >> >>>that swine.
> >> >>
> >> >> It's the bowties.
> >> >
> >> >Tried any good Shiraz, lately?
> >>
> >> Rosenblum is making some eally good Syrah.
> >>
> >>

> >
> >Rosenblum is good, but the best syrahs in California (and maybe the
> >world) are the Ojai single vineyard wines. Their Whitehawk may be the
> >single best red wine I've ever had, regardless of varietal.

> Not that long ago Californoia syrah was crap. Now that may be the best
> wine produced in the state. There are some seriously good Syrah.

Some of the Aussie shiraz is hard to beat in the $20 price range, but I
think our high end is better than theirs.

Lessee, I've got some JC Cellars, Fess Parker, and Lagier Meredith,
plus Mitolo from down under.


"Tis an ill wind that blows no minds"
On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 19:29:51 -0700, in the land of
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, CovvTseTung
<> got double secret probation for writing:

>In article <>, Aratzio
>> On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 17:42:56 -0700, in the land of
>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, CovvTseTung
>> <> got double secret probation for writing:
>> >In article <>, Aratzio
>> >says...
>> >
>> >> On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 17:03:43 -0400, in the land of
>> >> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, ah <> got
>> >> double secret probation for writing:
>> >>
>> >> >Aratzio wrote:
>> >> >> On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 05:43:33 +0100, in the land of
>> >> >> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, "Steve Leyland"
>> >> >> <> got double secret
>> >> >> probation for writing:
>> >> >>
>> >> >>>Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called Aratzio
>> >> >>>stirred from its deep slumber and pronounced to usenet:
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>>: On Thu, 14 Aug 2008 08:28:00 GMT, in
>> >> >>>: alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Snarky
>> >> >>>: <popesnarky@caballista.organ> bloviated:
>> >> >>>:
>> >> >>>: : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 20:36:07 -0500, Tim Weaver wrote these lies,
>> >> >>>: : denials, arrogant assertions, erroneous presuppositions, and/or
>> >> >>>: : obfuscations:
>> >> >>>: : : The Black Goat With A Thousand Young wrote:
>> >> >>>: : : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 18:49:16 -0500, Tim Weaver fixed me with a
>> >> >>>: : : : beady eye, and foamed wildly:
>> >> >>>: : : : : an old friend wrote:
>> >> >>>: : : : : : On Aug 13, 5:43? pm, Tim Weaver wrote:
>> >> >>>: : : : : : : an old friend wrote:
>> >> >>>: : : : : : : : On Aug 13, 2:29? pm, Tim Weaver wrote:
>> >> >>>: : : : : : : : : Daedalus wrote:
>> >> >>>: : : : : : : : : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 09:49:19 -0500, Tim Weaver
>> >> >>>: : : : : : : : : : wrote:
>> >> >>>: : : : : : :
>> >> >>>: : : : : : : : : : Exactly!
>> >> >>>: : : : : : :
>> >> >>>: : : : : : : : : What ~exactly~ does ~exactly~ mean? ? This is crap. ?
>> >> >>>: : : : : : : : : I refuse to co nti nue in this thread! please do
>> >> >>>: : : : : : : : : refuse to continue
>> >> >>>: : : : : : :
>> >> >>>: : : : : : : I refuse. ? And if you must use Google to post, make sure
>> >> >>>: : : : : : : you get the qu otes correct. ? OK? ? Now, go play. ?
>> >> >>>: : : : : : : There must be a train track, intersta te or heavy
>> >> >>>: : : : : : : machinery close by.
>> >> >>>: : : : : : :
>> >> >>>: : : : : : still wating asshole go away or be shown a lair as well
>> >> >>>: : : : :
>> >> >>>: : : : : I don't even know what that means. Your usage, syntax and
>> >> >>>: : : : : punctuation of the English language is truly extraordinary.
>> >> >>>: : : : : The mind, she boggles.
>> >> >>>: : : :
>> >> >>>: : : : He's dyslexic...Also a victim of bi-/homophobia on
>> >> >>>: : : :, which is what this thread is about.
>> >> >>>: : :
>> >> >>>: : : Well, I'm certainly glad the thread found it's way to the flonk.
>> >> >>>: : : Otherwise, I would have missed out on all teh fun.
>> >> >>>: :
>> >> >>>: : Blame 'Ratz. It's what he's for.
>> >> >>>:
>> >> >>>: I am getting a little peeved lately, Adam Kerman from alt.config is
>> >> >>>: getting a lot of blame.
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>>that swine.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> It's the bowties.
>> >> >
>> >> >Tried any good Shiraz, lately?
>> >>
>> >> Rosenblum is making some eally good Syrah.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >Rosenblum is good, but the best syrahs in California (and maybe the
>> >world) are the Ojai single vineyard wines. Their Whitehawk may be the
>> >single best red wine I've ever had, regardless of varietal.

>> Not that long ago Californoia syrah was crap. Now that may be the best
>> wine produced in the state. There are some seriously good Syrah.

>Some of the Aussie shiraz is hard to beat in the $20 price range, but I
>think our high end is better than theirs.
>Lessee, I've got some JC Cellars, Fess Parker, and Lagier Meredith,
>plus Mitolo from down under.

Several Rosenblum of various vineyards
Lazy Creek (hand numbered and I am required to cellar for 3-5 years


A Number 1, Grade A, Prime USDA 'Ratz
Accept No Substitute
On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 17:42:56 -0700, in the land of
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, CovvTseTung
<> got double secret probation for writing:

>In article <>, Aratzio
>> On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 17:03:43 -0400, in the land of
>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, ah <> got
>> double secret probation for writing:
>> >Aratzio wrote:
>> >> On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 05:43:33 +0100, in the land of
>> >> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, "Steve Leyland"
>> >> <> got double secret
>> >> probation for writing:
>> >>
>> >>>Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called Aratzio
>> >>>stirred from its deep slumber and pronounced to usenet:
>> >>>
>> >>>: On Thu, 14 Aug 2008 08:28:00 GMT, in
>> >>>: alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Snarky
>> >>>: <popesnarky@caballista.organ> bloviated:
>> >>>:
>> >>>: : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 20:36:07 -0500, Tim Weaver wrote these lies,
>> >>>: : denials, arrogant assertions, erroneous presuppositions, and/or
>> >>>: : obfuscations:
>> >>>: : : The Black Goat With A Thousand Young wrote:
>> >>>: : : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 18:49:16 -0500, Tim Weaver fixed me with a
>> >>>: : : : beady eye, and foamed wildly:
>> >>>: : : : : an old friend wrote:
>> >>>: : : : : : On Aug 13, 5:43? pm, Tim Weaver wrote:
>> >>>: : : : : : : an old friend wrote:
>> >>>: : : : : : : : On Aug 13, 2:29? pm, Tim Weaver wrote:
>> >>>: : : : : : : : : Daedalus wrote:
>> >>>: : : : : : : : : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 09:49:19 -0500, Tim Weaver
>> >>>: : : : : : : : : : wrote:
>> >>>: : : : : : :
>> >>>: : : : : : : : : : Exactly!
>> >>>: : : : : : :
>> >>>: : : : : : : : : What ~exactly~ does ~exactly~ mean? ? This is crap. ?
>> >>>: : : : : : : : : I refuse to co nti nue in this thread! please do
>> >>>: : : : : : : : : refuse to continue
>> >>>: : : : : : :
>> >>>: : : : : : : I refuse. ? And if you must use Google to post, make sure
>> >>>: : : : : : : you get the qu otes correct. ? OK? ? Now, go play. ?
>> >>>: : : : : : : There must be a train track, intersta te or heavy
>> >>>: : : : : : : machinery close by.
>> >>>: : : : : : :
>> >>>: : : : : : still wating asshole go away or be shown a lair as well
>> >>>: : : : :
>> >>>: : : : : I don't even know what that means. Your usage, syntax and
>> >>>: : : : : punctuation of the English language is truly extraordinary.
>> >>>: : : : : The mind, she boggles.
>> >>>: : : :
>> >>>: : : : He's dyslexic...Also a victim of bi-/homophobia on
>> >>>: : : :, which is what this thread is about.
>> >>>: : :
>> >>>: : : Well, I'm certainly glad the thread found it's way to the flonk.
>> >>>: : : Otherwise, I would have missed out on all teh fun.
>> >>>: :
>> >>>: : Blame 'Ratz. It's what he's for.
>> >>>:
>> >>>: I am getting a little peeved lately, Adam Kerman from alt.config is
>> >>>: getting a lot of blame.
>> >>>
>> >>>that swine.
>> >>
>> >> It's the bowties.
>> >
>> >Tried any good Shiraz, lately?

>> Rosenblum is making some eally good Syrah.

>Rosenblum is good, but the best syrahs in California (and maybe the
>world) are the Ojai single vineyard wines. Their Whitehawk may be the
>single best red wine I've ever had, regardless of varietal.

Not that long ago Californoia syrah was crap. Now that may be the best
wine produced in the state. There are some seriously good Syrah.


A Number 1, Grade A, Prime USDA 'Ratz
Accept No Substitute
Aratzio wrote:
> On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 17:03:43 -0400, in the land of
> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, ah <> got
> double secret probation for writing:
>>Aratzio wrote:
>>> On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 05:43:33 +0100, in the land of
>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, "Steve Leyland"
>>> <> got double secret
>>> probation for writing:
>>>>Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called Aratzio
>>>>stirred from its deep slumber and pronounced to usenet:
>>>>: On Thu, 14 Aug 2008 08:28:00 GMT, in
>>>>: alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Snarky
>>>>: <popesnarky@caballista.organ> bloviated:
>>>>: : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 20:36:07 -0500, Tim Weaver wrote these lies,
>>>>: : denials, arrogant assertions, erroneous presuppositions, and/or
>>>>: : obfuscations:
>>>>: : : The Black Goat With A Thousand Young wrote:
>>>>: : : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 18:49:16 -0500, Tim Weaver fixed me with a
>>>>: : : : beady eye, and foamed wildly:
>>>>: : : : : an old friend wrote:
>>>>: : : : : : On Aug 13, 5:43? pm, Tim Weaver wrote:
>>>>: : : : : : : an old friend wrote:
>>>>: : : : : : : : On Aug 13, 2:29? pm, Tim Weaver wrote:
>>>>: : : : : : : : : Daedalus wrote:
>>>>: : : : : : : : : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 09:49:19 -0500, Tim Weaver
>>>>: : : : : : : : : : wrote:
>>>>: : : : : : :
>>>>: : : : : : : : : : Exactly!
>>>>: : : : : : :
>>>>: : : : : : : : : What ~exactly~ does ~exactly~ mean? ? This is crap. ?
>>>>: : : : : : : : : I refuse to co nti nue in this thread! please do
>>>>: : : : : : : : : refuse to continue
>>>>: : : : : : :
>>>>: : : : : : : I refuse. ? And if you must use Google to post, make sure
>>>>: : : : : : : you get the qu otes correct. ? OK? ? Now, go play. ?
>>>>: : : : : : : There must be a train track, intersta te or heavy
>>>>: : : : : : : machinery close by.
>>>>: : : : : : :
>>>>: : : : : : still wating asshole go away or be shown a lair as well
>>>>: : : : :
>>>>: : : : : I don't even know what that means. Your usage, syntax and
>>>>: : : : : punctuation of the English language is truly extraordinary.
>>>>: : : : : The mind, she boggles.
>>>>: : : :
>>>>: : : : He's dyslexic...Also a victim of bi-/homophobia on
>>>>: : : :, which is what this thread is about.
>>>>: : :
>>>>: : : Well, I'm certainly glad the thread found it's way to the flonk.
>>>>: : : Otherwise, I would have missed out on all teh fun.
>>>>: :
>>>>: : Blame 'Ratz. It's what he's for.
>>>>: I am getting a little peeved lately, Adam Kerman from alt.config is
>>>>: getting a lot of blame.
>>>>that swine.
>>> It's the bowties.

>>Tried any good Shiraz, lately?

> Rosenblum is making some eally good Syrah.

Hmm . . . is it time to go domestic?

Something upsetting the climate of Australia, lately. Perhaps the Indian
economic boom?
On Sun, 17 Aug 2008 07:48:10 -0400, in the land of
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, ah <> got
double secret probation for writing:

>Aratzio wrote:
>> On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 17:03:43 -0400, in the land of
>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, ah <> got
>> double secret probation for writing:
>>>Aratzio wrote:
>>>> On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 05:43:33 +0100, in the land of
>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, "Steve Leyland"
>>>> <> got double secret
>>>> probation for writing:
>>>>>Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called Aratzio
>>>>>stirred from its deep slumber and pronounced to usenet:
>>>>>: On Thu, 14 Aug 2008 08:28:00 GMT, in
>>>>>: alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Snarky
>>>>>: <popesnarky@caballista.organ> bloviated:
>>>>>: : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 20:36:07 -0500, Tim Weaver wrote these lies,
>>>>>: : denials, arrogant assertions, erroneous presuppositions, and/or
>>>>>: : obfuscations:
>>>>>: : : The Black Goat With A Thousand Young wrote:
>>>>>: : : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 18:49:16 -0500, Tim Weaver fixed me with a
>>>>>: : : : beady eye, and foamed wildly:
>>>>>: : : : : an old friend wrote:
>>>>>: : : : : : On Aug 13, 5:43? pm, Tim Weaver wrote:
>>>>>: : : : : : : an old friend wrote:
>>>>>: : : : : : : : On Aug 13, 2:29? pm, Tim Weaver wrote:
>>>>>: : : : : : : : : Daedalus wrote:
>>>>>: : : : : : : : : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 09:49:19 -0500, Tim Weaver
>>>>>: : : : : : : : : : wrote:
>>>>>: : : : : : :
>>>>>: : : : : : : : : : Exactly!
>>>>>: : : : : : :
>>>>>: : : : : : : : : What ~exactly~ does ~exactly~ mean? ? This is crap. ?
>>>>>: : : : : : : : : I refuse to co nti nue in this thread! please do
>>>>>: : : : : : : : : refuse to continue
>>>>>: : : : : : :
>>>>>: : : : : : : I refuse. ? And if you must use Google to post, make sure
>>>>>: : : : : : : you get the qu otes correct. ? OK? ? Now, go play. ?
>>>>>: : : : : : : There must be a train track, intersta te or heavy
>>>>>: : : : : : : machinery close by.
>>>>>: : : : : : :
>>>>>: : : : : : still wating asshole go away or be shown a lair as well
>>>>>: : : : :
>>>>>: : : : : I don't even know what that means. Your usage, syntax and
>>>>>: : : : : punctuation of the English language is truly extraordinary.
>>>>>: : : : : The mind, she boggles.
>>>>>: : : :
>>>>>: : : : He's dyslexic...Also a victim of bi-/homophobia on
>>>>>: : : :, which is what this thread is about.
>>>>>: : :
>>>>>: : : Well, I'm certainly glad the thread found it's way to the flonk.
>>>>>: : : Otherwise, I would have missed out on all teh fun.
>>>>>: :
>>>>>: : Blame 'Ratz. It's what he's for.
>>>>>: I am getting a little peeved lately, Adam Kerman from alt.config is
>>>>>: getting a lot of blame.
>>>>>that swine.
>>>> It's the bowties.
>>>Tried any good Shiraz, lately?

>> Rosenblum is making some eally good Syrah.

>Hmm . . . is it time to go domestic?
>Something upsetting the climate of Australia, lately. Perhaps the Indian
>economic boom?

I haven't been impressed with much of the wine from Oz. Chile &
Argentina produce better wines.


A Number 1, Grade A, Prime USDA 'Ratz
Accept No Substitute
In article <>, Aratzio

> On Sun, 17 Aug 2008 07:48:10 -0400, in the land of
> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, ah <> got
> double secret probation for writing:
> >Aratzio wrote:
> >> On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 17:03:43 -0400, in the land of
> >> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, ah <> got
> >> double secret probation for writing:
> >>
> >>>Aratzio wrote:
> >>>> On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 05:43:33 +0100, in the land of
> >>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, "Steve Leyland"
> >>>> <> got double secret
> >>>> probation for writing:
> >>>>
> >>>>>Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called Aratzio
> >>>>>stirred from its deep slumber and pronounced to usenet:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>: On Thu, 14 Aug 2008 08:28:00 GMT, in
> >>>>>: alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Snarky
> >>>>>: <popesnarky@caballista.organ> bloviated:
> >>>>>:
> >>>>>: : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 20:36:07 -0500, Tim Weaver wrote these lies,
> >>>>>: : denials, arrogant assertions, erroneous presuppositions, and/or
> >>>>>: : obfuscations:
> >>>>>: : : The Black Goat With A Thousand Young wrote:
> >>>>>: : : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 18:49:16 -0500, Tim Weaver fixed me with a
> >>>>>: : : : beady eye, and foamed wildly:
> >>>>>: : : : : an old friend wrote:
> >>>>>: : : : : : On Aug 13, 5:43? pm, Tim Weaver wrote:
> >>>>>: : : : : : : an old friend wrote:
> >>>>>: : : : : : : : On Aug 13, 2:29? pm, Tim Weaver wrote:
> >>>>>: : : : : : : : : Daedalus wrote:
> >>>>>: : : : : : : : : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 09:49:19 -0500, Tim Weaver
> >>>>>: : : : : : : : : : wrote:
> >>>>>: : : : : : :
> >>>>>: : : : : : : : : : Exactly!
> >>>>>: : : : : : :
> >>>>>: : : : : : : : : What ~exactly~ does ~exactly~ mean? ? This is crap. ?
> >>>>>: : : : : : : : : I refuse to co nti nue in this thread! please do
> >>>>>: : : : : : : : : refuse to continue
> >>>>>: : : : : : :
> >>>>>: : : : : : : I refuse. ? And if you must use Google to post, make sure
> >>>>>: : : : : : : you get the qu otes correct. ? OK? ? Now, go play. ?
> >>>>>: : : : : : : There must be a train track, intersta te or heavy
> >>>>>: : : : : : : machinery close by.
> >>>>>: : : : : : :
> >>>>>: : : : : : still wating asshole go away or be shown a lair as well
> >>>>>: : : : :
> >>>>>: : : : : I don't even know what that means. Your usage, syntax and
> >>>>>: : : : : punctuation of the English language is truly extraordinary..
> >>>>>: : : : : The mind, she boggles.
> >>>>>: : : :
> >>>>>: : : : He's dyslexic...Also a victim of bi-/homophobia on
> >>>>>: : : :, which is what this thread is about..
> >>>>>: : :
> >>>>>: : : Well, I'm certainly glad the thread found it's way to the flonk.
> >>>>>: : : Otherwise, I would have missed out on all teh fun.
> >>>>>: :
> >>>>>: : Blame 'Ratz. It's what he's for.
> >>>>>:
> >>>>>: I am getting a little peeved lately, Adam Kerman from alt.config is
> >>>>>: getting a lot of blame.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>that swine.
> >>>>
> >>>> It's the bowties.
> >>>
> >>>Tried any good Shiraz, lately?
> >>
> >> Rosenblum is making some eally good Syrah.
> >>
> >>

> >
> >Hmm . . . is it time to go domestic?
> >
> >Something upsetting the climate of Australia, lately. Perhaps the Indian
> >economic boom?

> I haven't been impressed with much of the wine from Oz. Chile &
> Argentina produce better wines.

Hmmm. I'm of the opposite mind. I was an 'early adopter' of Chilean
reds, but lately it seems their prices have increased considerably
faster than their quality. And I can't say I'm crazy about malbec.
OTOH, there are a half-dozen Aussie reds under $20 that I consider the
equal of most Napa reds in the $30-40 range.


"Tis an ill wind that blows no minds"
CovvTseTung wrote:
> In article <>, Aratzio
> says...
>> On Sun, 17 Aug 2008 07:48:10 -0400, in the land of
>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, ah <> got
>> double secret probation for writing:
>> >Aratzio wrote:
>> >> On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 17:03:43 -0400, in the land of
>> >> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, ah <> got
>> >> double secret probation for writing:
>> >>
>> >>>Aratzio wrote:
>> >>>> On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 05:43:33 +0100, in the land of
>> >>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, "Steve Leyland"
>> >>>> <> got double secret
>> >>>> probation for writing:
>> >>>>
>> >>>>>Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called Aratzio
>> >>>>>stirred from its deep slumber and pronounced to usenet:
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>: On Thu, 14 Aug 2008 08:28:00 GMT, in
>> >>>>>: alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Snarky
>> >>>>>: <popesnarky@caballista.organ> bloviated:
>> >>>>>:
>> >>>>>: : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 20:36:07 -0500, Tim Weaver wrote these lies,
>> >>>>>: : denials, arrogant assertions, erroneous presuppositions, and/or
>> >>>>>: : obfuscations:
>> >>>>>: : : The Black Goat With A Thousand Young wrote:
>> >>>>>: : : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 18:49:16 -0500, Tim Weaver fixed me with a
>> >>>>>: : : : beady eye, and foamed wildly:
>> >>>>>: : : : : an old friend wrote:
>> >>>>>: : : : : : On Aug 13, 5:43? pm, Tim Weaver wrote:
>> >>>>>: : : : : : : an old friend wrote:
>> >>>>>: : : : : : : : On Aug 13, 2:29? pm, Tim Weaver wrote:
>> >>>>>: : : : : : : : : Daedalus wrote:
>> >>>>>: : : : : : : : : : On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 09:49:19 -0500, Tim Weaver
>> >>>>>: : : : : : : : : : wrote:
>> >>>>>: : : : : : :
>> >>>>>: : : : : : : : : : Exactly!
>> >>>>>: : : : : : :
>> >>>>>: : : : : : : : : What ~exactly~ does ~exactly~ mean? ? This is crap. ?
>> >>>>>: : : : : : : : : I refuse to co nti nue in this thread! please do
>> >>>>>: : : : : : : : : refuse to continue
>> >>>>>: : : : : : :
>> >>>>>: : : : : : : I refuse. ? And if you must use Google to post, make sure
>> >>>>>: : : : : : : you get the qu otes correct. ? OK? ? Now, go play. ?
>> >>>>>: : : : : : : There must be a train track, intersta te or heavy
>> >>>>>: : : : : : : machinery close by.
>> >>>>>: : : : : : :
>> >>>>>: : : : : : still wating asshole go away or be shown a lair as well
>> >>>>>: : : : :
>> >>>>>: : : : : I don't even know what that means. Your usage, syntax and
>> >>>>>: : : : : punctuation of the English language is truly extraordinary.
>> >>>>>: : : : : The mind, she boggles.
>> >>>>>: : : :
>> >>>>>: : : : He's dyslexic...Also a victim of bi-/homophobia on
>> >>>>>: : : :, which is what this thread is about.
>> >>>>>: : :
>> >>>>>: : : Well, I'm certainly glad the thread found it's way to the flonk.
>> >>>>>: : : Otherwise, I would have missed out on all teh fun.
>> >>>>>: :
>> >>>>>: : Blame 'Ratz. It's what he's for.
>> >>>>>:
>> >>>>>: I am getting a little peeved lately, Adam Kerman from alt.config is
>> >>>>>: getting a lot of blame.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>that swine.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> It's the bowties.
>> >>>
>> >>>Tried any good Shiraz, lately?
>> >>
>> >> Rosenblum is making some eally good Syrah.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >Hmm . . . is it time to go domestic?
>> >
>> >Something upsetting the climate of Australia, lately. Perhaps the Indian
>> >economic boom?

>> I haven't been impressed with much of the wine from Oz. Chile &
>> Argentina produce better wines.

> Hmmm. I'm of the opposite mind. I was an 'early adopter' of Chilean
> reds, but lately it seems their prices have increased considerably
> faster than their quality. And I can't say I'm crazy about malbec.
> OTOH, there are a half-dozen Aussie reds under $20 that I consider the
> equal of most Napa reds in the $30-40 range.

Red, is red, is red, no?

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